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Tweak my Cornwall III / Modifier mes Cornwall III


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Hello, I would like to improve my Cornwall III for more definition in the high and soft on the medium. For that I would like to modify my filter using Clarity Cap ESA reputed soft in the medium. Then for the high I think to use jantzen Superior ZCap, so performing in this register.

What do you think ? Thank :)


En français >>> Bonjour, je voudrais améliorer mes Cornwall III pour plus de définition dans l'aigu et de douceur sur le médium. Pour cela je voudrais modifier mon filtre en utilisant des ClarityCap ESA réputés doux dans le médium. Ensuite pour l'aigu je pense utiliser des Jantzen Superior ZCap, tellement performants dans ce registre.

Vous en pensez quoi ? :)


345008claritycapcondensateursesa250vdc18    698294jantzenaudiosuperiorzcapcondensate





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21 minutes ago, Don Richard said:

Modifying a loudspeaker based on rumors found on the internet is a bad way to go. The parts in the CW xover are likely of an equal or higher quality than those you propose using.



Something with equalization would be a better choice IMO




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It seems to me there is a huge market of audio capacitor makers who cater to ego. More money spent does not mandate more or better results. IF I were to even consider doing this to a new speaker I would want to hear first from a guinea pig who has already volunteered to harm his setup. My number one complaint about online forum information is the attachment of ego and personalities to what should be straight forward information. There is a study online where some guy looks at tons of capacitors and his list is chock full of nonsense where capacitors can run you up to $600 each but somehow when you get right down to it the measured electrical values are the same as my cheapo Ersa or Solen caps. Maybe it is the voodoo spell they incorporate into the $600 dollar build that makes it worthwhile. I fail to see how exact same measured values between differing caps can result in harmonic bliss vs crummy sound. I might be wrong but I will have to see and hear evidence to the contrary which I have not yet.


  However if you have the money to burn the discovery process can be fun I suppose. Do most of the people who try these things even have the hearing capabilities to discern subtle differences or is their hearing impaired through age and abuse  and the effort is wasted to begin with. There is a ring tone kids use that their parents cant hear because the pitch is to high for instance.


  I would do this to one speaker first and play before and after side by side and switch the two channels back and forth if you insist on doing this before I did it to both.

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The term "peeling the onion" comes to mind.


Unless your crossover is over 20 years old or fried, there is a more "fun" and economical way to play with them.


At some point in this hobby you will find the addition of an equalizer appropriate. Correction of room anomolies is an accepted application. Even the most zealous audiophile would have a hard time arguing this, but could...


The boosting of your tweeter and cutting of your squaker can be accomplished with a dual 31 band equalizer. I use a DBX 1231 (for now) with great results. Plus or minus two or three decibels in the right bands makes a pronounced difference. Tighten up AND lower the bass, soften the mids, and put more sparkle in the highs.


BUT, so much more can be done with a digital signal processor. And most worth buying will have the 31 band EQ feature, if only for starters. Lots of info on this forum about those. I have come to the conclusion they ARE the future.


Tastes change over time, and the EQ option leaves the speakers ORIGINAL, as a reference, but allows you to season to taste.


Besides, you will be buying LaScalas or Jubilees soon enough if you have the sickness!







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1 hour ago, mike stehr said:



40 minutes ago, wvu80 said:

I'm the only one I know who likes that smile upside down!  I wonder why that is?  







Capacitors and Equalizer share one thing in common.... they both act like filters and they both can be used properly as well as misused...!!!


It's up to each of us to pull ourselves out of ignorance (especially internet spread ignorance) and learn for ourselves how to use them both properly..!!!





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4 hours ago, LeeW said:



Something with equalization would be a better choice IMO






Recording quality is all over the place and a quality EQ such as this McIntosh can be used to improve that situation when needed as well as tweaking for the users taste in sound reproduction.


Why is it people worry about the small problems and ignore the bigger problems..?



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6 hours ago, mustang_flht said:

Hello, I would like to improve my Cornwall III for more definition in the high and soft on the medium. For that I would like to modify my filter using Clarity Cap ESA reputed soft in the medium. Then for the high I think to use jantzen Superior ZCap, so performing in this register.

What do you think ? Thank :)


Have you given proper attention to your set-up and room acoustics..? 


If not I would suggest that before modifying the loudspeakers because fixing the real problem is always better than trying to compensate elsewhere.


In the end it is a hobby for your entertainment and if trying capacitors makes you happy then I hope it works for you..





Edit: I just looked at your equipment profile and it appears you are bi-amping.

How have you decided the proper level to drive the LF versus the HF since the amplifiers have different input sensitivity and gain...?


What is your impression of the sound if you don't bi-amp and use either the McIntosh or Cary full range?





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On 9/23/2017 at 8:12 AM, mustang_flht said:

Hello, I would like to improve my Cornwall III for more definition in the high and soft on the medium.

You can add a little series resistance--perhaps a 1 ohm to maybe 3 ohm high power resistor in the midrange circuit--to drop its SPL relative to the tweeter and woofer.  I'd stop at that point and listen rather than trying to increase the relative output of the tweeter via dropping the midrange and woofer output together (i.e., passive crossovers don't boost...but only attenuate drivers relative to the other drivers).


Like Miketn mentioned above, I would recommend a little more emphasis on room acoustic treatments and repositioning of the CWIIIs in-room to achieve essentially the same effect as the resistor.  Additionally, use of good equalization units (I recommend DSP crossovers instead of any analog EQ unit) is actually the best way to correct you overall sound from your recordings short of demastering the recordings themselves to correct the source of the issues:



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Thanks, guys for your answers. I have no problem level between registers low, medium and high, so no need for equalizer.

I just want with these new capacitors to have better quality, especially with the ordinary yellow capacitors quite ordinary . I have experience of speakers construction since the 80's and I have often upgraded commercial speakers filters successfully.

In fact I wanted to know if you were going to advise me of the pio russians, I like the k77-1 in high.






Merci, les gars pour vos réponses. je n'ai pas de problème de niveau entre les registres basses, médium et aigu, donc pas besoin d'équaliseur.

Je veux simplement avec ces nouveaux condensateurs avoir une meilleure qualité, surtout avec les condensateurs d'origine jaunes assez ordinaires. J'ai l'expérience de la construction d'enceintes depuis les années 80' et j'ai souvent amélioré des filtres d'enceintes du commerce avec succès.

En fait je voulais savoir si vous alliez me conseiller des pio russes, j'aime bien les k77-1 dans l'aigu.


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  • 1 year later...

Hello !


I finally changed the original MAE yellow caps for superb MKP Jantzen Superior Z-CAP red on meddle and high: the result is beautiful, more openness, detail and finesse, as if a veil it was up. I am delighted with this change 😀


I changed cap 3.5 µF of 12db/oct for middle and 1.75 µF and 2.5µF of 18db/oct for treble. I measured all the caps to find the right values and to make the most fair compared to the original filter









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