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Worst cut?


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Not exactly a cut, but I stepped on a very long rusty nail sticking up from a board while weed-whacking. Went clear through my shoe and pretty far through my foot. That was not a good day.

Full credit for a puncture wound. Since you're still among the living I'll assume you were administered a tetanus vaccination. Actually they can medically treat tetanus. But if you're old or very young or immunocompromised or heavily infected at the wound - it may still get ya. Ugly business.

I went to the emergency room that day because I couldn't remember when my last tetanus shot was. I ain't no dummy. Although I was about 26 at the time. Borderline for my "dummy years."

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Burns take the pain prize IMHO. They take the scarring prize too. Be careful out there.
Going away dinner when i left the military. cooking for some friends. 550 degree pan out of the oven with no oven mit. no booze involved. just a completely overwhelmed human being. spent the night at balboa hospital trying to see a burn specialists. wife spent the rest of the night entertaining MY friends. what a bummer for a going away event.


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My horror story begins with my attempt to fix a garage door...

There are a few things I won't mess with... garage doors and wallpaper are 2 of them.

Hmmm... most interesting was probably when I was six and tripped face first into concrete steps. The top of my tongue was split open almost all the way across and there were two puncture wounds on the bottom side. The amount of blood scared me quite a bit. The oral surgeon sewed up my tongue without anesthetic for some reason and I screamed bloody murder through the whole thing. My brothers thought they should have just removed it the rest of the way! I don't remember the reason for sewing so quickly but I remember he was in a hurry. Probably because he had a 6 year old screaming in his face. Only ate ice cream and popsicles for a few weeks and gave a great story for school.

Funny how most stories would include alcohol.

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Thanks everyone, I feel better, I thought it was me, I have more scars than I can remember what happened ? Got a short haircut during last summer after being tired of the heat, promptly noticed a 3" scar on my head, have no idea when it happened.

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Burns take the pain prize IMHO. They take the scarring prize too. Be careful out there.
Going away dinner when i left the military. cooking for some friends. 550 degree pan out of the oven with no oven mit. no booze involved. just a completely overwhelmed human being. spent the night at balboa hospital trying to see a burn specialists. wife spent the rest of the night entertaining MY friends. what a bummer for a going away event.


That just hurts looking at it. Good nit!

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My horror story begins with my attempt to fix a garage door...

There are a few things I won't mess with... garage doors and wallpaper are 2 of them.

Hmmm... most interesting was probably when I was six and tripped face first into concrete steps. The top of my tongue was split open almost all the way across and there were two puncture wounds on the bottom side. The amount of blood scared me quite a bit. The oral surgeon sewed up my tongue without anesthetic for some reason and I screamed bloody murder through the whole thing. My brothers thought they should have just removed it the rest of the way! I don't remember the reason for sewing so quickly but I remember he was in a hurry. Probably because he had a 6 year old screaming in his face. Only ate ice cream and popsicles for a few weeks and gave a great story for school.

Funny how most stories would include alcohol.

Man them crazy times being young! Seems like something was always happening to me when i was a kid...That tongue injury stuff can be real serious fast!

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because I couldn't remember when my last tetanus shot was

oh no … that's the first sign of advanced tetanus, or is that alzheimer's?

That was "I'm 26 and I couldn't care less about my medical records because I will never get sick or injured'" syndrome. I remember my last tetanus now. I was 26. And I'm way past due.

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At work. Guy's arm pinched off just below elbow. Clean pinch suture, no blood. Skull semi-crushed, brain matter on ground.

Only picture is in my head. I don't know how to upload it here.


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