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Everything posted by Budman

  1. Cornwall 4's would be 1st on my list
  2. my wife and i got the check in the mail today
  3. if you get the 120's from bob you will have to remove the top hat and move the cross brace back 3/4" to accept the new tweeter. very simple to do. i think 4 screws and the top comes off. i replaced 8 of them
  4. somebody please put some BLO on them asap
  5. yea, my ignored user list is getting filled up
  6. call here for the best service and prices in town. if anyone knows he will know https://paducahhometheater.com/ https://www.ebay.com/sch/metropolislakeoutfitters/m.html?item=293562652713&hash=item4459b29829%3Ag%3ACKAAAOSwA7deqJlE&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  7. he has a 2R and i need a 4R - not sure the difference
  8. i personally don't think its worth it to try and find all the things you need to make them into 3 ways. the cost will kill you let alone the time to find what you need. i've been down this same path for years and still looking for 1 crossover for my 61 set but it can be fun at times
  9. this is one of what you need - on ebay right now K-1000 mid horn and a K-55V https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-50S-VINTAGE-PWK-KLIPSCH-K-55-V-ATLAS-MID-DRIVER-SQUAWKER-K1000-HORN/264719758251?hash=item3da286f3ab:g:1DIAAOSwkoVerwTL 1 crossover https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-50S-VINTAGE-KLIPSCH-PWK-HERESY-BALANCING-NETWORK-TYPE-2R/264719703352?hash=item3da2861d38:g:v9gAAOSw4mRervdZ K-77 tweeters run anywhere from 120-170 on ebay
  10. welcome to the forum 85 was the last year for the 1 series and late 85 and early 86 they came out with the 2nd version of the cornwall 2 and rumor has it they forgot they already had a cornwall 11 back in the late 60's so to answer your question are they desireable, if you own them then they are desireable. i like them from the 60's and 70's.
  11. CD-BR Cornwall Decorator - Birch Raw
  12. please stop the madness 000
  13. it was always nice to come here and look at peoples tables and albums. no so much anymore
  14. on MSN today https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/gallery/50-triple-lps-its-finally-time-to-listen-to/ss-BB12CZNI?li=BBnb2gh&ocid=iehp#image=51
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/gallery/ranking-all-373-rolling-stones-songs/ss-BBBd0B2
  16. as far as i know klipsch stamped a red R on all their replacement drivers
  17. can't wait to buy this
  18. G is 1969 and my 69's came with A crossovers
  19. congrats, its 100 times better than you could ever imagine
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