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Everything posted by geezin'

  1. Thanks. I'm just kicking the idea of moving up around. Leave well enough alone? Sure that's always an option. 😉
  2. They do have occasional sales. Never on Heritage sadly.
  3. Currently the Modi3+ is used with my WiiM mini/Schiit Saga S/Topping PA3s/H1/KG SW. It sounds great. I had first tried the Topping with the H1 through a Logitech Bluetooth adapter using my phone. Sounded like a 1960s transistor radio. Couldn't stand it and the Topping moved to the bedroom. Got bored awhile ago and brought it out and inserted where the receiver was w/o the Logitech doodad. Viola good clean detailed sounds I enjoyed. Moved the Fisher to the bedroom and left the Topping in the main used (cranked all the way)as a power amp after the Schiit pre.
  4. geezin'

    Car Thread

    Saddest part is when all these great designers go software replaces them. And IMHO the results are best case mediocre. Worst case hideous. R.I.P. Marcello you will be missed.
  5. I used my '09 iMac optical output into my Fisher 440T via a Schiit Modi3+. Significant difference. By a surprising amount to me.
  6. If you're happy with it and there's no smoke it's all good.
  7. Quite a deal in these times.
  8. I have a 70 foot Norway Spruce in the front yard.
  9. Listen to them for a bit. If you enjoy the sound leave 'em alone unless something fails.
  10. You mean the farm above me on the mountain? His family used to own most of the land around here. He seems unhappy about that.
  11. I am the white dot in the center of this. Trees extend like this for miles in every direction .Springtime can be a bit irritating. Wouldn't give it up for anything.
  12. I am definitely not going down that road. Spent the past 40 years or so screwing with things for a living. These days I buy what does the job I need it to w/o upgrades high maintenance and troubles. Tube amps are not for me. Not sure I'd wanna deal with class A heat. Thanks for all the answers and information. Seems like I get watts for dollars from what I can tell. Don't really seem to need 'em. The Topping measures 27 watts at 8Ω. I do use it like a power amp turned all the way up using a preamp for volume. Something to think about.
  13. I'm currently using a Topping PA3s to drive my Heresy 1 and KG SW sub. I like the stark nature of the pairing. It's clean a bit bright and very detailed. The passive sub I use does a good enough job for me as I'm not a big thumping bass fan. My hearing (trails off after 12kHz) may be why. Most of my listening is streaming via Spotify. All this has me intrigued if a significant improvement can be had by stepping up to a higher end/spec class D power amp. It'd be nice if I could keep it under $1K USD. Listen to just about anything. Rap and country are very rare other than that I'm old and tired of the same old same old. I expanded my listening to keep me from hating the music that drew me in in the first place. So would it be money well spent? I forgot to mention I'm a cheap bastid thus will relentlessly hunt down a deal. Quality second hand is no problem to me.
  14. geezin'


    An Angel visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking and unmarried sex if she wants to get into Heaven. The woman said she would try her best. The Angel visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on. "Not bad" said the woman, "I've given up smoking and drinking but when I bent over to look in the freezer, my boyfriend caught sight of my long slender legs in high heels and he pulled up my skirt and made love to me right then and there." "They don't like that in Heaven", said the Angel... The woman replied: "They're not crazy about it in Costco either!"
  15. My phone speak alien sometimes. Not the kind in Texas either.
  16. Happy hour early tonight?
  17. geezin'

    What I Got Today!

    Schiit Saga S pre amp. Picked it up used for a song. Cannot hear the difference other than some gain with the JFET turned on. Exactly what I wanted.
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