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Everything posted by derrickdj1

  1. Hi Emile, Klipsch like speaker parts that work at 8 ohm nominal, so the R28F or KG 2.5 should work. I don't no how to model a box for you but, someone be able to model a speaker that will fit the size you need with WISD or bass box software.
  2. Tube amp upgrade which can even be applied to SS amp, is it really worth it. I see so many people doing thing when they purchase a used or new amp. They change the stock tubes, caps, It is very appealing to think that I can morph this amp into a whole new creature, just change this and change that, not hard to do. These changes are suppose to yield a major improvement in tone and presentation that yields audio bliss. Not that easy without considering the speakers. Some speakers can benefit in rolling back the highs and some actually need a boost in the highs. So, these or any upgrades need to take into account the speakers and setup. What works for one may be totally wrong for someone else. Even tube rolling falls into this scenario. There is no best tube. It may work well with speaker X and not speaker Y. I will say swapping preamp tubes do little harm and can have a major benefit. What major mods do you think make a real difference. Some people change resistor to lower brightness other strive for more headroom.
  3. That was just beautiful and a back breaker for the Raptors.
  4. It is a coincidence you started this thread. Yesterday I put new power tubes in my amp a went on to listen to music. Things were sounding great but, I realized the tube amp was on but, I did not change the switcher from the SS gear. I will attribute the sound to the Pioneer SC 99 which, has a filter to reproduce a tube like sound. The SC 99 function as preamp that goes to an Acurus amp. There are a lot of good amps out there and this is why everyone is not in the tube amp camp.
  5. These two speakers can't be that different unless one does not reproduce sounds truthfully/effectively. All Reference speakers that use the titanium tweeter and cerametallic woofer are close enough to not be a major problem in most cases.
  6. Most of the forum is not familiar with Chane, formerly Chase. A better question is what are your goals and limitations. What is the room size, upstair vs downstair, space constraints, mostly movies vs music, budget, dedicated HT vs multi-purpose room, etc.
  7. If you don't want to build a sub, then go ported. Don't worry about transient response and the 1/2 truth that sealed subs are more musical and sound better. Although in your room, room gain is plus, it is still not enough to beat it's ported brother.
  8. No problem with anything you said, it is just that tha Pioneer Elites will EQ the front three to match so it would not make a difference if I had an RC 7 or RC 64II.
  9. I talked to the people at Tube Depot and they said the tube was bad. They also said there was no need to buy 4 matched tubes since they will get a good match to the old tube they sold me. They keep good records. The new tube arrived today and all 4 tubes had no problem biasing them.
  10. Oops! I've been doing this wrong for years, lol. I used the RC 64 with my RF 7 and now with the RF 7 II's. Well, how about that. I have not even considered trying to find an RC 64 II.
  11. Yes, put the front atmos in front of the wall. It just does not look like you have enough room for rear atmos with those large open areas between the room. I bet you won't miss not having rear atmos. I don't miss not having them and use the Pioneer Elite avr configuration for a 9.X.2. I have several friends with the 4 atmos speakers and would say the experience is very similar between my system and theirs. When it comes to surround speakers, they need space between them to get all the spatial cues. A good 5.1.2 system is better than a cramed 5.1.4. Just find a configuration that your avr supports. For example, my avr will not support atmos in front and behind the couch without switching to a 7.2.4 which I could do but, would rather have FH speaker for non-atmos movies.
  12. You could do a 5.1.2 overhead setup. https://www.dolby.com/us/en/guide/speaker-setup-guides/5.1.2-overhead-speaker-setup-guide.html
  13. Welcome Spirit, looking at your room there, will be problems with a 5.1.4 or 7.1.2. You don't seem to have much room behind the couch. I would forget surround back speaker and rear atmos. I would put the atmos slightly in front of the couch and use the second pair of in-ceiling speakers as FH/atmos, directly above the main. Look at the atmos #7 in youthman diagram. Don't have a #8 and place the atoms/FH over the mains. I have use something similar to this over the past several years. I have 11 total speakers but, use only 9.x.2 in movies. So, the position #7 speakers function with Atmos movies and #8 are FH that function with non-atmos movies. This is a Pioneer Elite configuration for 11 speakers. Denon and Marantz, etc. may be different. The atmos effect is very good even though there are only two atmos speakers in use. I don't have a dedicated HT with rows of seats. I use a large sectional couch for the main seating.
  14. I don't know what color the other speakers are but, consider aesthetics and match more similar speakers. https://www.ebay.com/i/222941780643?chn=ps The RS 35 is a very nice surround to go with the the RF 7 II and RC 64 III. The RS 35 was one of the best surround speaker that I ever owned.
  15. I take it you are using a SS amp. Many of us on the forum also use tube amps. Most of the tube amps do not have nearly the power rating of the SS amp. In other words, even an amp rated less than 150 watts is OK in many cases. Has someone said, the amp is not as much a problem as the hand on the volume knob, lol. I use a 40 watt tube amp for stereo listening and rarely exceed 1 watt.
  16. Well, you did not give us much to go on. What system do you have? dedicated HT or the system is multipurpose? What type of room, size room, upstairs, downstairs, 5.1, to 9.2.2? Can't help much with limited info. Price is ok and they make for some nice deck speakers.
  17. Blade Runner 2049, I put this movie on and am waking up from it. I dozed 2-3 times during the show.
  18. I have an RC 64 and RF 7 II's. They blend perfectly in my system. The driver color is a bit different but, was not enough to be deal breaker.
  19. This looks like a sweet amp and good price for someone, GLWS.
  20. June may work for me. Need to see which weekend.
  21. Justice League: A good rental, lots of action and good character development.
  22. They can be used in all positions depending on the room setup, gear location, etc. I used them as side surrounds, surround back, Atmos X4, and in Neural X, Pioneer Elite configuration the front Atmos function has FH speakers. I have been to other peoples HT with all in-wall/in-ceiling speakers. I found a few pic's on the net where in-wall could be used all the way. It just depends on the style of the HT. There are many ways to tackle the project.
  23. Great job. You started from bear bone which was nice. Enjoy!
  24. In-wall speakers work great and have a higher WAF. I used the traditional RS on wall speakers for years put in-wall speakers in several years ago. I liked it so much, I put 4 atmos in-ceiling speakers in the HT. Welcome to the forum Dave!
  25. I have been using Yaqin amps for around 6 years. I brought the MC 13 S around 18 months ago. This amp does not come with a remote and a few other thing and is based on the Dynaco, and David Hafler designs of past year. The SQ and build quality are excellent. It comes with audiophile grade parts. This amp will perform like amps costing much, much more than the cost reflects.
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