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If they do this what else do they do ?


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Want your state to have a better chance in a beauty pageant ? They could buy her some new silicone but they couldn't get her to keep her mouth shut about controversial issues.

I don't think we are expected to judge them for there brains anyway, if so why a swimsuit part of the show ?

What they should have is a surprise candid pic of them 5 seconds after they wake up, that would be the best part of the show.


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What I find interesting is that...would they rather have crowned someone who spoke up for what she believed in (that marriage should take place only between a man and woman) or someone who lied about what she believed in just to pacify other people?

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What I find interesting is that...would they rather have crowned someone who spoke up for what she believed in (that marriage should take place only between a man and woman) or someone who lied about what she believed in just to pacify other people?

Neither. They want someone who stands up for beliefs similar to their own. The problem is you're going to piss someone off no matter how you answer that question.
There really is no good answer to it. It was a bad position to be put

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"It was a bad position to be put in." . . . . . . gosh, i wouldn't mind being put in a bad position with her . . . . but my wife has no sense of humor about such things . . . . she thinks those hussies just want me for my body . . . . . so, is that a bad thing?

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gosh, i wouldn't mind being put in a bad position with her

I think that a bad position with her is like finding a bad beer, ain't no such thing. I also believe that the "judge" that condemned her for not 'representing all of America' needs to re-read what he stated. There is no one answer would represent all of America.

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I don't think we are expected to judge them for there brains anyway, if so why a swimsuit part of the show ?

My wife keeps telling me that I'm always sitting on my brain. Why is it then, she didn't share a moment of understanding with me when after she asked, I told her I was simply staring at this gals brain?

I don't get it...she had a fine brain.


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I really feel sorry for people who compete in these meat contests. I can't imagine how painful it must be to have such a shallow understanding of self, that one must contest their most superficial values against others, to be judged by others yet. Seems like really hitting bottom on the scale of self-worth.

That's not how they look at it, to most of them it is worth something and it does pay off if done correctly, most of these girls will be "working" these superficial values most of there lives to get what they want, or who they want to be with $, you see it every day it is there self worth.

I am not saying it right, but it is the way it is, and always will be.

EDIT, I had to edit this because I see Fini posted,........Ask Mrs Fini she only married him for his looks, Fini works hard at keeping up that model look, it's a tough job, you would not believe what he goes through to look like that everyday ! [H]

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Not exactly sure what JB meant but I was saying was I feel sorry for the people who feel they have to be politically correct in what they say and do.

I don't always say what I think as it may hurt someones feelings, my wife " claims" I am a smart @ss, but to say certain things that people want to hear just to fit in or be correct with the current opinions is a little crazy, imo.

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Not exactly sure what JB meant but I was saying was I feel sorry for the people who feel they have to be politically correct in what they say and do.

I don't always say what I think as it may hurt someones feelings, my wife " claims" I am a smart @ss, but to say certain things that people want to hear just to fit in or be correct with the current opinions is a little crazy, imo.

absolutly, its a requirement to hold most jobs in this country. Mark was lucky enough to work for himself, but for those that don't political correctness is a major contest to keep ones job.

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In life we all compete in the political correctness contest.

That's one contest that I really for sorry for the contestants.

I wonder what that means? Can anyone explain that to me?

My stab at explanation,

Deleted. This is a forum for audio not this discussion or my rant on PC.

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In life we all compete in the political correctness contest.

That's one contest that I really for sorry for the contestants.

I wonder what that means? Can anyone explain that to me?

My stab at explanation,

Deleted. This is a forum for audio not this discussion or my rant on PC.

DAMMIT......I read through the whole thread and it looks like it's starting to get real good and then you pull out? (flying term - not the other [6] )



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absolutly, its a requirement to hold most jobs in this country. Mark was lucky enough to work for himself, but for those that don't political correctness is a major contest to keep ones job.

Interesting. I worked for a couple of big companies for about 20 years before getting off that wagon and striking out on my own. I know there is a thing called "office etiquette" - and I know there is a thing called "sexual harrassment" but I don't recall people using the "PC" phrase. I generally figured that if someone is buying your labor, and you are willingly selling, they probably have bought the right to tell you what you can or can't do while you are earning that money. That's why I stopped selling it to them.

JB, can you give me an example?

sexual harrassment? Never heard of it can you please define it for me.

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I was only asking for someone to explain what Politically Correct means.

I hear it used quite frequently, but never in a way that explains its meaning. Is it that hard to explain?

A trend that wants to make everything fair, equal and just to all by suppressing thought, speech and practice in order to achieve that goal

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absolutly, its a requirement to hold most jobs in this country. Mark was lucky enough to work for himself, but for those that don't political correctness is a major contest to keep ones job.

Interesting. I worked for a couple of big companies for about 20 years before getting off that wagon and striking out on my own. I know there is a thing called "office etiquette" - and I know there is a thing called "sexual harrassment" but I don't recall people using the "PC" phrase. I generally figured that if someone is buying your labor, and you are willingly selling, they probably have bought the right to tell you what you can or can't do while you are earning that money. That's why I stopped selling it to them.

JB, can you give me an example?

(tom hangs his head, shaking it side-to-side and laughs)

Mark......you and only you would post something like that in a thread like this. LOL..... Dude - you crack me up.


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