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That's it, no more free bees!


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I'm sure you saw my post about my bosss buying a bose system. (OH NO, WAF) Well, a couple nights ago, he calls me with a "problem" His tv pic was messing up, and he thoroughly explained what was going on with it. I told him to get back there and plug the blue wire on the component video wire in, and walla, problem fixed. Then earlier today he calls with another problem. No sound what so ever! Once again, he thoroughly explains the problem to me, and I told him to push the mute button on the remote. And................... walla, problem fixed. I told him no more free bees and I'll be chargng him from now on[:@]

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I've done my own share of stupid things.

While working in tv news in Memphis in the mid /70s, I did some recording for a friend on my 4 track RTR. We took it and a small mixer I had into the station to mix down to the 2 track Ampex they had. Everything was patched in... no signal to the 2 track. Checked... double checked... Call engineer friend from the station... We couldn't figure it out.

Duh! Ended up the mixer wasnt' turned on. They had recessed lights in the mix booth, and one was shining right down onto the little aluminum bezel surrounding the power l.e.d. It was glowing great! But it wasn't on.

The mix came out ok, btw. Still, some folks haven't a clue. At least I finally figured it out.[:$]


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Yes ...the Bee's have organized and formed a union

they will only pollinate for two hours and then they need a coffee break

Their constant regurgitating of said pollen has caused their teeth to weaken and they will be given full dental as well as health, 401K , and three weeks of sick days

the starting rate for a basic drone is to be $15.99 per hour....$18.99 after 3 months... and 3% cost of living increase every 6 months.

The Honey manufacturers are asking for $25 billion in a government bailout.....so we the tax paying public, will be paying for all the Bee's

Indeed .... no more free Bee's!!!!!

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Yes ...the Bee's have organized and formed a union

they will only pollinate for two hours and then they need a coffee break

Their constant regurgitating of said pollen has caused their teeth to weaken and they will be given full dental as well as health, 401K , and three weeks of sick days

the starting rate for a basic drone is to be $15.99 per hour....$18.99 after 3 months... and 3% cost of living increase every 6 months.

The Honey manufacturers are asking for $25 billion in a government bailout.....so we the tax paying public, will be paying for all the Bee's

Indeed .... no more free Bee's!!!!!

I heard that!!!!

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Yes ...the Bee's have organized and formed a union

they will only pollinate for two hours and then they need a coffee break

Their constant regurgitating of said pollen has caused their teeth to weaken and they will be given full dental as well as health, 401K , and three weeks of sick days

the starting rate for a basic drone is to be $15.99 per hour....$18.99 after 3 months... and 3% cost of living increase every 6 months.

The Honey manufacturers are asking for $25 billion in a government bailout.....so we the tax paying public, will be paying for all the Bee's

Indeed .... no more free Bee's!!!!!

I heard that!!!!

It's a boring rainy sunday........[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

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Whew!!! Thanks Fender for going there on the whole bee thing!!! I was worried about the situation... especially because the african killer bees (as in imports...) are taking over the industry....Cool

1.) let me thank you for putting Peter Sellers back up.......

B.) Don't thank me yet.....next time you go to get a cup of tea with honey, it may cost $17.95.....

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phoenetic spelling........sorta

That's exactly correct spelling, but it's only phonetic in French. It's pronounced "vwa-lah", and it is two words run together, "vois" and "la", meaning "see there", taken to mean "there you have it" or "there it is" in English.
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I've done more than my share of similar things. Case in point: I promised my best friend I'd help him move on Sunday. He said I'd be in charge of making sure his huge TV, KLF-30s and all his electronics were moved safely. That turned into me standing inside an open semi trailer for 5 hours in 25 degree temperatures single-handedly arranging and lifting all his furniture, boxes, EVERYTHING, into the semi trailer. Filled the entire trailer with his stuff! I then drove his Suburban with a trailer on it about an hour to where he was moving, helped him bring in his TV and electronics and speakers. Started the day at 2:30pm and didn't get home until 1:30am, went to work from 8:30am to 9pm today.

Needless to say, the old back was a little sore today and I was exhausted!

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He did buy supper for me and his mom and dad. Free bacon cheeseburger and fries out of the deal!

He's really in a bind, recently divorced, limited visitation with his kids, not much money. I'm sure if he had money he would have given me something for helping him. I really didn't mind helping him, it just turned out to be a lot more work than I was prepared for. I'm the shoulder he literally cried on when everything with his now ex-wife started going down. I don't have any doubts that he would have done the same for me. That's what friendship is all about. [Y]

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