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Everything posted by djk

  1. A glass-front McIntosh does not ship well without the original shipping container (and older model glass may be NLA).
  2. The Bismuth lowers the melting point so that the board is not damaged, then you clean the Bismuth contaminated solder from the pads, then solder in the new part.
  3. djk

    What I Got Today!

    "My son put a Made in Italy sticker on the side of his Suzuki V-Strom" I changed the all red LED metering on a Peavey mixer to red-yellow-green in flying dot mode and made it strobe when it hit 0VU, and slapped a Yamaha sticker over the Peavey logo. Everyone wanted to know what Yamaha model it was.
  4. You may need to terminate your cartridge with a lower resistance than the 47K provided for the MM, read the manual for your cartridge.
  5. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIRPXiFX1jkASAwsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZ2N0cmxpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMg--?p=chip+quik+desoldering&vid=124d3041f2f2b1a05cf8dee1c15baf79&turl=http%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.V4df8f4cbb8351f2da9f29dc6e74e711f%26pid%3D15.1%26h%3D221%26w%3D300%26c%3D7%26rs%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFTQqjggeklo&***=Using+ChipQuik+to+Desolder+Surface+Mount+Components&c=1&h=221&w=300&l=40&sigr=11bkbfvpp&sigt=11j4cmn0c&sigi=1310oa1lu&age=1198243677&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=yhs-mozilla-003&hsimp=yhs-003&hspart=mozilla&tt=b
  6. "The distortion comes out very loud and distinct in waves--something on the order of 5 hissing thumps per second." Replace all the electrolytics in the 50 year old McIntoshSo(( from 1967-1973ld from 1967-1973Sold from 1967-1973Sold fro (the sound is called motorboating) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorboating_%28electronics%29 The 1700 was made from 1967~1973.
  7. "I've been playing with wires since I was 7, and soldering since I was about 8," Been there, done that (although I used a cheese slicer), the 'bang' and smoke damage was impressive (to a 7 year old).
  8. "I was under the impression that Kenrick didn't just restore, but built all the drivers and horns in house for their version of the big JBL monitors?" Do you really believe that?
  9. JBL 4333B TAD 2402 + 703 Quad 57 WE 15A Note: The K55V is a phenolic copy of the 555 driver on the 15A horn. Isn't it odd that the WE15A sounds more lifelike than any of the other newer speakers?
  10. "I'd like to own these." I bought my house for less than those TAD drivers cost!
  11. "What didn't you like about the AL crossovers?" The sibilants on female vocals can be quite annoying, applause sounds quite strange as well. Removing the elliptical filter (reverting back to the AA type) smooths out things quite a bit, going to an 18dB Butterworth with a small swamping resistor (maybe 40Ω) is even better.
  12. With a smooth 3" bend, severe cancellation will set in above about 1130hz or so. With a 400hz crossover, a 3" corner bend without a reflector isn't any big deal.
  13. djk

    What I Got Today!

    "Rolls Royce and Bentley used the best leathers, in fact they raised their own cattle just to insure the highest quality hides." So did they use cows or steers? Why not horses instead?
  14. "I am not sure how important this air gap is" Very important if you expect them to work below 250hz or so.
  15. I would describe the APT as uncolored, but lacking in dynamics, lifeless. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/solid-state/48419-why-does-apt-holman-preamp-sound-so-good.html
  16. "Looks like a really well-implemented analog crossover...like Rane's." Think again, they are not even similar. The filter types used in PA crossovers do not sound as good as Salen and Key type filters.
  17. The inductance of a suitable resistance for this application is trivial, don't even be concerned about it,
  18. "The 2432H has superior performance characteristics to any of the JBL Large Format Compression Drivers. " The 2432 has a resonant peak in the top octave. While it measures better, it doesn't sound as good as the 2431 (Al) or 2435 (Be) The 2452 should have the SL diaphragm, if so it is the best of the 4" diaphragm series (short of installing a Be diaphragm). I own 2431/32/35 and 2440/41/46/47/etc.
  19. The first two model series sound great. However, they will need to have every electrolytic cap replaced. They also can have problems with the switches. How good are you with a soldering Iron?
  20. "Nice diagram Jmon….would insulation in that wall cavity help?" Concrete does. Insulation won't do much, if anything. Sand is better, if I had it to do over I would use redi-mix.
  21. "I don't relish the thought of shipping big items overseas." If you live near a port, the cost to ship a 20' container (outward bound) is only about $400 right now.
  22. The MJE parts make great driver transistors, especially for the Adcom GFA555.
  23. The MA505 is a great tonearm, Joe Grado favored it.
  24. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-DER-EE-DE-5000-High-Accuracy-Handheld-LCR-Meter-and-probes-set-from-Japan-/131744235082?hash=item1eac917e4a:g:Ba8AAOSwwbdWIgQq Can resolve 0.001Ω
  25. Polycarbonate caps don't sound as good as the article would suggest. A landmark article.
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