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My Sony ES receiver caught on FIRE!!!!


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So it really is true. Stupid is as stupid does. Forest, if you can handle the truth feel free to e-mail me at boodybum@aol.com. I will be more than happy to enlighten you with facts. If not then I'm sure I'll see the cliche regurgitated ditto head rhetoric. Going into detailed discussions here will be way off topic for this board.


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Off topic, disco? Where is the connection between slaming our current president at this trying time, Clinton and Disco?

Cant put one of your facts on a public forum? Cant come up with one thing good Clinton did? Dont want to continue your stupidity in public? Cop out!


go forth & hump the world

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I'm not sure who dirtied your cornflakes lately, but the personal attacks are NOT needed here. I'm all for debate (heck, that's what makes this forum fun) but it seems your debating has turned into plain mudslinging, and that is starting an ugly trend.

You harp on the ears for not presenting specs to back his claims, but I have not seen any from you in your tirades either. Settle down, listen to some music and LIGHTEN UP!


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Originally posted by discorules:

Like so many things, we didn't appreciate the good we had until we begin to experience some real crap. As a President Clinton supporter, I think more people will realize how good things were during his term.

Yes, I'm sure all the people in NYC and the families of those who lost their lives in the WTC are so very happy that Clinton stood idle and never seriously took on Bin Laden after his numerous attacks (towards US citizens) during the Clinton administration. Willie was too busy playing with the intern (and who knows who else) to do his job. As time moves on, I'm sure history will tell just how dirty and corrupt he and his administration was!

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Originally posted by PhilH:


I'm not sure who dirtied your cornflakes lately, but the personal attacks are NOT needed here. I'm all for debate (heck, that's what makes this forum fun) but it seems your debating has turned into plain mudslinging, and that is starting an ugly trend.

I find it odd that you single out forrestthump when others have been mudslinging too. For instance:


Originally posted by TheEAR:


Dear F.Dumb



Originally posted by discorules:

So it really is true. Stupid is as stupid does.


It is that you agree with the views of TheEAR and discorules so you choose to leave out of it? It sure appears that way to me.

This message has been edited by STL on 11-28-2001 at 09:40 AM

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To set the record straight, I do not agree with ANYONE slamming ANYONE personally. I should have not just targeted Forresthump in that post, because there have been others who have started their own blasts and others who have blasted back (most of who I have addressed). Just trying to keep some peace here gang...


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Originally posted by forresthump:

Thanks StLouie and PhilH for the retraction.

We must really Watch out for the liberals & communists from now on. They are the allies of terrorism. They are our "seeds of our own destruction" Watch how fast their true patriotism desolves.

Sorry Phil. I just have respond to this.

Forrest. I don't know if you personally responded to me but since I see your comments here here I have to respond.

You mentioned I attacked Bush. I did not in these posts. Though I'm opposed to him and have publicly attacked him, even now, I don't do it at this site. I merely stated that the country was generally in better shape a year ago. We were not at war, our economy was not in recession, in fact Greenspan was fearful of an over heated economy, etc. The fact that you infered that Bush is responsible is perhaps indicative of some true feelings you harbor.

As for the commie liberal thing. I am proud to be liberal. Not in the narrow conservative talk rhetoric often prescribed to liberals but in the dictionary sense. Feel free to look up the word. If one chooses to be like myself, or communist or republican or whatever, it is their choosing. I think it's still a free country. The fact that we are free to express different ideological views are part of the democratic ideals in this nation. These are the sorts of things I base patriotism on. Not forming enemies list and scapegoating dissenters as terrorist or unpatriotic. If this is the sort of America you prefer then I like many would strongly object.

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Disco, I dont think anybody with any sense would doubt that you implied that things have gone bad with bush and that such a statement at this time is just as foolish as it ever would be. Shows how much you know about how gov functions. Unless you have gone out and done your own investigating then your "Facts" come only

from a biased liberal media. I respect our freedoms like that of the press but not the press forming their own policy and politics by the WAY they cover things.

Anybody with any sense would also know that a pres on the job for only a few months cannot be blamed for failed long term policy. For christ sake the guy hasnt

even had a chance to screw up yet Smile.gif Although He's done more for the immediate good in just the few months than Willie did in his entire 8 years LOL. The fact you brought up Willie the WAY you did in the first place shows that you are the one on the defensive for HIM.

Let's look at a good recent example. Who were the people screaming for political correctness and pacifism

in the humane treatment of the foreigners in Kanduz? The liberals and Liberal Press. Now they are the ones screaming on their front pages that a CIA is killed in combat when it was their ways that allowed it to happen

in the 1st place. The Alliance forces would have killed them on the spot but became kind of hard with the Liberal press hounding. Well the foreign terrorists there took advantage of that weakness just like they will continue to do. The liberals think inhumane people should be treated humanely. God am I glad this political correctness and the days of governing in hindsight with the polls ala Willie are gone.

With Military tribunals the communist Leahy screams while defending the lawyers money while Bin Lauden instructs his troops to kill themselves instead of face such a tribunal. Tribunals Seems pretty effective to me.

I can only imagine your facts include that Gore really won FLA or that the whole terrorist attack was planned by the Bush administration. You are whacked out to even say what you said on an audio forum. The people are wising up to how destrucive leftist democrats really are. I did a long time ago and I am just a libertarian.


go forth & hump the world

This message has been edited by forresthump on 11-28-2001 at 03:44 PM

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SLAM! Forrest! SLAM!

Ya know, I like the older Funkadelic stuff.

I'm no disco fan by no means, but I respect

the music, kinda like 'old school' country western.

But to this day I still thank god that my sister

saved me from Disco way back when in the late Seventies.

'Please listen to the Aerosmith album, Mike, Please?'

And speaking of other Has-beens is Clinton and the

Clintonoid adminstation.

Gee, what would they have done concerning the Sept 11


Like they did for 8 years, Nothing.

Ain't no Bush fan, but at least he's doing something about it.

Here, I'll try to get this somewhat back on topic.

What audio products are out there that are just

as big a liers as Bill Clinton?



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OK. It seems you guys wanna go there.

Forrest initially asked to put some facts on a public forum on what good thing(s) President Clinton did. OK.

1) In the 1993 Economic Plan, Clinton cut taxes for lower income Americans and small businesses while only raising taxes on 1% of the wealthiest tax payers.

2) President Clinton signed into law the largest deficit reduction plan in history. This brought down the deficit 3 years in a row. Not even Reagan can claim that.

3) Cut federal spending by over $200 billion over 5 years.

4) Despite the sky is falling arguments from republicans, raised the minimum wage which inevitably raises the level for all American workers. Guess what, the sky didn't fall. The economy continued to flourish and the market continued its upswing.

5) Opened foreign markets through the signing and agreements of NAFTA, GATT, APEC etc.

These are just some of the economic policies that benefited Americans during his tenure. The eventual surpluses spent on tax rebates were used by Bush. Prior to 9/11, the talk was how to pay for these tax rebates because we then faced deficits for the first time in many years.

Despite all the talk about how the economy would thrive under a republican or that the economy thrived in spite of President Clinton, that argument is now ridiculous. If that were all true we should be experiencing unprecedented economic prosperity. Unless you've been in a cave they officially stated we are now in a recession. The first time in ten years or the last time a Bush was in.

In terms of our security here, Clinton/Reno thwarted attempts by terrorist to bomb the tunnels and bridges of New York and millennium plots at the Space Needle. Where was Bush's team. In fact the CIA had warned Bush's FBI people about the possibilities of upcoming terrorism prior to 9/11.

The suggestion that Clinton could have done more against Bin Laden is laughable coming from republicans. When he attempted to address the terrorism abroad, every right wing nut came out of their bunkers talking about "wag the dog." These conservatives in congress and in the media were more interested in looking for Bill Clinton's semen up the skirt of every American woman.

Needless to say he had no congressional support, however he did attempt to get Bin Laden through missiles and covert operations.

As for Florida, the count depended on your point of view. Certainly if all the votes were counted, Gore won Florida. The narrow counts would have given Bush the win there. I will say that despite all of that, the officials in Florida had no intentions of letting Gore take the state anyway. Just in terms of sheer numbers, Gore had more people voting for him than Bush. So clearly most Americans believed Gore to be the better man.

Forrest you've made what I considered some pretty asinine assertions like the "liberal press" aiding the cause of the death of a CIA agent. What is that? I didn't know our press had that kinda juice with the Taliban.

You then went into this thing about inhumane treatment for those who may be our enemies. Well, I still believe we are a nation of laws. It is just as, if not more important to show moral and ethical might as it is military. If we are to truly show the way to the rest of the world, we cannot sink to depravity. Those men who bomb the WTC were prosecuted and all found guilty and are punished to the fullest extent of the law. This should still be a nation of laws, not secret military tribunals. Several months back, an American faced secret military tribunals in Peru and we argued strongly against it. What would be our position internationally now. As of this writing, Spain has several suspects that they will not turn over because of Bush's secret military tribunal.

Yea, I'm whacked out if I favor prosperity over recession, peace over war, freedom over fascism, the rule of law and fairness over expediency and so on.

Yes I dare say the emperor has no clothes. If conservatives don't like it, tough. They spent 8 years calling President Clinton everything but a child a god. To hear them whining when their boy gets critiqued pleases me no end.


This message has been edited by discorules on 11-28-2001 at 08:58 PM

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Originally posted by discorules:

As for Florida, the count depended on your point of view. Certainly if all the votes were counted, Gore won Florida. The narrow counts would have given Bush the win there. I will say that despite all of that, the officials in Florida had no intentions of letting Gore take the state anyway. Just in terms of sheer numbers, Gore had more people voting for him than Bush. So clearly most Americans believed Gore to be the better man.

While I disagree with just about all your points, the above one is the only one I will take the time to address. It was Gore who wanted the selective recount because he just wanted the heavily democratic counties recounted because that is where he was most likely to gain votes. I bet you believe Gore invented the internet too, right!?! LOL

Recounting should be left to just machines since they are truly non-biased. Every person has a bias that will impair their judgement to some extent. Yes, machines might not be 100% correct, but their mistakes are random and not biased.

I still cannot believe some of the arguments that came out during that recount. Gore's people were trying to get punch cards with multiple holes punched for president counted for him. They way I see it, if someone cannot read those simple directions and follow them, then they forfeit their vote. If they don't have enough grey-matter to do that (or if they are too lazy to take the time to read and follow the directions) then how can they possibly truly understand the two canidates and what the stand for? I myself would rather this country have officials they were elected by at least somewhat intelligent people -- rather than people who are too stupid or lazy to get their ballot right. BTW, my county also uses punch card ballots. Despite the liberal press's attempts to make them seem complicated, the truth is they aren't.

This message has been edited by STL on 11-29-2001 at 12:06 AM

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Well I can now say I in my cold Anti-Liberal heart I really do feel sorry for DiscoDuck. Why? because apparently on his last post he is actually serious and admits this is all sour grapes over all the heat Clinton has gotten (Disco, pssst He's Gone) and Gore (Disco, pssst He's Gone) losing the election after an out of control FLA Supreme Court really got his hopes up.

I will agree with you Disco on one thing. The political bickering is not for the overall good of our country or This Forum, though this was a pretty stupid thread to begin with. Smile.gif Given the thread, Maybe i shouldn't be so pissed off that you made such a stupid and ignorant statement, highlighted above more than once, that had no place in this discussion in the first place. What it did was again antagonize the anti-lib crowd just as you planned. I suggest you try therapy instead to work off your bitterness and depression.


Now without a big never ending argument, your "facts" can be rebuted quite simply. One fact is the "Space Needle terrorist" was apprehended by an alert US Customs agents at the Black Ball ferry terminal at Port Angeles, WA.

US Customs is under the US Department of Treasury, NOT the US Justice Dept and at that time Reno. Just to show that you are absolutely wrong on this fact and that anything else you said should be considered suspect.

In 1993 Clinton's economic plan caused the largest tax increase in US history. This also caused a taxpayer revolt and the largest ever sea change in the US House to Repub control. Everything else you mentioned were REPUB ideas and initiatives that Clinton, under advisement from his Spin Master, Dickey Morris, went along with as part of his master deal with the Republican leadership. Clinton got his tax increase and thereby lost control of congress, so he decided, as he now had to do, to be a more moderate liberal. Because he had no other choice, he went along

with the Repub spending cuts. DO YOU REALLY THINK A DEM WOULD COME UP WITH AN IDEA OF SPENDING CUTS? LOL In return they promised him no attempt to cut the peoples' taxes. Hence the surplus that resulted due to clinton's tax increase, Repub led spending cuts, and the deal to not cut taxes. And you say tax increases and surpluses are a good thing, so no point arguing that with someone of your warped logic. Everything else you mention were Repub congress led ideas. I asked for something Clinton initiated, inspired, hell even had some hand in it's creation. The fact you can only come up with the largest tax increase in the history of the American people, is really pretty sad and scary. These are the "top secret" facts you were afraid to unleash on this board Smile.gif Face it, YOU LOST the election and your Bitter. Again, keep repeating, YOU LOST. Smile.gif

As for the recent example on our CIA kid killed, just follow the news timeline. And go check the liberal media rags headlines all along. Right up there - number one story is First Combat Death. They can't highlight it enough. Here it is http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/11/28/ret.cia.death.afghanistan/index.html Now go back to where the Alliance 1st said they would just execute the "foreigners".

Just saying people need to keep an open and questioning mind of the goals of the press, the spinmasters & political correctors. Disco your beyond hope. You won't find the general level of ignorance here as in your other Forums. Next time you want to make an unrelated ridiculous political statement you better do it elsewhere.


go forth & hump the world

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