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Everything posted by geezin'

  1. My 2 cents...which may just be what it's worth. Attend to the finish. Set them up and listen. For a year. Then decide if they need help or not. I know squat. Other than rushing into changes you can easily miss what you seek. Enjoy.
  2. Yeah man WCAO in Baltimore. When AM still played music.
  3. I kinda wish I still had my little Westinghouse AM transistor radio from the '60s. Looked just like this one.
  4. I get "this listing isn't available anymore...." page. You get it because it's in your browsers cache. Either that or the link is faulty.
  5. Posted in jest. No offense intended.
  6. It's not a vacuum. It's a pressure differential.
  7. geezin'

    Car Thread

    Great to see him on the top step again. Vettel stole the best part of his career IMHO. I hope I'm wrong and this is the start of recovery as a contender. He so deserves it.
  8. Cloudy and the humidity has returned. Not too warm though.
  9. geezin'

    What I Got Today!

    Makes me confident in my Schiit Modi 3+.
  10. Coloring outside the lines for sure....
  11. It was difficult to word that in a way that crossed no lines. Took awhile. Be nice for us to remember we're all on the same team here. It seemed that way in the days after the attack. I recall it was so quiet for some time after 9/11. No one going anywhere,no planes flying. Weird.
  12. What I remember most vividly is some people from countries that are supposed to be our allies saying we as a nation deserved or asked for it. It has changed the way I see those parts of the world. Not from a news report but in online conversations in the hours and days following. I was working in Gaithersburg MD about 11 miles as the crow flies from the Pentagon. We could se the smoke on the horizon. Miltary aircraft flying low overhead. The feds came and confiscated our videos from the security cameras. Scary times. The country has become mean-spirited and divided since then. Not sure how much is related to the attack but sure is coincidental. It seems to have degraded the US to a third world country. Sad. Should have brought us together. Sure it did for awhile but look at things now.
  13. Don't color outside the lines!
  14. Via Spotify through my iMac/Schiit Modi3+/Fisher 440T/Klipsch R-610f.
  15. You did not buy their crossovers. You had them build some to your specs w/o stating what parts you wanted. You f'd up by assuming. Continue to do that and the results will be similar. No getting around that.
  16. You asked for a non standard item. He built as you asked. By your admission you were told he'd have to order "non standard parts" to accomplish what you asked for. He delivered on time. Do they work? if not there's a problem. Otherwise you got what you asked for. If you want it changed pay the man. I'd install and listen with an open mind to ascertain if they're what you want or not. Don't beat the guy up for doing what he was asked to do.
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