Audio Flynn Posted July 14, 2002 Share Posted July 14, 2002 Deang, Really like your use of the word "dupe" in refernece to the unfortunate stagnation of "The Republic" due to the 2 party system. Too much rhetoric and too many lies to sort through to find the truth. Rick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lne937s Posted July 15, 2002 Share Posted July 15, 2002 This is my last post on this subject- I am glad to see that many of you have actually thought about the subject but dismayed at the closed mondedness of others. Crash your young-old comment originated with the Shaw of Iran and it was originally communist and fascist- much more extreeme. Also- despite his use of the word God, Einstien was not a religious man and also was a Socialist. I was singing the "God Bless America" at a Brooklyn Cyclones game and had a moment of clarity. I like the afore mentioned song because it asks god to bless this country. I prefer this to the pledge because the pledge says that we are already "Under God" rather than asking for his guidance. I personally do not presume to know God'd will. Also, I was singing it out of my own free will as a private individual. Despite the ill conceived title of this post- nobody is making it illegal for you to say anything. You could say "under Scooby Doo" if you wanted to- that is also part of the first amendment. All that it does is remove a reference to Judeo-Christian religion from a prominant, official government statement that is repeated by millions through the use of government-sponsored channels of communication. I cast my vote for removing it. best wishes to all, Larry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deang Posted July 15, 2002 Share Posted July 15, 2002 I believe that would be "Under Scooby, Scooby Doo".f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eric D Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 Being from the original Scooby Doo generation, I gotta admit it has a certain ring.... But seriously, as I've been thinking about this, maybe the process we're going through is more important than the outcome. I think of the Pledge as something we're introduced to in school when we are to young to really understand it. As we get older, first we learn what each part means, then we delve into how it is implemented - the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our laws. By the time we get to be old enough to vote (and hardened in our ways), we debate how and if to change it. The best thing I can hope for this current "crisis" is that we provide our children a demonstration of how our country internally resolves an emotional subject. Rather than killing each other, we debate - hopefully civilized - and even if it gets heated , we stay within limits and use the constitutionally defined methods to resolve our differences. That's why I think one and all who have participated in this debate probably voice the pledge (OK, whichever version) with obvious sincerity - not just a monotone recitation of words. As such, I'm definitely... Dam*-glad-to-meet-ya, Eric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deang Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 Personally, I will no longer be reciting the pledge unless I get a Scooby Snack.f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshT Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 My God. Am I the only person here who is absolutely dumbfounded that Kenratboy used the term "******" in the title of his post and that the moderators have left it in? I only now saw this post, or would have spoken up earlier. All the good discourse that has resulted from this thread is all fine and good, and kudos to HornEd for his thoughtful and tolerant posts (it doesn't hurt that I agree with him), but how can a hate word survive in the title of a post on the Klipsch BB?! Shame on Kenratboy for using that work and on BobG and his colleagues for not removing it from the title. Disgraceful! For the record, I am a Christian, I am heterosexual, I am patriotic, I tend to vote equally Democrat and Republican, and I am not enrolled in a political party. I condemned the PRC for Tianeman Square, I cheered the Reagan/Bush years when the Communist regimes fell in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and I even cheered Bill Clinton (gasp) when he sent naval war ships to protect Taiwan against PRC aggression during the 1996 Taiwanese elections. I love the United States and its Pledge of Allegiance, but ever since I was a young boy in the 1970s, I could not understand how "under God" fit in a U.S government-sponsored pledge. But back to my main point -- use of any derogatory slur, whether in reference to a race, nationality, ethnic group, gender or sexual orientation is awful and should be condemned loudly by the posters here. When Senator McCain referred to his Vietnamese captors as "gooks" during his Presidential campaign, he lost my vote. The fact that he defended the use of such term later (with indignation), by insisting that he was referring only to his Communist enslavors and not to any other Asians generally, only made me more angry. I dislike many evil individuals who happen to be minorities, but I would NEVER refer to any of them by a biggoted slur. GRRRRRR! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Garrison Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 Just a quick observation - There's more than one meaning for that word. One is a derogatory slur against a homosexual man. The other is "A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together." So, I suppose you could take the view that he was saying that the pinheads in CA who voted this are acting like a bunch of loose sticks lightly bound together without any direction or purpose. Or maybe not... Ray ------------------ Music is art Audio is engineering Ray's Music System Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikekid Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 Stop the insanity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an idea, why don't we let this thread die. If some folks would like to ramble on about it, pm each other! This message has been edited by Mikekid on 07-16-2002 at 03:43 PM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEAR Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 Still going strong! Stop the insanity,lotsa flies in here. TheEAR(s) Now theears Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fini Posted July 16, 2002 Share Posted July 16, 2002 quote: Originally posted by JoshT: My God. Am I the only person here who is absolutely dumbfounded that Kenratboy used the term "******" in the title of his post and that the moderators have left it in? GRRRRRR! Nope, you're not alone. Several of us complained early on. fini Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imel96 Posted July 17, 2002 Share Posted July 17, 2002 no relation to other posts. i found it interesting that here (in my country), some people were blaming the central bank for the fall of our currency, because of not putting "in god we trust" marquee on bank notes just like on usd bill. nevertheless, i found no evidence that clerics or priests prefer usd to our own currency. how careless. ------------------ imel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deang Posted July 17, 2002 Share Posted July 17, 2002 Ray, I tried as well. I was hoping Ken would open his first post and just change the title.f> ------------------ Deanf>s> Klipsch RF7s - AE-25 DJH - AE-3 DJH - Sony 9000ES f>s> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anarchist Posted July 19, 2002 Share Posted July 19, 2002 mdeenan, Nice posts and you certainly have returned to the boards with a vengeance. Welcome back. The US is not a democracy but rather a republic; as such, God has spoken to your representatives and they are actively going about their business with his wishes and your best interests in mind. ------------------ HT - Klipsch Synergy Premiere Audio - Heresy, KG4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forresthump2 Posted July 19, 2002 Share Posted July 19, 2002 "Thanks and touche! Yeah, now that I have cleared out of the stock market, I have a lot of new time on my hands.....hahah." God There's your signal Buy Buy Buy. The Johnny-Come-Latelys are finally bailing. Buy, buy. ------------------ Go Forth and Hump the World Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Audio Flynn Posted July 26, 2002 Share Posted July 26, 2002 Maybe a good thread has a close number of views .vs. replies. and the dogs have 3 replies and 100 views. Like this one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenratboy Posted July 27, 2002 Author Share Posted July 27, 2002 Wow, I should win a pair of Klipschorns for this one!!! ------------------ Receiver: Sony STR-DE675 CD player: Sony CDP-CX300 Turntable: Technics SL-J3 with Audio-Technica TR485U Speakers: JBL HLS-610 Subwoofer: JBL 4648A-8 Sub amp: Parts Express 180 watt Center/surrounds: Teac 3-way bookshelfs Yes, it sucks, but better to come. KLIPSCH soon! My computer is better than my stereo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikekid Posted July 27, 2002 Share Posted July 27, 2002 No Ken...after this mess, you should be BANNED from owning any Klipsch! Ha! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenratboy Posted July 27, 2002 Author Share Posted July 27, 2002 Those 300+ people didn't respond to the post because I forced them to ------------------ Receiver: Sony STR-DE675 CD player: Sony CDP-CX300 Turntable: Technics SL-J3 with Audio-Technica TR485U Speakers: JBL HLS-610 Subwoofer: JBL 4648A-8 Sub amp: Parts Express 180 watt Center/surrounds: Teac 3-way bookshelfs Yes, it sucks, but better to come. KLIPSCH soon! My computer is better than my stereo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mike stehr Posted July 28, 2002 Share Posted July 28, 2002 Blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah! Blah blah blah blah , blah blah blah! Blah blah?! Blah. Blah blah blah blah. Yackety Schmackety! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
justin_tx_16 Posted August 14, 2002 Share Posted August 14, 2002 today was the first day of school. during announcements when we would NORMALLY say the pledge with the intercom, it went like this... Please stand for the pledge... silence..... ...... ...... ...... You may be seated. everyone was freaking out. ofcourse, this is English IV AP/DC so a lot of literary marvels who will probably write novels about the event tonight... just thought i would give the perspective of a kid going THROUGH this. ------------------ -justin SoundWise /1-888-554-5665 - RA# 800-554-7724 ext 5 s> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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