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  1. https://stlouis.craigslist.org/ele/d/klipsch-la-scalla-speakers/6484717145.html no affiliation.
  2. I am looking for a little input from any of you using Al’s extreme slope networks in smaller listening rooms. I am using the es500 and es5800 combo with diy La Scalas. These networks do many things very well, separation of instruments, clean bass, very clean bass, and vocal clarity is all there in spades. However the center image is not. I was using Bob’s a4500 networks previously which are great for how basic they are and they had a great center image. I have read how great the imaging of the esn networks is and for the most part they are amazing, but I am missing that center image. Any advice? Are these for big rooms?
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/One-Klipsch-La-Scala-K-447-Speaker-K-77-K-55-V-K-33-P-K-400-Balancing-Network-A/162809571190 No affiliation, $649 buy it now.
  4. https://stlouis.craigslist.org/ele/6459248946.html No affiliation. I might be interested in the La Scala cabs if anyone wanted to do a group buy & haul, but they'd have to be coming through STL because I have no way of hauling anything.
  5. Hey there gents, I am new to this particular forum. Im looking to get some used La Scala's off craigslist. I am no stranger to the hobby, but I have only ever purchased a pair of Heresy II's for restoration. What are some of the checklist items that someone needs to look for when making an offer for the heritage speakers, in my specific case, the la Scala. Ill start off with some of the basics that I know of e.g. Crites components, serial numbers, finish. etc Thanks in advance, I would appreciate your expertise!
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-LaScala-Vintage-Stereo-Speakers-2-Unfinished-wood/273015362119 No photos. Buy it now is $1000. No affiliation.
  7. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-LaScala-Vintage-Stereo-Speakers-2-In-Black-Satin-Finish/122894851494 no affiliation.
  8. Cleaning out a storage unit and found these! I know nothing about them, I'm not really an audio guy but I figured I should ask you guys about them before I move forward with them. I am looking to sell and located near Seattle. If you guys can give me any advice on what to check for/what I should price them at I'd be very curious to know. Bit dusty and missing outer cabinets? But the components look to be in good shape. Any help you guys can give would be awesome! Thanks in advance! RJ
  9. Currently I’m using La Scalas (1980) for two channel music. Mostly iPod, vinyl or CDs powered by a motley & random assortment of amps from an ONIX SP3 tube amp, to old Kenwood SS amps & receivers. HT is mostly used for gaming and is powered by a lower end Yamaha (RX-V471), using RF 52IIs, LR; KV-1 as Ctr., with SB2s bringing up the rear. (No Sub... I know, don’t even go there.) It’s been adequate for light TV and gaming use. Recently, I’ve started playing with the La Scalas in the HT set up as LR mains. Obviously, the other speakers aren’t able to keep up. Now, I’m fortunate to also have a pair of Heresy 1s (1980 built by HDBRbuilder). I’ve found that replacing the KV-1 with a Heresy, produces some impressive results. So now I’m thinking; move both the Heresys to rear duty, with the La Scalas LR. All good, except now I’m short a Center speaker. Which brings me to the question. Should I get a single (used) Heresy for the Center, or is something like an RP450C going to be a better idea? A single Heresy is going to be way more affordable. Thoughts? Criticisms? Room is appx. 12’X20’X8’ Also, feel free to weigh in on HT Receiver upgrade choices. Thanks in advance.
  10. Does anyone know which "theater type speaker" Paul Klipsch measured for his early La Scala paper (he did not mention its name, but just called it a popular "theater type speaker"). Was it the Altec A7? Or perhaps the JBL C55 with 154 and 375 with horn lens installed? It seems to me that the bigger ones would be just too big to be rivals of the La Scala in a home. The La Scala did better, particularly in the frequencies above 10K. Does anyone have that article they can post? PWK did at least two articles on the La Scala. In one he presented La Scala v. a "theater type speaker," and in the other he surperimposed graphs of the La Scala v.s. the Klipschorn in the bass, since that would be what everybody would be asking about.
  11. This is a newbie question. How does one remove the crossover from the cabinet? I don't see any screws or the like. Does the mid range horn need to come out too? Thanks in advance.
  12. This is your rare opportunity to own a true classic loudspeaker and a piece of US audio history, the Klipsch La Scala II. The sound is simply stunning. These single owner loudspeakers are approximately 10 years old and are in outstanding condition. They were driven mostly by low watt tube amplification. They have a beautiful cherry finish. All serial number information is accurate and matching. They include all documentation, certificates of authenticity, as well as original shipping paperwork and shipping containers. These audiophile classics can be yours for the asking price of $5500. More info here: https://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/ele/d/klipsch-la-scala-ii/6382973336.html Thanks....Scott
  13. https://stlouis.craigslist.org/ele/6386355169.html no affiliation.
  14. Hey everyone, In the market for a pair of La Scala IIs, finish isn't too important. Ideally they will be less that ten years old, in good condition, not too many physical imperfections. Looking forward to hearing from any sellers. My email is cbaugh1@gmail.com. Thanks a lot people! Chris
  15. daryls

    La Scala

    No Affiliation... GO GET EM!!!! https://sanantonio.craigslist.org/ele/d/wood-speakers/6378537725.html
  16. We are proud to announce the upcoming release of the 70th Anniversary Limited-edition La Scala and Cornwall speakers! In celebration of Klipsch’s 70th anniversary, exclusive limited-edition La Scala® & Cornwall ® speakers are being manufactured in exotic Australian Walnut wood veneer. Australian Walnut (also known as Queensland Walnut) is grown in the coastal tablelands of North Queensland, Australia. The species varies in color, but is usually a pale-golden hue highly contrasted with darker streaks of chocolate brown, grey, black or even pink. Australian Walnut grain is moderately close and even, and sometimes wavy, resulting in a wide variety of figure effects. Only 70 pairs of each model will be made. MSRP: $14,000/pr (La Scala) & $6,000/pr (Cornwall) We will present more information here very soon. These are set to begin shipping in October. Stay tuned for more information!
  17. Long time user of the internet but I've never joined a group before…a first for me so empathy if I'm posting in the wrong place please. Mesmerized by the La Scala units as an early teen but life was a little rough back then and the price put this want in the "when I get rich" category. I turn 50 this year and while I will always be poor in my mind, I can afford to buy a set. Before I start looking for new or used, I wanted to explore building a pair as I have a lot of woodworking equipment and am blessed with skills to go with it. I see posts on plans / components / general advice but it looks to be from 2007. Can someone point me in the right direction for the latest or all-inclusive section on building LaScala's? Looking forward to learning and hopefully contributing.
  18. Good evening folks. I have a few questions. I am very new to Klipsch. A local bowling alley/comedy club had an auction. I recently picked up 2 Klipsch la scala industrial split speakers. $60 for the set. Well the top part anyway. No bass bins. serial # 2357 and #2412. That is about all the info I have been able to find. I plan on keeping them. Can someone point me towards more info on these speakers? Also looking for direction on either getting bass bins or making suitable clones? They sound good as they are, but noticeably missing the low end. Any help would be much appreciated.
  19. So I decided to deploy a sub with my La Scalas. I went with the Polk PSW505 which is a powered 12-inch sub, great reviews and relatively inexpensive. I am going to be using the speaker/line level inputs as my Yaqin amp doesn't have a pre or sub out. According to https://www.upscaleaudio.com/pages/subwoofer-tips this is not a bad way to go. I do not intend to connect the LS to the speaker-out on the sub, which means I will continue to have full range going to the LS. The sub has a variable crossover point, from 60-120hz. What would you recommend as the sub xo point, given that the LS will continue to receive the full range signal. I've read the LS drop off completely at ~50hz and are weak below 90hz, so I'm thinking 90hz is a good point. I'll experiment but wondered what the community thinks best given your experience and this specific config.
  20. I'm working on my new to me 2-channel system. I set out to build a good sounding 2-channel system without falling into the expensive black hole of high end audio equipment. I wanted to keep this all-in under $2500. I started with a really good set of 1977 La Scalas that I had Bob Crites rebuild the crossovers (great job and highly recommended). For the amp I chose the Yaqin MS-30L with EL34B tubes. The Yaqin has surprisingly good build quality and weighs over 50 pounds. The power transformers are Japanese with claimed 'audio grade' materials. I chose the MS-30L model because it has a few higher quality components, has a remote control, tube protection circuit, and offers user-selectable Ultralinear or Triode modes. Ultralinear mode provides 50 watts power and Triode mode offers 25 watts. The turntable is Audio-Technica LP120. I'm using the supplied cartridge and built-in SS phono stage (RIAA standard). Not an expensive turntable but very good quality and has a lot of high end features. I really like it for the money. The sound is overall amazing. It sounds very broad and wide, lots of dynamic range. I was worried that the bass may be weak with the La Scalas but that is not the case. It seems to have a very solid low end. Maybe not vibrate the walls deep but I don't hear that I'm missing much in most of the music I listen to (rock, primarily). I find myself wanting to keep turning it up, which is a sign that it sounds good. I thought I might like the Triode mode better as it drives the tubes a little harder, but I think I like Ultralinear mode a little better as it seems to have slightly more punch and depth. The difference is subtle though, and I think depends on the specific track. I like that I can switch between modes to experiment. The LS are very directional though and I am still trying different speaker angles and sitting positions for best sound. I'll update more later as I get some more experience with the Yaqin and system. I'll add a CD player later and I have a feed from streaming digital audio as well.
  21. I'm a newbie, going to pickup 70's La Scalas this weekend, and I have no idea where to start with amps. The La Scalas will be in the basement (18' x 13' x 7'), and I'll be about 15' from them in my sitting area (they have to go in the short ends of the room rectangle due to built in shelving along the long wall). I recently purchased Cornwalls, and have an SG Jolida tube amp that I really like. Any recommendations on pairing the right amp/tube amp with the La Scalas?
  22. Hello, I am picking up a pair of vintage La Scala this week and am wondering the best way to transport them. I'll be using a pickup truck and I am thinking of placing them face down on a large blanket. I'd cover the backsides with a tarp. Any issues with them being face down? Would face up be better? I could carry them vertically although I worry about stabilizing them well enough so they wouldn't fall over if I had to brake hard or swerve. Lots of good information in this community. I hope to contribute after I learn more about the LS. Thanks for the help!
  23. How do I bring my 1980's vintage equipment into the 21st century? Finally the kids are gone....I've been a responsible adult. I've driven the minivan, paid taxes, changed diapers, painted the picket fence and mowed the lawn. I've listened to my wife tell me she wants me to get rid of my La Scala's and my guitars and such for twenty years now, but somehow still have everything. Now it's time to listen to the music again. My problem is everything is so different now...Does anyone actually own music anymore? How do I get the digital music into my analog amp? Would love to use blue tooth but my receiver doesn't support it....I'm also suspicious about how the sound will be affected. How do I connect to streaming services like Amazon or I tunes? Whats the best thing to do?
  24. I recently picked up a decent pair of 1980s/1990s vintage La Scala on Craigslist. One tweeter was blown and requires a diaphragm/coil replacement (no biggie), and the 3/4" plywood finish is very ugly, but the pair of speakers is otherwise in very good shape. It comes with AA crossovers. Everything about the speakers is nice - except for the sound coming out of the 15" woofers. It has good treble and very strong and rich mid range, but the sub-400 Hz frequencies coming out of the 15" woofers are just exceedingly muddy and boomy. The muddy echos are highly irritating. The muddiness must be because of cabinet resonance on the 3/4" plywood. What can I do to eliminate the resonance? I am thinking of applying 12"x12" marble or granite tiles to the interior and exterior surfaces of the woofer box to stiffen the walls to eliminate resonance, but the tiles would add a whole lot of weight. Are there other solutions I can try?
  25. A little Cornscala love on Cnet
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