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Daddy Dee

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Everything posted by Daddy Dee

  1. Very nice CW's. congrats. my take is that they are indeed originally raw birch decorators. some very nice work in customizing. not factory, imo. but very nice, indeed. enjoy.
  2. Chad, happy birthday and congrats! You've made one more complete trip around the sun!
  3. These look like they could be KG4's from The Bridge, Season 2, eps. 7 There is some other nice looking gear in the rack, a scene of decent length to see if you have a chance. Not sure what all is in there. well, can't get my screen grab jpg to post. will try again later.
  4. great project. love the small house. all looks really good!
  5. They definitely need some TLC. Veneer can turn La Scalas into near works of art. seriously. The only problem with veneer is that inside the bass bin only the front portions of the surface are accessible. The doghouse and sides can be done for a large portion. a lovely solution to this is to add some Belle Klipsch style grill covers inside the bass bin to cover the unveneered surfaces. I would also suggest matching the HF section with grill cloth, if they do not already have grill boards. Some raised trim work will be required to make this look right, unless they came that way from the factory. Another option, which is pretty easy and can make for some very nice cabs would be to have a nice black finish after patching up the cabs. Can't find the pic i am looking for, but this is an example of a LaScala which has had cabinet mods to match the Type B Khorn cabs Hope you can post some pics of your project as you go along.
  6. Hi rok. welcome to the forum. Yeh. those are sweethearts. I'd keep 'em too!
  7. takes a big man to whip a woman! these guys make me sick. I am also sorry for the women. A victim of physical abuse typically will leave her husband 7 or 8 times before leaving him for good... if she survives. The most often injury for women treated in ER is a result of violence at the hand of her husband or boyfriend. Lord, have mercy.
  8. Daddy Dee

    Checking in

    Good to see you Amy! You go girl!
  9. Boxx, thanks for the post. good food for thought here! will be an interesting season, i think.
  10. nice find. glad to see you are giving them some tlc
  11. i'm sure it would sound good. I think the solid wood thing is an aesthetic thing, pretty cool, but not an improvement over mdf. thanks for the link. really cooling looking speaker.
  12. USNRET, Thanks for the link. Odd bunch, the Chinese. Very cool project to recover the plane as needed. impressive indeed. The pilot, Lt. Shane Osborn. He was the man flying that day to get the plane on the ground, period saving crew and plane. Recovered from an inverted dive to do that. No small thing. If you can post your pic from Time mag. would love to see it.
  13. Bruce, very cool. where was that class pic taken?
  14. i didn't remember having to cut up the aircraft. what was that decision process like? that was easier than repair to fly it out?
  15. They've had that on Texas a&m T-shirts for the past 124 years..... Really? had no idea.
  16. well, i've had to deal with logitech customer service a couple of times for my squeezebox duet. lots of disconnects in that organization. they don't seem to be set up for customer service flow. i've talked with some people who were courteous and tried to be helpful, but ended up not being able to do what needed to be done from their desk. have wondered about the issue Bruce mentions about having a bazillion products to service.
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