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What DAC & Amp are you using with Heritage Speakers


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On 7/25/2023 at 8:33 AM, the real Duke Spinner said:

Nikko. ..

Had a Beta ...before my ex-wife made it dissapear. 🤬


Exes are exes for a reason, or several reasons in some cases.  In those cases, just thinking about the time spent/wasted with them can cause gnashing of teeth, loudly spoken or forcefully muttered expletives, or even a manly tear or two (but not more than two, since then you're drifting into less manly categories).  More than two manly tears are reserved for things like the last few minutes of Easy Rider or Vanishing Point, or the scene in Saving Private Ryan on D-Day where the soldiers are being slaughtered on the beach by heavy machine guns, and even diving into the water gives no shelter from the heavy-caliber bullets.  Your personal tear triggers may vary, of course.  Those are just a few scenes that are hard for me to watch.  For you, it might be the sight of your favourite team being eliminated from the Championship in the last minute of the game.  You get what I mean.


Duke, I hope you were able to replace your Beta with something even better.

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2 hours ago, Islander said:


Exes are exes for a reason, or several reasons in some cases.  In those cases, just thinking about the time spent/wasted with them can cause gnashing of teeth, loudly spoken or forcefully muttered expletives, or even a manly tear or two (but not more than two, since then you're drifting into less manly categories).  More than two manly tears are reserved for things like the last few minutes of Easy Rider or Vanishing Point, or the scene in Saving Private Ryan on D-Day where the soldiers are being slaughtered on the beach by heavy machine guns, and even diving into the water gives no shelter from the heavy-caliber bullets.  Your personal tear triggers may vary, of course.  Those are just a few scenes that are hard for me to watch.  For you, it might be the sight of your favourite team being eliminated from the Championship in the last minute of the game.  You get what I mean.


Duke, I hope you were able to replace your Beta with something even better.

Went all Crown  ..

Straight Line into MacroTech. 🙂

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  • 1 month later...

I have an Aegir pushing two KLF 10s in a relatively large room - 12' x 30' basement rec room.  I purchased the KLF 10s when I was very young...just a kid with his first decent paycheck.  They were sitting in my basement until I purchased an Aegir, Saga+, and Modius DAC.  The volume is just sufficient.  It sounds good but if I push the Saga+ preamp volume past 3/4....which is just loud enough for comfortable listening......the Aegir goes into protection mode.  I keep a laptop cooling fan under the Aegir which seems to help dissapate the heat.  Any less power and I would probably be dissapointed.   All that being said, with the lossless files on Tidal....you get a taste of that in the room feeling.  But now...having had whif of HiFi...and having heard Magnepan LRS speakers......Im in the conundrum.  Do I just get the new Vidar and pair with the LRS?  OR........do I go for broke....get a Kara or Freya + along with another Aegir....and run as mono blocs....trying to push the Magnepans.....???????

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1 hour ago, johnclarkbrost said:

I have an Aegir pushing two KLF 10s in a relatively large room - 12' x 30' basement rec room.  I purchased the KLF 10s when I was very young...just a kid with his first decent paycheck.  They were sitting in my basement until I purchased an Aegir, Saga+, and Modius DAC.  The volume is just sufficient.  It sounds good but if I push the Saga+ preamp volume past 3/4....which is just loud enough for comfortable listening......the Aegir goes into protection mode.  I keep a laptop cooling fan under the Aegir which seems to help dissapate the heat.  Any less power and I would probably be dissapointed.   All that being said, with the lossless files on Tidal....you get a taste of that in the room feeling.  But now...having had whif of HiFi...and having heard Magnepan LRS speakers......Im in the conundrum.  Do I just get the new Vidar and pair with the LRS?  OR........do I go for broke....get a Kara or Freya + along with another Aegir....and run as mono blocs....trying to push the Magnepans.....???????

Welcome to the Forum.

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On 7/27/2023 at 12:05 PM, Islander said:


Exes are exes for a reason, or several reasons in some cases.  In those cases, just thinking about the time spent/wasted with them can cause gnashing of teeth, loudly spoken or forcefully muttered expletives, or even a manly tear or two (but not more than two, since then you're drifting into less manly categories).  More than two manly tears are reserved for things like the last few minutes of Easy Rider or Vanishing Point, or the scene in Saving Private Ryan on D-Day where the soldiers are being slaughtered on the beach by heavy machine guns, and even diving into the water gives no shelter from the heavy-caliber bullets.  Your personal tear triggers may vary, of course.  Those are just a few scenes that are hard for me to watch.  For you, it might be the sight of your favourite team being eliminated from the Championship in the last minute of the game.  You get what I mean.


Duke, I hope you were able to replace your Beta with something even better.

All Crown at this point .

Jolida CD is exceptional. 🙂

Running A/B speaker setup JBL 4430,and Klipsch KLF 30. 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 year later...

I tried a Decware SET and Yamaha AS2200 before I settled on a hybrid Vincent SV-237 MK 2. I find my Forte IVs need good tone controls to get the sound I wanted and the Vincent brings the bass and makes these unforgiving speakers more forgiving. Dacs not nearly as important as amp, but in general you want both to be on the warm side. Tried Gustard R26. Doge 7 tube with nos Telefunkens and GEC's, and dac in iFi NEO stream and internal Vincent both which I believe are burr brown which I find plenty good enough as I think these speakers are all about dynamics and hitting loudness button and setting tone controls works on any of these dacs to get the sound I want (strong bass and smooth treble). Having been down the rabbit hole, amp matching is the key and not sure why people shunned tone contols in favor of fancy dacs and cabled that are far less effective/important to getting the desired sound. I mostly just run analog out of the Neo streamer as the additional detail of the r26 just sounds unnecessarily busy to me for lack of a better term. Put the Doge in another system where I wanted tubes (Vincent already has tube pre). Will keep Doge and may sell the Gustard.

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