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100 richest people


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I know this is soooo off of the topic AND SOME WILL HAVE MUSHY GUSHY STUFF TO SAY, but here goes anyway...HEY dad! I don't ever come on here and I don't know what made me come on tonight, BUT, I miss you! I love you bunches! Bout to sack out for the night (girls been in bed since 8ish). Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you!




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I know this is soooo off of the topic AND SOME WILL HAVE MUSHY GUSHY STUFF TO SAY, but here goes anyway...HEY dad! I don't ever come on here and I don't know what made me come on tonight, BUT, I miss you! I love you bunches! Bout to sack out for the night (girls been in bed since 8ish). Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you!...Love,...Jen...[:)]...

Now that's a perfectly acceptable way to go off topic........[:P]

The maker of my favorite candy bar made the list....(mars)

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I don't doubt those are some filthy rich people, but I do doubt the accuracy of Forbes listing order. For example, F1 TV rights owner Berrnie Eccelstone isn't listed, and yet he would easily fit within the top 10 slotts, and I do mean easy. A few F1-Magazines ago, I could have sworn they had his net worth estimated within the 40billion + mark. Just curious as to how Forbes aquires they're information on the subject.

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# 62 Serge Dassault the owner of the company I work for. I was on his plane on December 5, 2006 when he was in Little Rock for a meeting. I was in the back of the plane when he came on board; it was just the 2 of us on the plane. It was a strange feeling being around someone worth that much. The company builds some of the finest aircraft in the world. Military and private planes.

Anyone else been around anyone on the list? Later Bill

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Do a google search on Bernie and find out how much he is worth. Later Bill

Hey Bill,

Last year, at the end of the race season, F1 Magazine had an article on the richest people in Formula One. Ole' Berrnie was at the top of the heep by a landslide. NET worth was something like $40 Billion or so, I don't really remember, but it was well up there. In anyevent, he's not even listed, kinda strange. He's only getting richer now that he's sold the Arabs and Turks on Formula 1. By 2009, there will be 3 venues, currently 2. Most recently added to the list is Dubia. The track there is suppose to be second to none, and have high speed blinding curves that decend and asend like the Spa's Oue Rouche (or however you spell it). I'm looking forward to next season already, and this year's hasn't even begun.

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It's good to see all the WallMart billionaires on that list. There is a lot of money to be made raping and pillaging the American economy.


The firm I work for churns out a few hunder WM's a year. Trust me when I say you have no idea how big they are. WM is HUGE, HUGE. And beleive me, there are many, many municipalities across the nation (mainly along the West Coast) that fight WM tooth and nail, in an attempt to literally force WM to construct stores more expensively, or look somewhere else. Significantly more expensive, than say a locally owned building would cost. I can't help but to think that someone in the municipalitiy's planning & zoning and/or building dept. isn't getting some kind of a serious under-the-table payment or compensation for trying to kick WM out of their town. So with that said, it makes me wonder who is really doing the rapping and pilaging. WM, or the smaller guy(s) trying to keep them from invading their turf, because WM will sell the same items cheaper.

As for your raping and pillaging comment, I dunno, and don't understand (honestly) why people think like that. Like I said, I'm not a business head, but I sometimes think it's a scare tactic, created by the same people trying to keep them out. A single WM store employs hundreds and hundreds of people, and as mentioned, they more often than not, sell the same (Maw & Paw store) goods at cheaper prices. They dump millions into a local economy, millions and at the same time make money.

Yes, they make a profit, and shut down some of the smaller guys, but, I think they do far more good than harm, that's what I think anyway. I'm like the average joe-shmo, and if I can buy (actually send the wife) something cheaper some place else, why not.

Personally, I can't stand going into their stores... far too many people in there for me. And I'm not even in the area of the office that designs the stores, so I'm not trying to be Captain WM by defending them. Just my opinion, and nothing more.

One final note, the WM people are in a lot more places than you might think. Just because a business or vacation development spot, or local developement doesn't say WM, or have the WM traditional colors, doesn't mean they're not lurking in the shadows. For example, I recently learned that the subdivision I live in (Forest Ridge), is a development created by,..... you guessed it,..... one of the WM billionairs. By the way.... they can take there home owners dues and shove'em. As soon as I find my place in the country, I'm out'a here.

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Yes, WalMart does employ hundreds...actually thousands of people. My husband is currently employed by WalMart. Not only do they "dump millions into a local economy...", from our experience, they're very generous with employees as well. They are now offering employees (regularly hourly employees such as my husband) quarterly bonuses, insurance benefits as well as paid sick leave, paid vacation, and paid personal time! Just after Katrina, WalMart offered their employees in any damaged area an instant $200-$400 "relief grant". Depending on the severity of the need, an associate could walk in, fill out a form, show an ID and walk out with a designated amount of money!

In the words of my five year old daugher "WalMart is the only place in the world I can go get my haircut, get a Happy Meal, buy a toy, and get ice cream!!"

P.S.-Dtel, go back up and read my comment to you earlier!

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I know this is soooo off of the topic AND SOME WILL HAVE MUSHY GUSHY STUFF TO SAY, but here goes anyway...HEY dad! I don't ever come on here and I don't know what made me come on tonight, BUT, I miss you! I love you bunches! Bout to sack out for the night (girls been in bed since 8ish). Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you!




I miss, and love ya'll too.

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I am not referring to the ma and pa shops that can not compete, that is nothing new.

I do think Wallmart does treat there employess well and do kick back their fair share to the communities where they make their money.

What I do believe is that when our country stops making things, it will not take long for our economy to decline.

Wallmarts push to get prices lower and lower sounds good on the surface, but they are pushing more jobs out of our ecomony than jobs they create or support.

Is this all Wallmart's fault, no, not by a long shot. But when they build a port in Mexico to get things into the US from China cheaper than going through a US port.... They get their suppliers to deal exclusively with them, then mandate them to lower their price once they have no other customer base.... Just not good.

That is all I am going to say on this topic.

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