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I found a pair of local Klipschorns finally!


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I'm psyched! A local guy has a pair of 1984 oak k-horns that he purchased new. He hasn't used them for a few years but said that he thought one crossover might have a problem. That's not a big deal to me. I'm sure I could find a replacement easy enough.

I'm going to look at them this weekend! He didn't mention a price and I didn't ask. He did say that he got them new and on sale for $1000 each back in 1984.

He said that the tops come off for transporting. The mid and tweeter section seperate from the bass cabinet? Is this true?

Imagine k-horns in the front and cornwalls in the rear! 9.gif3.gif6.gif

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Congrats. You certainly won't be disappointed in the sound from the big beauties. Local purchase is best because you can audition them and be able to take them home with you and not leave the freight companies any opportunity to harm them.

Tops do come off, as well as the side grills. If you check out the 2-ch forum, there are several recent posts about moving K-horns and you should get some good info there.

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Ditto what jhawk said, you are going to love them. I found mine locally and even though they weren't in a corner when we checked them out I was amazed at the sound. I moved them in 2 trips to keep from disassembling them since the seller was only about 20 minutes away.

I can't imagine k-horns and cornwalls, since I have never heard cornwalls, but my k-horns and LaScalas sure sound good.

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Get them fast!! Depending on the price of course. I have Cornwall I's that I will Never part with--but would grab a pair of Local Klipschorns in a second for 2 grand--I would beg--borrow, get a loan--anything--but I would grab them. You are a lucky guy--go get em.....Johnny

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I seriously doubt that they cost 8 grand when they were new in 1984.


This is cut and pasted from jim's small speaker thread.

"K-B-BRL Brazilian Rosewood Laquer 1,975.00"

This is off of an 80's price list.

Peace, Josh

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I didn't say I was buying them new for $1000 each. I said the owner bought them new in 1984 for $1000 each. He said he got them both on sale for a total of $2000.

I'm expecting he's going to sell them to me for much less than what he paid for them almost 20 years ago.3.gif

We'll see. 16.gif2.gif

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On 5/24/2003 9:04:35 AM BigBusa wrote:

I'm expecting he's going to sell them to me for much less than what he paid for them almost 20 years ago.

We'll see.


Please do tell - inquiring minds want to know 1.gif

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Thanks Ear but I still haven't heard back from him yet. I guess the hunt is 1/2 the fun though. 2.gif2.gif

I got offered some McIntosh gear tonight! An MC2205 amp, an MR78 tuner and a C32 preamp. If I can put this all together this will be heaven for me ...McIntosh gear and Khorn speakers. I don't think it gets much better.6.gif3.gif

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Oh, the elf-man may differ a little on that one...he also has killer systems that don't contain Mac and Klipsch. But you are right, McIntosh and Klipsch Heritage horn speakers are a fantastic combo indeed...highly recommended!

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