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As this is the second anniversary of a day we thought would never happen, may I ask that sometime during the day we take time to remember all of the heroes: Fire Fighters and Police Officers along with the victims in the towers, both plane and also those in the plane that hit the Pentagon and those in the plane who gave their lives in PA, so another strike was avoided.

May these acts never be repeated.

I also ask for a prayer in whatever language, to Whom you believe to be above, for the families and for the survivors who will forever have to live with this horror.

It was men that performed these terrible acts, not a religion, yet innocent members of that religion have been abused. Give a kind thought to them also. Many of them are American citizens also. But Citizens or not please give that kind thought.

If you are an outgoing person, it would not hurt to say thank you to our Police Officers, Firefighters, Active Military and our Veterans who, without their putting their lives on the line we would not have the freedoms and perhaps our own lives.

Rightfully the main focus has been the on the Civilians and Fire-Fighters who gave their lives, but there were Police Officers, some friends, who also lost their lives.

Let us never forget them.

To all Forum members who are veterans, I thank you,

To my Colleagues and Brethren in Law Enforcement, I thank you,

To all Fire Fighters, I thank you,

To all active Military, wherever stationed, I thank you,

For all of the victims of 9/11 and fallen troops, I thank you,

For all Relatives, Friends, Spouses and Loved Ones that have survived, I thank you and I wish you all Peace and my appreciation for those of yours that passed,

To all Veterans of Military Service, I give you my thanks.

To all: I wish you peace, love, understanding and harmony, for today and for all of the todays to come.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...

Win dodger

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I actually watched some T.V. the other night. PBS ran the long Twin Towers special from last year, with an extra segment at the end. It was a heart-wrenching three hours watching it.

I will sure be glad when they catch up with those Saudi Terrorists hiding in Iraq.9.gif

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On 9/11/2003 7:10:04 AM DeanG wrote:

I actually watched some T.V. the other night. PBS ran the long Twin Towers special from last year, with an extra segment at the end. It was a heart-wrenching three hours watching it.

I will sure be glad when they catch up with those Saudi Terrorists hiding in Iraq.



May the troops deployed anywhere be successful in any assignment and may they have a safe, swift return home.

Win dodger

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On 9/11/2003 7:10:04 AM DeanG wrote:

I actually watched some T.V. the other night. PBS ran the long Twin Towers special from last year, with an extra segment at the end. It was a heart-wrenching three hours watching it.


I watched the PBS show last night. Had a hard time falling a sleep thinking about the stories the survivors told.

Went up to my kids rooms and gave them each a hug as they peacefully slept.


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On 9/11/2003 8:38:09 AM Fish wrote:

Dodger,I certainly could not have said it as good as you have,but thats what I was thinking.Thank you and all the good men and women from all walks that have, and do protect and defend all of us,everyday.



I thank you.

Looking back on that night, the airport was closed. I don't think there was anything more lonely than being there all night wth National Guard troops, all holding M-16s. Knowing your own loved ones were less than a mile and a half away, and Six (6) that you knew, had passed, with (2) unknown. The two (2) turned out to be alive.

Win dodger

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Thoughtful, sincere posts, everyone.

That day was a defining moment for the country, the world, and especially my generation. No one event outside of my immediate life has affected me so deeply. I will never forget trying to just get through a meal without tears in my eyes and my head in my hands. Never.

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On a somber note.

As 9/11 was prior to my med retirement to Part time and consulting, I was asked back for Rochester's memorial service.

I was saddened at how few turned out, low turnouts were also noted for NYC on CNN. What makes it even more sad is the complacency. Even when the threat level is higher.

I don't understand.

I also don't understand the need to re-build so quickly on Ground Zero. For many families that is the resting place for their loved ones. To me a sacred ground. New buildings can be put up elsewhere.

But for the Fire-Fighters, EMTs and the 37 Police Officers, I say rest easily, others will take your watch, with pride and a little bit of sadness.

Peace to you all. The twin beams of light will burn again tonight, showing us the path the fallen had taken. Rest their souls and those of their loved ones.

For whom the bell tolled.....

Win dodger

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From all of my Colleagues in this County and friends In New York City, Fire-Fighter and Police, we thank you.

Copies of only the posts with no name attached, will be archived.

My deepest appreciation also for all of your kind words, they are an inspiration for all to continue.

In peace with which I gladly share,

Win dodger

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I'm deffinatly never going to forget the morning of sept. 11. my gym class was out running laps, and I was running my 3rd when the principal came out and told us that the north tower of the world trade center had been hit by a plane, and that we should come in to watch to the news. Before then I hadn't really known much about the world trade centers. I knew they were big sky scrapers in new york, but other than that I thought they were just like the ones we have here in minneapolis; big, and nothing special. I remember coming in and seeing the TV they had it running on in one of the indoor parts of our gym, and thinking "holy crap, I feel bad for the piolet who screwed this up because his family is gonna get alot of sh!t for this". At this time, they hadn't suspected terrorism, or any ill intentioned works, just a really, really bad accident. We watched as the north tower burned, and people fell, and listened to the reports come in. Than the 2nd plane hit, and this time everyone knew it wasn't just a big accident. It just seemed to be going from bad to worse; the first tower was bad enough, the 2nd made it worse, but I thought at least they hadn't collapsed, and in time they would be fixed and back to their normal state. about 40 minutes after, the south tower collapsed, and the north tower followed shortly after. from then on, everything was just chaos....

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I am glad to see that you all remembered this tragic day. I work for the Postal Service and not a word was said, be it a moment of silence or anything, to those who gave there lives that day. It seems that alot have forgotten the families who lives have been torn apart by the events of 9/11. My thoughts go out to them all.

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Think about this. In the ceremony in NY today it took 2 1/2 hours to read the names of the souls lost that day. Each name was a real person with there own dreams, desires and goals in life. Each had familys and were loved by countless family and friends. All taken away from us.

I remember reading someplace that citizens of 50 countries lost there lives at the WTC. We must remember that they were not all Americans but all brothers sharing a love and desire of the free world.

I feel lucky not to have lost anybody I knew or love personally.

I too will NEVER forget that day driving in my car listening to the radio almost in shock with the news of the WTC. Then the feeling of hopelessness I felt when I heard of the Pentagon crash wondering WHAT WOULD BE NEXT. I remember wondering if WW3 would start that afternoon and what our world would be like now. I remember driving by Ohare airport and the only planes in the air were two F18's fully loaded circling the airport ready to intercept any threat heading tword Chicago. I remember trying over and over again without much luck to contact my wife who was on business in Holland at the time to make sure she contacts the embasy there in case my worst fears become reality. Wondering when or feering if I would see her again. I remember talking to my kids that night at dinner answering there simple young minded questions about the events of the day, trying to quiet there feers. Having my 5 year old start crying, finding out she feered my wife would never be able to come back home to us. You see she was suppose to return Sept 12th and I told the kids she was not comming back tomarrow.

I guess we are all victoms of that day and will never look at life the same way again.

Sorry for the ramble.


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