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My beloved Dachsund is gone.....


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....I cannot believe it. Saucy was with me through thick and thin for eighteen years and now she is gone, I had to put her down. She was a great, sweet dog and she will be missed but never forgotten.

She was blind and deaf but otherwise in pretty decent health, but I could see she was no longer happy. It was a long, hard decision for me to make. I believe she is now back to running in the grass with the sun shining down on her.

RIP my little girl.




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I am so sorry, a year and a few months was when my cockerspaniel died. I still do miss her and her 9 years on earth. She was a dumb dog but she was my dog.... I mean dumb as in does stupid acts but that does not mean there was no love. It does get better as time passes though. Everytime I go by the animal section at the supermarket I still think of grabbing some dog treats and remember..... oh wait........

I mean when I come home I wait to hear her scratching at the door and barking that your home.....

I do again regret your loss. And I give you my deepest sympathy. Now I live in a house with no dogs allowed....

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Got 2 of the buggers awaiting for me with the Mrs.: All in the bed. They are LuLu and Precious AKA Boney and Wide. You become their pride and joy and they are yours. Through thick, thin and thicker they accompany you religiously and without question or hesitation. I've taken the pathway of extraordinary treatment with older or sick pets. They do not understand the pain and would go on with it for you until they simply expired. It isn't fair to have them suffer. What you did was the right choice and a very hard one. Do not lament and treat your sorrow with a good dose of puppy and enjoy another lifetime of love.

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I had to put down my 14 year old male boxer, and trust me, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I still get teary eyed when I think of him, I miss him, and always will. I have since gotten a female boxer from a dog pound, and she is great, and has helped alot. I know that I will always have a dog, what's not to like; unconditional love; happy to see me every time I come home; and doesn't have her paw in my wallet all the time? I am very sorry for your loss, you made a choice of love, and did the right thing. If you chose to get another dog, please consider taking one from your local shelter, or dog rescue, there are so many unwanted pets out there, the shelters are full, and the animals need our help.

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Thank you so much gentlemen, for your fine sentiments and kind thoughts. It was/has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. This has not been one of my/our best years so far. Saucy was a true and loyal friend that always had an unwavering Love for me and I her.

I am not the only one it has been difficult for. Our wonderful seven year old male Golden named Riley seems to be mourning her as well. It is weird, but I guess she was kind of like a mother to him. Now we have to give him all the Love and attention we can. He is truly and absolutely one of the great all time dogs.

Thanks again guys!




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You did the hardest thing there is to do. You showed Saucy how much you loved her when you decided to end her suffering. That is a cruel wrenching rip our our insides when we have to do it but it is truely an act of love. We have an 11 year old Malinois and when her time comes It will be the hardest thing I will have to do. She survived cancer and is still our faithful happy friend. I feel for your loss.


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I'm sorry about your loss!! It is always hard when you have to loss a family member.

My parents had a Dachsund named Spike J Rambo that we had to put down after 14 years. He was a great dog and friend.

I knew a woman who made a jorunal for each pet after it passed on. She would find pictures, put any videos on a CD, and write any stories about the pet in the jorunal. It was her way of dealing with the loss and remembering her friend.

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Thank you all ever so much for your kind thoughts and sentiments, greatly appreciated. It has been a difficult time. I do know without a doubt I did the absolute best thing for Saucy, but it still hurts. Things are getting a little more tolerable each day. I'll hang on to all the fond memories and I am much better for having had her in my life.

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