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Figured I would post a few pics of my Ht...in the pics I couldn't get the RB-61II surrrounds in the pic so I just left them out LOL!!

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Left side of front sound-stage:

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RB-61 (getting Rb-61II in 2 days to replace these) Height speaker:

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RC-64II Center speaker (My favorite LOL!):

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Great looking room Rob. Dude, there is some serious optical illusion going on in your photos. I was going to ask why the RF-7's are taking second fiddle to the RF-82ii's in your room until I saw they are both RF-82ii's. The wides look "wider" than the front speakers. I'm guessing it's because of your wide angle lens maybe. Anywho...great looking room.

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Great looking room Rob. Dude, there is some serious optical illusion going on in your photos. I was going to ask why the RF-7's are taking second fiddle to the RF-82ii's in your room until I saw they are both RF-82ii's. The wides look "wider" than the front speakers. I'm guessing it's because of your wide angle lens maybe. Anywho...great looking room.

LOL!!! The lens is a wide angle 10-22 so it makes it seem that way....now only if it would really hppen LOL!!!
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cornfedksboy, I had sound before the movers left the house and I'm not going to let a little construction stop me now.. I'll just move them to the other end of our long basement. Hope you are fine. I loved KS when I used to travel through it driving a big truck. Thanks, Nic

LOL. Let me guess...you set your cruise control on 70 and tied the steering well in place and just went to sleep for about 7 hours? I-70 to Colorado is a horribly long (and straight) drive.

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