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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Lately I´ve been picking up on some "loose threads" concerning my cd collection ( Alan Parsons Project, ELO, Queen, just to name a few...). Now – i´ve got a question, reaching out to fans of "The Boss" or anybody else who might know. I´ve been looking up Springsteens box "Tracks", it is aviable as printings from 1998, 2007 & 2013. Any big differences, is any out of the three "the one to get"? Prices on Amazon sure differ. This is about CDs, so i thought i´d post this here.
  2. This forum member can' t answer anymore. Sancho recently passed away.
  3. Thanks Randy, I was being in the general about this forum. Peel and stick is easy, more or less, I have done that before. I was talking about the quality craftsmanship I' m seeing all over this forum, the above table just for example.
  4. That'll make a nice combo. Sometimes I get the impression that this is a carpenters forum. 😄 Which is great, I can always learn a few things, I just wish I had more tools and a dedicated DIY room.... Keep us informed of Your progress please.
  5. I´m just asking because i´m interested, "shot" as in "totally dead" or do Your K77s just sound bad? I think one of mine is missing some high frequencies, so it´s not "dead". I read that the magnets of these tweeters can loose strength over time and mine or over fourty years old now...
  6. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    Reminds me of SciFi film art – Bladerunner or Ghost In the Shell maybe.
  7. William Shatner, turning a strong 90 today! Congratiulations!
  8. Luckily that abomination didn´t run at the time. That wasn´t until some years later, and that was on – you guessed it – german cable television. Terrible, terrible...
  9. I really dig those transformers costumes. When we got cable tv, back in the middle of the 80´s, this was one of the shows i watched, every weekend. I didn´t have much motivation to learn english before – that soon changed.
  10. Something brand new! Sounds good, let´s hope they keep it up. I´ve seen the art of their cover on deviantart somewhere before, different paintings, but artstyle was the same. Interesting, thanks! Ed.: Found him, his name is Rodney Matthews and he drew quite a few covers.
  11. This week i put sealing tape on the back-panels and i like to think that the bass has gotten a little tighter. Now i´m starting to plan on the refurbishment of the cabinets and grills. I want to empty the speakers and sand them down a little, then oil them again. I hope to get out some little dents i the process. I also want to fill the missing verneer parts that are missing on one speaker with repair-wax. I want to get rid of the velcro-pads that fix the grills to the cabinets and replace them with magnets. How do i want to do that? Straight forward, i could glue the magnets to the grill, drill some holes in the motorboards, put bolts through these holes and puty them over. I could also just drill "shallow" cavities into the boards, put either magnets or washers i there, putty and glue their counterparts on the grills. Somehow i like this option better than drill holes through the motorboard. What are Your opinions?
  12. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Made me listen to my "Holy Diver" again, it´s been some time. RIP Dio...
  13. My Heresies sit on three bricks each to raise them a bit (but still level) as i sit on the floor and listen. When i lean back on some cushions i have tweets and squawks at ear-level. I´m content with the sound. My RF3s sit next the Hs, on rubberfeet, flat on the ground, good listening too, although the tweeters are above my ears.
  14. Come to think of it. Every now and then i see RF3 popping up for sale, but RB3?
  15. Welcome to the forum! As You can see in my sig, I have RF3s instead of your RBs, but tweeters and woofers are the same. You won't be dissapointed. Good for both, music and HT. Take a good listen!
  16. Sorry, i was a bit misleading there... I don´t want to putty over the access-screws, just the ones that fasten the braces i put in. For sealing the ports i was looking at foam-tape like the stuff You suggested. I have also been looking at the Crites tweeters. In the future i might go down this path, the real problem are german customs that make this very expensive... Thanks for Your input!
  17. @mustang_flht As You restored Your Heresies, did you replace the gaskets in the mid-drivers? If You did, did you buy them on the Crites site?
  18. Welcome to the forum! WO would be walnut oiled, yes. People could help You even better if you would post some photos. Usually some rejuvenating oil will help. You bet me to it, BillyBob ^^
  19. Happy birthday Mr. Klipsch! Thanks for giving us Your speakers!
  20. Wish i could Shu. Don´t have the bucks, and most important, the space... But i hope that other european members might see them, France or Belgium. But there is a pair of Heresies that i´m looking at. They are reserved until later in the week. And there i was, didn´t want to buy any more speakers...
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