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Moving cross country..need tips


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foam sheets from home depot. they cut easy and can be butt jointed to overlap and protect corners, once you ductape the foam in place, you can wrap them with heavy floor underlayment with comes in rolls and is basically heavy cardboard. I would use 2" sheets for tops and bottoms and 1" sheets for the sides.

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Sorry but no one moves my speakers except me. I'll pack and load them myself to ensure that they will make the travel. I agree with buying some packing material (Foam board and thick blankets) to help protect them. Even if you spent $50 in packing supplies, that's better than having to replace a driver or having a HUGE gouge in your speaker that you cannot fix. Best wishes.

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If you expect the worse, then prepare for the worse. If the moving company is going to move them, whatever method of protection you use, then I would take tons of pictures of my packing process in case they fault you for poor packing methods due to a damage situation.

Good Luck on your move and your stay in New Jersey.

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If you are really worried about it, why not rent the smallest Uhaul trailer and pack your valuables in there and let the moving company handle the rest.

I agree with the above. The peace of mind you'll have by taking a few of the valuable and fragile items with you is unmeasurable. Won't loose sleep at night...etc.

Small U-haul trailer to tow. In the end, you'll be so happy you did.

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You better be moving to a place where you can have a sub-woofer! I mean, if you're going to pack and relocate and everything then come on, that should be the number one priority in your new place; above location, cost, etc.! First question...can I use dual 18" subs in my new home?

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i talked to a moving comapny today, they came to give an in home estimate. the rf-7's are going in wardrobe boxes surrounded by blankets and bubble wrap. I am going to bend cardboard around the front into a triangl to bloack the cones frome getting killed. Other speakers are just going in boxes but wrapped of course. I have a better feeling than before, but i wont know till it gets there.

My listening location will be the family room in my house, it has like a 15ftcatherdal celing.It is going to be very interesting how things will be setup because this stuff is big!

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Congrats on a new home! With 15 ft cathedral ceilings, you will be glad you have the RF-7s, and your new sub-woofer project will really fill in the bass. Many of us on here really go for over-kill (you know, like having 2 RF-7s, 2 RF-5s, a couple of centers, and 6 surround speakers filling our 10 X 10 living room) but I think you'll need alot of speaker for that space.

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bah, i grew up in nj, i aint no guido!

I dated a NJ girl for 2 years and here's what I learned:

The Statue of Liberty is ACTUALLY in NJ, but for some reason it faces NY.

Everyone lives off of an exit on the Parkway...towns only exist in the mind.

If you are from north NJ (like my gf), NY is "the city" and the center of the Universe and everything else is rural America.

If you live in central NJ, Philly is "the city" and the center of the Universe.

If you live in south NJ, you're from Delaware.

Bruce Springstein and Jon Bon Jovi are the two coolest people in the universe.

There are only three vacation destinations in New Jersey; Atlantic City, The Shore (as made famous by MTV), and Florida, which is in Delaware.

"Where do you tan?" is an acceptable conversation opener between two hederosexual males that just met.

All males must have a name that a "Y" can be added to end for a nickname...Mikey, Johnny, Timmy, Tony, Billy, Bobby, etc. This posed a significant problem for me, "Jason," when I lived in Jersey for a year as "Jasony" has never caught on. Being that I did not live near one of the pre-destined centers of the universe, I was presumed to reside somewhere in Delaware. As such, I was referred to as either; "cowboy," "cornfed," or simply "Kansas." It was totally irrelavent that I had never ridden a horse and that very little corn is produced in Kansas. Some of the more well traveled Jersey folk I met realized by my accent that I was in fact, not from Delaware, and they were CERTAIN that I was from Texas. When I said Kansas, they asked, "is that near Dallas?"

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