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  • My System
    KP-301s, R-100SW, LSIs, THTs, Heresy I's, HIPs

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  1. Definitely a flux capacitor.
  2. chassell


    "you will be amazed" He's right.
  3. Somebody needs this! It's practically impossible to find and the price is right!
  4. Hello Mike and welcome to the forum! This is a years-old thread, but as good as anywhere for your question. I've got 1978 LSIs, and while I've not heard the Forte IV, I can't imagine giving up the LSI's. I went through mine completely, tightening, replacing caps and a woofer, and generally cleaned them up. If I were you, I'd do the same and perhaps redo the cabinet exterior. You'd have essentially new LSIs at lower cost than the F-IVs. Charlie
  5. You could sand and stain with whatever finish you prefer. Paint the interior of the bass bin black as it would be murder to get in there and sand/stain. Edge banding will cover the edges of the plywood.
  6. I've also got 2 of them, and I second this.
  7. $850 is an excellent price for KP-301s. They're very efficient; for a while I was running mine with a 30W Marantz, though they do really shine with more wattage. 125W is plenty. I can't imagine that converting the back would hurt value. Charlie
  8. That hasn't been my experience.
  9. Klipsch will not sell them to you. They don't have any and have no plans to get more. At least, that was their response to me when I inquired recently.
  10. Beautiful set of LSIs. Best of luck with your sale!
  11. Here they are again! 😉 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/726286359060223/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A5c8d4c80-493f-4be5-b33c-ddacdb7917e3
  12. There's one in Tennessee, too. https://wpln.org/post/curious-nashville-in-search-of-a-space-capsule-in-rural-hickman-county/
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