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OOT: Aretha dissed by Beyonce?

Daddy Dee

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I was somewhat surprised to see this article. Didn't even think about watching the Grammy's, so completely missed out on the original event.

The problem: Beyonce introduces Tina Turner as "the queen". Everybody knows there is only one queen.

Also, sort of hate to see Aretha let on to the public that she was so annoyed at this. I would imagine it went over the heads of most folks.

Of course, it might have been an intentional dig, but who would know?

disclaimer: I apologize in advance for bringing gossip to the forum.

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Plenty of room for queens in this democratic republic!

That's a VERY good thing!

Have you actually seen Aretha lately....Wow!

...to paraphrase Buddy Miles "Dem changes"!

Any less room and we would all be hurtin'!

Maybe they need to put the red and white striping common around many jet engine intakes around her mouth as a warning to stand clear![:|]


And ole Marsh...I hear you regarding Beyonce! ...or Tina! [:D]

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I realize just because Aretha and I are both from Detroit, it does not make me an "authority" on all things "Aretha".

I've thought that when you are given a title such as, "The Queen of Soul" it was an honor bestowed upon you by your peers and patrons rather than something you claim by your own hand. A title is usually given to the most deserving individual who most closely exhibits the attributes represented by the title. Furthermore, the fact that it is given also means that it can be taken away. This is not to say that I think that Aretha is no longer deserving of the title nor am I suggesting she can no longer perform at a high level, but it is conceivable that she could be "dethroned" by someone who becomes more qualified at any time. Apparently, Beyonce must think that the time has come for someone such as Tina Turner to become her successor? I didn't see the Grammies television broadcast so I only have the information from the posts here to go by. It is my opinion that if Tina Turner does indeed become Aretha's successor to the throne, I could not think of anyone more qualified at this time.

About Aretha's physical appearance; given the fact that I too have put on hundreds of needless pounds since graduating from high school, I really have nothing to say about her appearance. I'm unaware if her extra weight is affecting her ability to defend her title as she still sounds pretty darned good to me. In comparison, I have since chosen to reduce my size and I am a better, happier and healthier person for it as I continue on my journey to meet my goals. I can only pray that I hope Aretha, for the sake of her own health and well-being and for the sake of her fans, that she also adopts a similar attitude about her obesity before it is too late. Perhaps, she will get a second chance just as I have.

As for Aretha's character as a person; events publicized (locally and nationally) in her personal life over the last few years regarding her real estate and financial obligations have shed some embarrassing light on her integrity as a business woman and as a citizen here locally. But I don't see what that has to do with her singing or to her rein as "The Queen of Soul". You'll just have to ask Beyonce about the requirements I guess. -Glenn

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Its hard to imagine a more nonsensical issue than this.

Beyonce is entitled to consider whomever she likes or admires as the 'queen'. A classier performer could have easily chosen to deflect the reference by granting Tina the credit do her in via an act of grace and charm and allowing her to share the 'title' for the evening. It would have seemed magnanimous and charming, without in any way lessening her 'title' - In fact, it would have served to magnify it as she would be seen to be overseeing her cort...

Instead, the only one actually 'dissed' has been Beyonce by the petulant and egotistical Aretha, desperately grasping for a 'title' earned long ago and which has remained only by polite acknowledgement of deeds long past. And considering what she has shown the last few years, she certainly doesn't have much on which to rest her crown.

OK - that wasn't phrased correctly, as it seems that her girth may indeed be the only thing she has as a recent accomplishment, unlike Tina who has seemingly defied time and has become, if anything, even more riveting.

And yes, Aretha is quite proud of her corpulent 'stature, as I was 'subjected' to an interview where she proudly proclaimed her freedom from a responsible diet and how she quite revels in eating. Well, at least she has chosen an area in which she can surely excel.

And while it does show her to be an embodiment of petulance, she has definitely lost out on anything remotely embodying grace and/or pulchritude....

The title of queen was originally 'bestowed' as a sign of respect, and not 'demanded'. If anything, by her demands Aretha has demonstrated that she no longer deserves it.

On the other hand, Turner has become the female James Brown, with quite the extensive touring schedule and no signs of letting up.

But if they need a new Ms. Butterworth, I think I know where one can be found.

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Stop the madness! Oh come on, we all know the real "Queen" is Queen Latifa!!! I mean come on, movie blockbusters and CD's too, she rules!!!

Don't forget talk-show host. I met her once in the mid 90's... she is a pretty interesting woman, actually. Very down-to-earth.

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I agree with the sentiments expressed by my buddy Glenn aka Picky on page one.

Notwithstanding serious questions regarding her business integrity, there should be no questions regarding her talent. Anyone who saw the Grammies last (?) year and heard her sing RESPECT in the BLUES BROTHERS segment and then follow it up with Nessun Dorma on less than an hour's notice (Pavarotti called in sick) should have been impressed. I'm not an expert on opera but that performance was beyond Beyonce.

Hey Glenn! Do you want to invest in the Christmas store I'm thinking of opening near the cider mill at 14 Mile and Franklin Rd. I think I'll call it WREATH ' O' FRANKLIN.

On another note, what happened to the quote feature and the ability to cut text from threads to be pasted and quoted in subsequent threads? Have I been away too long?

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Hey Glenn! Do you want to invest in the Christmas store I'm thinking of opening near the cider mill at 14 Mile and Franklin Rd. I think I'll call it WREATH ' O' FRANKLIN.

Too funny!

On another note, what happened to the quote feature and the ability to cut text from threads to be pasted and quoted in subsequent threads? Have I been away too long?

Once you hit reply, there is a quote button at the bottom of the text/post you are replying to.

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Hey Glenn! Do you want to invest in the Christmas store I'm thinking of opening near the cider mill at 14 Mile and Franklin Rd. I think I'll call it WREATH ' O' FRANKLIN.

Neil: The "quote" feature is now a button on the compose window at the bottom of the note you are replying to. Click on it and the text is then populated into your empty text window, just as I have done above. - I see now that Marvel covered that one already while I was composing this.

Although I LOVE the name "Wreath 'O' Franklin", if you are seriously considering using it....I would concern myself over the possibility of a lawsuit from the "Queen of Soul". That's Aretha....Tina was addressed as simply..."The Queen" and I think you'd probably be safe with her. (Aretha owns a couple of homes in Bloomfield Hills which borders Franklin.)

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