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Everything posted by OO1

  1. these speakers were sold by klipsch in Frankfurt Germany - the agreement was with Kiipsch and the US army to allow the sales of these speakers in all US bases - and installations in Germany - through the Government stores - these were therefore owned by a serviceman who brought these back to the USA - -the speakers you see are Decorator Heresy 1 -logos are from 1975-1977 - painted black -
  2. the kits from parts express are bare cabs - not painted -you have to do all the work - a Yamaha dual 18 inch on ebay costs 650$ ready to use and the have the Eminence drivers we all like -
  3. Pro-full size racks are the way to go -1 installation -most have provisions for AC or fans -they can be tore down in pieces and screwed back if space is a problem - - racks can be locked saveguarding the contents from undesirables -and be placed out of view - I bolt my equipment to the rack with brackets - -all the wiring is internally and tagged on the sides - the electrical connections can be mess-free as there is ample room in the corners to route the wiring and clip in place - - a power bar with surge control can be mounted vertically in the rack frame to supply 220 or 110V - these power bars follow the rack 's sections from top to bottom - for power failures - a UPS can be installed at the bottom of the rack - with intelligent software - settings are endless - -any fan will be noisy - strange as it seems - window dual fans are the quiestest fans around and they do the job without AC -
  4. you need an audio rack designed for audio gear - usually narrower - plus audio racks are dime a dozen and much cheaper than server racks - -dont forget that these need wheels to be moved around - and they tend to be quite tall - so you need a lot of headroom - -they are also quite heavy - look for racks that can be cooled with an AC hose through the top -or sides / in case - and that come with locks to saveguard the precious equipment -- some racks also have power swtches for several components with surge protection at the rear so connections are a breeze -
  5. I will second that - the 18 inch will give a thunderring sound that is as fast as a 15 -lower than a single 15 - and with more punch - now if you want more : a dual 15 inch sub is the right choice - I have 2 of these - they use Eminence woofers - and are 5/8 " birch cabinets http://usa.yamaha.com/products/commercial_audio/speakers/installation_series/is1215/
  6. The upgrades of the mids and tweeter diaphragms is best as well as these are old after 30 years of usage - old caps - old diaphragms - woofers are the only items that last - even new non-titanium diaphragms will sound better than the current - titanium will have a brighter tone - if you listen to classical music , you will notice improvement with the acoustics -
  7. -I have to say that this speaker is very well finished - the speaker is like a tribute of the quality EV stood for in these years -theElectro Voice Patrician was a rare item for sure - I would love to have it in my collection but at what price - -now if you had a pair - I would jump at the opportunity -
  8. - I did a setup that upgraded the caps and the titanium diaphragms - I found the titanium too bright at first but it did settle in after a month or so - will you part with the crossovers or just do the upgrade of the caps - I am interested in the CWII stock crossovers if you decide to sell these -
  9. I like the grille that is screwed rather than with velcro strips -as you can see-through the cabinet -
  10. I see that you had to releive the motorboard and the wood brace behind the motorboard -as long as there no vibrations in that area , that looks to do the job very well -
  11. I recently recapped a set of B and E crossovers using NOS GE cans - the old sound is back - for the B3 - the Audyn 68MF doesnt sound bad at all - I guess that a 70MF wasnt available for specs matching
  12. you cant take a chance with kids today - the fact is that to protect your kids - you have to take the shots as well -
  13. The positive effects of vaccines do outweigh the negative.- the main problem is that currently any outbreak that is caught by young children mostly will transfer to adults - so if all the family is protected - that is the best recommendation - as they say - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure -
  14. are the KP 362 that good -versud a chorus 2 that was supposed to be very good in the bass response - from memory the KP 362 dont have a rear passive radiator -
  15. steal - great - cant buy the parts for this price -gas is cheap - so go for it - once you will have them , you will see that you ended having a goodfeal as long as they are in good condition -
  16. pleasde keep us updated at the B3 cap upgrade and the end results
  17. with the proper cabs ,the components were designed to sound very good -
  18. I am looking for fabric - any color - duracrest black or other for making a pair of Cornwall grilles - Ryanm84 , was very kind to make me a pair of Cornwall grille blanks - thanks -
  19. I would have bought these - I have all the components - but pretty far from NY - SAD - VERY SAD -
  20. thanks Morey - actually - I have 10 of the old APT 50 tweeters that I never used or even listened to - most have the apt 80 horn - I got these years ago when I read that they were a good replacement of the T35 - I also have T350's That are unused - - now if I could get the CT 125 horn - I could use these but Bob Crites does not sell these seperately-
  21. can you be more specific - for the ones who have never heard a Chorus II - That is my case anyway - what does the Chorus II have above the CW or scala
  22. 120 - what car were you driving -that seems like it must have been a powerful machine -
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