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The Carnival Cruise From Hell Is Over


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They should have been at least offered a hotel room for the night. Leaving that ship only to board for a 10 hour bus ride isn't anyone's idea of 'taking care of people'. Unless you had to race back to work..

Let's remember what an engine fire would do to a airliner too, passengers would barely have time to smell their own stench before it was game over.

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I'd like to hear why they didn't rescue the passengers. Probably cost too much. You know......send another cruise ship, or red cross ships, or a military vessel. They are lucky they had good weather in the gulf. Obviously Carnival decided to just "let them ride it out".

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Much easier said than done to evacuate thousands of people onto another cruise ship while in the ocean. Military ships? Come on. These people were inconvenienced, not endangered. Media hysteria here.

I see Oprah, Barbara Walters, et al, ready and willing to interview the "survivors" of this ordeal... Great television, not.
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No big deal, I would have not cared if I was on that cruise, always wanted to pee over the rail anyway. See there is a benefit to being on the upper decks. [Y]

I would rather be on ship when it runs out of power than a jet. [:|]

Things happen, if your looking for me during a power outage or if the ship runs aground like in Italy, I will be at a bar on the outside deck. [D]

CNN covered it like a real disaster, they were there all day until everyone got off that night, they sounded a little upset when passengers were not distressed and completely upset, they were wanting a better story I think.

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Much easier said than done to evacuate thousands of people onto another cruise ship while in the ocean. Military ships? Come on. These people were inconvenienced, not endangered. Media hysteria here.

They could have made it to Mexico two days sooner but they turned the alleged boat around.

Actually my friends mother was on the dreaded ship. There was raw sewage flowing up and down hallways and into some rooms. That is dangerous over long period of time. There was poor communication onboard the ship. They were told very little and only knew they were going to Mobile at the last minute. She said that before the boat made dock they rushed cleaning the ship before it made port. How the boat looked at the dock is not what they lived through...

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Much easier said than done to evacuate thousands of people onto another cruise ship while in the ocean. Military ships? Come on. These people were inconvenienced, not endangered. Media hysteria here.

Yea.......military ships. I remember when Bill Clinton sent some to fetch JFK Jr.and his wife off the bottom of Martha's vineyard after they were already dead. They were worth the cost.

Money rules. Carnival let them tough it out because of cost.

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running out of food at the end of a cruise is a blessing after packing on the pounds for a few days. I'm sure no one was in danger of starvation (except those diabetics who must maintain proper diet). Hard to believe that there was no backup system of any type for the sewage and waste water though. That calls for a re-engineering of cruise ships imho. Backup generator, something..

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They could have made it to Mexico two days sooner but they turned the alleged boat around.

Probably so and a smart idea, Mexico is not the place to have a few thousand people from a cruise ship trying to get to the airport.

That would not have been safe at all, a few extra days on that boat probably saved many lives and was 100% safer.

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They should have been at least offered a hotel room for the night. Leaving that ship only to board for a 10 hour bus ride isn't anyone's idea of 'taking care of people'. Unless you had to race back to work..

Let's remember what an engine fire would do to a airliner too, passengers would barely have time to smell their own stench before it was game over.

Based on what a local news anchor stated last night, every passenger is being offered a 1 nights stay at a 5-star hotel, $500 cash, a full refund on the purchase price of their tickets, and a free cruise (should they be capable of mustering up the moxy to give it another go).

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I don't like boats, ships, rafts, and anything that floats.


That's funny

As long as there still floating your ok, except for maby the poop deck, always wondered where they got that name.

Well... Hope floats, but so does a turd. But I don't have to like it... lol..
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I'd like to hear why they didn't rescue the passengers. Probably cost too much. You know......send another cruise ship, or red cross ships, or a military vessel. They are lucky they had good weather in the gulf. Obviously Carnival decided to just "let them ride it out".

They had a sister ship supply the stranded cruise ship. As for why rescuing people, its dangerous enough for US warships such as the Nimitz class aircraft carrier to get resupplied by a fuel and food ship, with able boded men and women, let alone mostly "older" and children. The ship is also atleast 6 stories above the waterline. It would be easier to deploy the life rafts, inflatable or non.

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