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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. What are you using for amplification right now?
  2. If I were you I'd just pick up the cheapest stereo receiver you can find and use it for radio.
  3. Come on, man, all of us had to learn about audio at some point! [H]
  4. Exactly. The binding posts make the connection so that both the tweeters and woofers are working. If you want to see for yourself, take the jumpers off and just connect the tweeter or woofer input. If you tried hooking up two separate input sources while the jumpers were in place you would fry both amplifiers and possibly blow your speakers. You can buy a box that lets you switch between sources if you really need to do this.
  5. One set of positive inputs on the speaker goes to the tweeter. The other goes to the woofer. Same is true with the negative inputs. So, what that means is that one source would only play through the woofers and one source would only play through the tweeters. In other words, don't do it. Use an internet radio feed if you want to listen to the radio through your computer.
  6. Umm, the RF-10 which is the smallest Reference speaker is 95 dB efficient and all the rest are higher up to the RF-7 which is 102 dB.
  7. Whew. Thought something was up with my computer. Sorry to say, but I'm glad it isn't only me! [:$]
  8. Just run 1.21 jiggawatts through these babies and stand back!!
  9. wuzzzer

    RF-7 Woes

    If you remove any woofers, be VERY careful with them. They are very heavy and the cerametallic cones will dent very, very easily.
  10. wuzzzer

    RF-7 Woes

    Make sure the rear jumpers are connected correctly, too. Jay's advice is very sound. Transporting my RF-7s myself from my brother in law's SUV, driving 70 miles then bringing them down into my basement, one of the woofer's wires disconnected. Had to remove the woofer and re-insert the wire.
  11. Is there a listing for the Jubilees on the Klipsch Product page? I looked but couldn't find it. Curious as to the specs on them.
  12. Hmm, 6 AMC Theaters in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, including the Mall of America. Any way to know for sure which for sure have Klipsch?
  13. I actually 'downgraded' from dolby pro-logic to two channel. When I found a deal on a pair of RF-7s that was way too good to pass up, I sold all my other speakers to pay for them with a little $$ to spare. I sold a Definitive Technology subwoofer and two pairs of bookshelf speakers, also an older Klipsch KV-1 center channel. I couldn't be happier! If my wife ever lets me invest some more $$ into my system, first thing I'll get will be an RC-7. From there, who knows.
  14. Not sure. The seller has posted them a few times on craigslist over a period of several months, though.
  15. Our sleeping friend was once given an ultimatum by his wife. "If you don't shave that dang moustache off all your Klipsch speakers are out the door!!" This went on for years and finally his wife changed her tune. "Fine, if you shave that thing off I'll let you get your Klipschorns!" A couple weeks ago, while on the Klipsch Pilgrimage, the moustached man fell into a deep, deep sleep on a shuttle bus. While asleep, some barely perceptible utterances by him included "I told you, we're selling the house because the Klipschorns need corners! CORNERS! Not those fake false corner thingies." "Trust me, they'll just blend in with the walls!" He awoke to the painful reality that his bond with his moustache has been too close for too long. At least he can always look at pictures of Klipschorns on the internet.
  16. How high do fireworks shells go? As a general rule of thumb, you can figure 100-feet per diameter inch of shell. http://www.elitepyrotechnics.com/fireworks9.asp
  17. http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/178412263.html http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/178361720.html http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/178371764.html
  18. I don't know if I'd bother trying to hook up a pair of bookshelf speakers either in series or parallel for your center. Your RF-7s are going to blow the RB-5s away. They Sony has + and - connections for two center channel speakers. If a person was only using one center, you would use the + from the one center channel output and the - from the other.
  19. The Epic series consisted of the CF-2, CF-3 and CF-4. The CF were set up in a d'apolitto (sp?) design. Touted by many as being more 'musical' than many other Klipsch models. http://www.klipsch.com/product/product.aspx?cid=124
  20. John Michael Montgomery - leave a mark (1998). Mostly slow songs on this CD. Couple of great fast toe-tappers too. On the right system, even though its not a live CD, it has that certain "you are there" quality to it. I'm not sure if its his voice or the mixing but his voice has a pronounced depth that I've typically only heard at outdoor concerts. Track 8 - "You're the Ticket" has a great pace. Perfect song for cruising in summer. "I wanna be a red Corvette rolling down a two lane road with the top rolled back and no speed limit." Track 10 - "This One's Gonna 'Leave a Mark'" is a song I can greatly relate to. Mentions many physical things he's gone through (crashed & burned my old Firebird and walked away without a scratch, been kicked and cussed and busted up, it was nothin' I couldn't patch with a band-aid and a shot of alcohol). Then talks about emotional pain which is many times greater than physical (but this one's gonna leave a mark, one that time won't heal. Her good-bye cut like a knife right through this man of steel. Thought that I was tough enough I could just shake it off).
  21. My Mitsubishi HDTV doesn't have an on-board HD decoder but my cable box hooked up via component cables handles the HD signal quite nicely! Only on HD channels, of course.
  22. Thanks everyone. I just programmed a couple macros today. One shuts everything off all at once, the other powers up my receiver, switches to DVD input, turns on my HDTV, switches to DVD input, turns on my DVD player and ejects the DVD tray. Am I lazy or what? [:$]
  23. Me either, just couldn't resist when I saw that photo. Inconceivable! []
  24. "You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.!"
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