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Oh.. my back?

It happened when I was trying to fly a kite in a parking lot. I was running backwards and fell onto a concrete parking block .... the edge hit me right across the top of my hips.


 Not ready to start back surgery. I've heard too many stories.  When I was working at Bethesda Naval Base... the admiral told me I would know when I want to try for [at best] a 20% chance of a 50% reduction in pain....

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I"m proud of ya Bill!  Now you can figure out where you're going to put that marble in the kitchen.  Burn the rest.  :)


All quiet in Duckburg.  I guess everyone survived the festival since the downpour Saturday wiped the people and the vendors out.  lol


Suns up, and I added another show to my list.  EC in Sept, Beck in October and Joe and his Vets Aid in November.  Quite the lineup me thinks.  Crazy prices for EC and Joe but Beck was only $80 in a smaller venue???  That's almost a no  brainer!  :)


Time to hit that EC lp and relax.  :)

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1 minute ago, grasshopper said:

Not ready to start back surgery. I've heard too many stories.  When I was working at Bethesda Naval Base... the admiral told me I would know when I want to try for [at best] a 20% chance of a 50% reduction in pain....


My Aunt went through it in the late 70s and her back got worse after each successive one. My mother did not want to get it done but degradation of her discs gave her no choice on the first and final operation on her back.

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Had 4 bone spurs removed by my back dude only because they were huge and luckily haven't had any problems since.  First visit in that place totally freaked me out.  Soooo many people stumbling around, wearing all kinds of contraptions for this and that.  Talk about sad???  I was trying to figure out why I was there.  All ages tooo.  Sometimes you see others far worse than you are and it becomes something you don't forget.  

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On 8/20/2022 at 1:05 PM, MicroMara said:

It's still late summer but it's getting autum

What planet is that?:)  It's the dog days of summer here...it has not even got hot yet. Expecting a warm late August all through September, that is usually how it goes. Carry on.....

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Looks like it's gonna be a nice week around here.  Temps in the low to mid 80's.  Summer's about shot it seems.  Sad seeing everyone get hammered with all those torrential downpours.  Guess it is what it is.


How's that back today @grasshopper?  REady for another load cause they're not waitin on you!  lol

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20 hours ago, babadono said:

What planet is that?:)  It's the dog days of summer here...it has not even got hot yet. Expecting a warm late August all through September, that is usually how it goes. Carry on.....

Eric ...the story behind this is that we have had far too little rain for over 2.5 months. At times over 4 weeks no drop at over 100 F . We Northwest Europeans are not used to that. We must expect to continue to have such hot summers as in Italy, Spain, Portugal. Our forests suffer immensely under the new climatic conditions and trigger an unimagined tree death. Of course, the forestry industry is working against this by reforesting heat-resistant forests. Germany consists of over 1/3 of forest with over 11 billion trees.


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Our cow comes straight to our door. We have to fence them out.


somebody's day started/finished badly. 4AM sirens... ripping thru town. And again at 4:30. We'll hear about it. The school bus driver is in the fire dept.


Gonna try to resurrect my old laptop. Broke down and bought an aux keyboard. A $15 experiment... Will be nice if it responds. I lost a couple of contacts that I really want, when it puked. I got all of my passwords, but yahoo, before it went down.

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You had sirens at 4 and I had landscapers next door @8:30?  Not at my place yet but it's a different company.  If landscapers have a company?  Maybe it looked like too much work for her crew?  I've heard she's buried in business though.  She did mention fall for the back yard and the bushes though.  Maybe she's gonna catch it nd maybe she won't but I'll go an entirely different way if she doesn't show.  Eliminate the bushes and just go w/a few sections of vinyl fencing.  Vinyl coated and not much maintenance..


I think all puters suck!  I don't know a thing about them and this one's as old as dirt.  Had a new one laying here for about 3 years. lol


I can deal with those sunrise pics grasshopper.  We don't get those painted skies much around here.  

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On 8/24/2022 at 8:46 AM, grasshopper said:

somebody's day started/finished badly. 4AM sirens... ripping thru town. And again at 4:30. We'll hear about it. The school bus driver is in the fire dept.

I thought I was going to hear sirens last night. Was just about asleep when at the corner someone floored one of those new V-8s, I mean not just red-lined but wide freakin open. I know the sound when I hear it.


Whoever had good traction not much tire noise and headed S on the highway. Seemed "off" to me. Went and opened the door and then heard what I thought was a far off three part crash. Different noise than it was in 1972. Like three thudding noises in one. That was 11:44 didn't hear sirens for twenty minutes.


Guess they were two separate things. Several cars went that way, but was he off the road in the weeds, trees or swamp and no one saw? I'll check the news here the next couple days, but thinking he made it to GA!

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So he's safe now or???  lol


This place is a District HQ for Troopers and you can hear those guys hammerin those new Dodge engines heading south outtta town running hot.  Just lights and no sirens on this stretch til they have to slow down for a light about 3 blocks south. Kinda tough to out run those things.


Sounds like a swoosh and poof they're gone.

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