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Thanks for the post! Yep, I've been thankful we haven't had another terrorist attack on US soil. That's due to a huge number of folks who have been willing to put their own lives at risk, and some who have given their lives that we can continue to live free.

You are right on about passing on a word of encouragement to those people who are at risk every day. Every chance I get, I will pick up the ticket at Subway, or the cafe for a deputy, or police officer, or trooper who is stopping in for coffee or a meal.

One thing I noticed... some years ago after I decided to quit driving like a bat out of hell, I was able to say a prayer for the guy who had the blue lights on. (Instead of that pulling foot off the gas reflex) Those guys and gals NEVER know what they are pulling over. They need our prayers for their safety.


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I remember when I heard about the first plane crashing into the WTC and thinking it was a joke. I then went down to the office at school and they had heard it on the radio. We got a t.v. hooked up and then sat over the lunch hour watching in silence as both towers came crashing down. Going back into the classroom was very difficult and talking to my grade eight students about what had just happened. Some of them had gone home for lunch, so they had also seen the images on t.v.

On Thursday, the Toronto t.v. stations focussed on two of the widdows and their families. Their husbands worked for Toronto based stock firms and were at their N.Y. offices at the top of the WTC. Life is slowly moving along for them, one of the sons was born four months after the fateful day. A few tears appeared while watching the interviews. The Toronto police and fire departments also had ceremonies to honour those "who were doing what they are paid to do" and died when the towers descended upon them. They helped save many people and gave up their lives doing it. They should be remembered for their dedication and efforts, not just on 9/11, but everyday on the streets of the cities and towns in both Canada and the States.

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the fireman and police were doing what they get paid to do.

I dont see these people being heros.

They were doing what they train every day for. They were doing what they get paid to do. They accepted when they all were sworn in that death might happen. And it did. To me a hero is a civilian who runs into a burning house to save a little girl hiding in a bathtub - As for a firefighter this is what he does - hence,not a hero.

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On 9/13/2003 10:09:31 AM foldedhorn wrote:

the fireman and police were doing what they get paid to do.

I dont see these people being heros.

They were doing what they train every day for. They were doing what they get paid to do. They accepted when they all were sworn in that death might happen. And it did. To me a hero is a civilian who runs into a burning house to save a little girl hiding in a bathtub - As for a firefighter this is what he does - hence,not a hero.



Seeing the height the damage took place and looking at the fact that more than 300 Fire-Fighters, EMTs, and 37 Police Officers were killed,

they are heroes.

Yes, they are paid to do the job, but this was an extreme depature from their job normally is.

They could have stayed out as the amount and height of the damage was so severe. No Ladders trucks couls acend that high. The Fire-Fighters were wearing more than Sixty (60) pounds of equipment and had to climb to an inferno.

It obviously could have been called a code, but the climbed anyway.

Police Officers are not trained to be killed by the results of a building, let alone two (2) of that size collapsing due to a terrorist act.

The EMTs were not trained to be killed by two (2) huge monoliths.

The Fire-Fighters, EMTs, and Police Officers went beyond their training and beyond a point in which they could have pulled out due to the damage, the heat, the jet fuel (they are not Hazardous Materials employees.)

All went to the scene and beyond the call of duty.

They were given the order to evacuate themselves, but they did not do so.

They gave their lives to help sae others.

That, in my book is a hero.

Win dodger.

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I realize that type of response is very personal to you since you spent much of your life in their shoes and you lost many friends on that tragic day. I think most (if not all but 1) of us agree with your response. I hope this part of the discussion ends here and I hope 1 bad apple does not ruin the spirit in which this thread was intended.

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The Fire-Fighters, EMTs, and Police Officers went beyond their training and beyond a point in which they could have pulled out due to the damage, the heat, the jet fuel (they are not Hazardous Materials employees.)

All fire fighters have at least basic training in hazmat

All went to the scene and beyond the call of duty.

I don't understand, the building was on fire they went there to put it out. with ppe's and scba's and high rise packs. Beyond the call of duty I dont see it

They were given the order to evacuate themselves, but they did not do so.

You are wrong with this statement when the incident commander gives the order to evacuate you do it PERIOD. if you don't you deserve to die. Because of your disreguard for orders you are putting the entire company in peril.

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On 9/13/2003 10:30:43 AM bclarke421 wrote:


Please try to ignore this. I would hate to see what has been a classy thread go up in flames.----------------


Thanks for your seasoned advice here. I agree. In fact, the post to which you are referring may very well be someone throwing out some smelly bait to see if indeed this thread could be turned into a flame fest. I think that this thread has not deteriorated as I imagined that it might speaks volumes about the depth of heart and character of Win and the others for whom these words ring true. That is an honorable thing. Real men don't have to constantly verbally defend their integrity against those who do not appreciate it.

Now, in the event that the poster was sincere in his or her belief that those police officers and fire fighters who gave their lives on day others, too... are not heroes. No problem. I can't say that the idea is well considered or even reasonable or mature and certainly not compassionate. I'm glad that those words were not said within the hearing of children whose fathers and mothers were lost on that day... or so that wives and husband who lost their partners could hear it.

Thank God we live in a country where heroes have paid the price that we can be free and say even such cynical things. Life is so very precious. It is an inexpressible loss to those who are parted by untimely and premature death from those they love. I cannot dismiss those deaths as having little meaning since they were only doing what they were employed to do. It is my sincere belief that someone who is willing to work in an occupation (and yes, even if they are compensated for it) whose life is at risk every time they show up for work.... because the purpose for which they work is to save life... they are the heroes. Is there such a thing as a police officer, firefighter, or soldier who is overpaid? If you'll notice, whenever these folks are interviewed, they will not admit they are heroes. They say with sincerity, I am just doing my job. One more quality of heroes... they are humble. The worth of life cannot be expressed in terms of dollars. The worth of what we live for, now that's something impressive and also inexpressible.

In the entitled to their opinion dept: O.K. I've read the minority report that these folks are not heroes, and it would probably better said that this is the micro-minority report.

Best regards to all.


o.k. I'm through. any other communication to or from me on this thread will have to be off the thread.

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Remember the root cause of 9-11

Read "Hatred's Kingdom" by Dore Gold

Wahabi Islam that is protected and funded by Suadi Arabia teaches that the killing of Christians and Jews is god's work.

And the Saudis get their revenue from us buying their oil.

Funding your adversery has no logic; but it is a system that still exists 2 years later.

And thus our vulnerability still exists.

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  • 7 years later...


As this is the second anniversary of a day we thought would never happen, may I ask that sometime during the day we take time to remember all of the heroes: Fire Fighters and Police Officers along with the victims in the towers, both plane and also those in the plane that hit the Pentagon and those in the plane who gave their lives in PA, so another strike was avoided.

May these acts never be repeated.

I also ask for a prayer in whatever language, to Whom you believe to be above, for the families and for the survivors who will forever have to live with this horror.

It was men that performed these terrible acts, not a religion, yet innocent members of that religion have been abused. Give a kind thought to them also. Many of them are American citizens also. But Citizens or not please give that kind thought.

If you are an outgoing person, it would not hurt to say thank you to our Police Officers, Firefighters, Active Military and our Veterans who, without their putting their lives on the line we would not have the freedoms and perhaps our own lives.
Rightfully the main focus has been the on the Civilians and Fire-Fighters who gave their lives, but there were Police Officers, some friends, who also lost their lives.

Let us never forget them.

To all Forum members who are veterans, I thank you,
To my Colleagues and Brethren in Law Enforcement, I thank you,
To all Fire Fighters, I thank you,
To all active Military, wherever stationed, I thank you,
For all of the victims of 9/11 and fallen troops, I thank you,
For all Relatives, Friends, Spouses and Loved Ones that have survived, I thank you and I wish you all Peace and my appreciation for those of yours that passed,
To all Veterans of Military Service, I give you my thanks.

To all: I wish you peace, love, understanding and harmony, for today and for all of the todays to come.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...

Win dodger

Absolutely! Today is the 10th Anniversary...

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