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Pete H

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Everything posted by Pete H

  1. I'm only doing this because it's you Mookie. #1, Mike (Mookie) is a great guy and you should have zero reservations with regards to purchasing anything from him. #2, I was the original purchaser and the 396's are some kick *** speakers. Like Mike, I got rid of them to thin out the heard. Not rich, but speaker rich. LOL
  2. Go Bear Claws, or is it Bear Cats, maybe Bear Claw Cats, that doesn't make any sense. LOL Bama surprised me for sure, after their O line was destroyed last week against Auburn, but they stepped up big time against that front of Georgia, which is great, but as someone said, any given day. Looks pretty cut and dry to me, with the exception of the order, which hopefully will keep Alabama/Georgia from playing each other in the semi finals so maybe Bama Michigan Georgia Cincinnati Michigan Bama Cincinnati Georgia
  3. Nice Richard. Where in Beaufort is your dad? I lived there for about 8 years.
  4. I believe Ohio State really pushed hard for the Franklin extension, as I'm sure they will support Michigan keeping Jim at the helm as well. LOL
  5. Not knowing what the 82's want for power, they're still not your main sound for HT, and IMHO, regardless of what the rest are, they're really filling in the effects, and don't believe you will benefit, in this application. All you can do is try it and judge for yourself, but Willand has give you good advice. I have run a full RF HT rig for over a decade, also have an Emotiva XPA 5 that I picked up years ago and I'm using the additional 2 channels for the side surrounds, but they're gain is adjusted substantially. I have run other setups with 3 channels of very good amplification and the rest through higher output (at least that's how the specs read lol) AVR's and things were just fine. I have also run RF5's, RF3's and various other speakers for rears over the years and never got any benefit from hooking up higher power amps to surround speakers, but that's my experience, your mileage may vary. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Pete H


    Very Nice! GLWTS
  7. May go to that game as well. Depends on my schedule and the weather. My brother has season tickets, and we typically try and get together for at least one.
  8. Not if the second in line leaves a little space and doesn't have hearing issues. LOL
  9. I've been saying for the past few years, Franklin is not a good coach or recruiter, because he's not a good coach, his staffing has been questionable, and the results are evident. He's stuck with a QB that has, and continues to make poor decisions and is at best, mid grade, but obviously, they can't recruit anything better, or they would be, or should be playing. Been a Pennstate fan since I was a child, but I call it like I see it, and they need to find a replacement coach, oh but they signed the bum to a 6 year extension last year. It pains me to say this, but I will be shocked if OSU doesn't run all over PSU, and after yesterdays game, they should be booted out of the top 20, and could lose another 3 games. This is 100% on Franklin, his recruits across the board, and his coaching staff.
  10. Might miss a Bloody Mary if you sleep in as well.
  11. I can certainly say that after spending some quality time listening to LaScala's over the last couple years at events, I've grown very fond of them. The ones I've listened to, though not completely stock, they weren't far off though they both have Dave A's MAHLs and both had the bass horn cabinet reinforced, we're not talking heavily modified. Listened to the ones I know have for hours over a couple days with a pretty solid sub, and they are a fine speaker.
  12. We actually turned it up loud enough to rattle the entire building. LOL
  13. Have you tried deep tissue massage by a trained professional? (I'm not talking about oriental Ho Houses LOL), but someone that is certified and trained? My wife has terrible sciatica and it has changed her life, as well as my recovery from major shoulder surgery.
  14. Absolutely no regrets on the Devastator (28HZ version) with the Eminence. I ended up around $1,500-$1,600 in parts and shipping of the flat packs and another $500 in a used QSC DCA amp, running in bridged mono and a mini DSP HD. Obviously, you can spend whatever you want for an amp to drive it and DSP. As with anything, I haven't heard 50 different subs to compare it to, but I've built and owned more than a few, I really enjoy this sub.
  15. Pete H

    What I Got Today!

    @babadono Hope to see "Hotel California" in person some day. Looking fantastic!
  16. I think "Jackson Bart" was the king.
  17. I still don't understand the whole toaster thing but was surprised and then saddened the meaningless crap to get post count up to join the BS Forum. And how did that work out for everyone? LOL
  18. Define respected scientists. Isn't Fauci a respected scientist? I've seen many respected scientists be thrown to the wolves because they don't follow the narrative. I don't think there's anyone on this forum that is on the extreme of global warming, meaning that nobody has gone off grid to live so they can "save the planet", nor do I think anyone is on here that wants to scorch the earth and eliminate all life. The reality, when all the dust settles, and you're sitting face to face with most people with reasonable intellect, it's not a matter of being 180 degrees apart, and in most cases, can come down to ego or insecurity or power that defines your final position. This, was not any attack on you, just my thought for the day. At the end of the day, we should all be able to admit that we really don't know the answers, and let common sense and logic prevail. If you continue to argue with stupid people over things that you don't have the absolute answers to, well then, you may have to have someone else, evaluate your intellect.
  19. Went to see Floyd a few times in the mid 80's, without Waters, and when everyone started standing up and going nuts, at 2 of the shows, Gilmour simply told everyone to relax, sit down and enjoy the show, and paused long enough before starting, that they actually listened, which was fantastic.
  20. I have a Weber Summit Gold that I bought used off of CL for $350.00, I put $20 worth of cross tubes in it, it will get up to 700 degrees, it's blown off the deck and took 3' shots on 2 occasions and it's about 10 years old and going strong. For a gas grill, no complaints.
  21. Pete H

    What I Got Today!

    May need to give one a shot.
  22. Pete H

    What I Got Today!

    What is it about this one that makes you smile?
  23. Pete H

    What I Got Today!

    What other DAC's are you including in that statement? Just curious, as there are so many different flavors.
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