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Mac insanity continues SELL SELL


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On 1/20/2005 12:18:11 AM analogman wrote:


Insane Poster

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Last Post: 1/20/2005

Member Since: 7/25/2002

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Sorry to hear your troubles. Don't forget, Japan then Taiwan helped put people like Saul out of business in the first place. Here's your chance to really level the playing field in a small way. "Sell Stateside", it's the Patriotic thing to do!!

The Troll


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Last Post: 1/20/2005

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Asian built stuff inundated our (U.S.A.) market when it was decent; read copies of our designs built by near slave labor compared to America. Drove all the icons out of business or forced them to sell. Now in the age of ICs and "chip" architecture (which we were at one time the main player)the Asian manufacturers are selling the U.S. public at large cheap mid-fi, tariff free crap and doing very well. In the meantime, isn't it interesting that the best and finest collections of everything from Disney to JBL, Klipsch, Mac etc. are in Asia? If they're not willing to pay the freight, FORGET THEM! CLEAR ENOUGH?

The Troll


Insane Poster

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Last Post: 1/20/2005

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Selling "Golden Age" kit to Asian "collectors" is tantamount to robbing a church. Let them book travel and visit our technological heritage here, in a museum or at a forum member's home. You said you didn't NEED the money.?


I would tender for your consideration the proposition of not buying back our goods from off shore sellers as well. Think about it.

As always,



The tube gear that most of us that are older and remember were built in a time when the word "quality" truly meant more than today.

McIntosh, Marantz and all were under rated and the quality was higher than now. Avery Fisher put a lot of donations to audio that still stand.

The problem with not buying anything back is that we do need the quality units and their parts to keep what we have working.

Selling overseas is almost a crap-shoot. I had no problem selling to Wolfram. Nor would I to Timmikid or my friend EdwinR. They are buying for use not speculation or to see actual pieces to make knock-offs.

We need to stop the flow. But saying that puts one into a position of a person putting the units on eBay - getting the top dollar and not giving a rats behind about those buying for use. Not to turn it around for profit.

When "Auudio" and "Stereo Review" were being published the ads in the classifieds had the same overseas people advertisng top dollar paid. Any tube gear or old speakers wanted.

Now, we are seeing payback. Those who own need parts, want OEM and have to buy back.

My 1900 Receiver - Museum piece but it has a singular on / off volume control. On efficient speakers, I have to move the balance almost all to one side at average listening levels. I bought a new one from McIntosh, Dr. Dave installed it, same thing. One McIntosh tech said it must be an amplifier problem. Talked with several reputable McIntosh sellers who said it's the parts McIntosh is getting - they do not track well at low volume.

Either I have to find a better source - overseas - or live with it. Check out the ads for NOS parts - how many are American?

So quality meant more overall, the rule not the exception. Now it's reversed.

McIntosh and Marantz always exceeded specs. An MC 30 and Klipsch will give you the db or SPL desired unless you are trying for jet engine volume in a huge room.

What is truly sad is tha us older that know quality as I said as the rule.

Now it's do as many as you can, change models too frequently. That is part of the Heritage line: quality, few changes.

Today people accept junk and ho hum return it if it breaks in warranty.

It's sad.


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On 1/20/2005 1:09:30 AM dodger wrote:


On 1/20/2005 12:18:11 AM analogman wrote:


Insane Poster

Total Posts: 291

Last Post: 1/20/2005

Member Since: 7/25/2002

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Sorry to hear your troubles. Don't forget, Japan then Taiwan helped put people like Saul out of business in the first place. Here's your chance to really level the playing field in a small way. "Sell Stateside", it's the Patriotic thing to do!!

The Troll


Insane Poster

Total Posts: 291

Last Post: 1/20/2005

Member Since: 7/25/2002

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Asian built stuff inundated our (U.S.A.) market when it was decent; read copies of our designs built by near slave labor compared to America. Drove all the icons out of business or forced them to sell. Now in the age of ICs and "chip" architecture (which we were at one time the main player)the Asian manufacturers are selling the U.S. public at large cheap mid-fi, tariff free crap and doing very well. In the meantime, isn't it interesting that the best and finest collections of everything from Disney to JBL, Klipsch, Mac etc. are in Asia? If they're not willing to pay the freight, FORGET THEM! CLEAR ENOUGH?

The Troll


Insane Poster

Total Posts: 291

Last Post: 1/20/2005

Member Since: 7/25/2002

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Selling "Golden Age" kit to Asian "collectors" is tantamount to robbing a church. Let them book travel and visit our technological heritage here, in a museum or at a forum member's home. You said you didn't NEED the money.?


I would tender for your consideration the proposition of not buying back our goods from off shore sellers as well. Think about it.

As always,



The tube gear that most of us that are older and remember were built in a time when the word "quality" truly meant more than today.

McIntosh, Marantz and all were under rated and the quality was higher than now. Avery Fisher put a lot of donations to audio that still stand.

The problem with not buying anything back is that we do need the quality units and their parts to keep what we have working.

Selling overseas is almost a crap-shoot. I had no problem selling to Wolfram. Nor would I to Timmikid or my friend EdwinR. They are buying for use not speculation or to see actual pieces to make knock-offs.

We need to stop the flow. But saying that puts one into a position of a person putting the units on eBay - getting the top dollar and not giving a rats behind about those buying for use. Not to turn it around for profit.

When "Auudio" and "Stereo Review" were being published the ads in the classifieds had the same overseas people advertisng top dollar paid. Any tube gear or old speakers wanted.

Now, we are seeing payback. Those who own need parts, want OEM and have to buy back.

My 1900 Receiver - Museum piece but it has a singular on / off volume control. On efficient speakers, I have to move the balance almost all to one side at average listening levels. I bought a new one from McIntosh, Dr. Dave installed it, same thing. One McIntosh tech said it must be an amplifier problem. Talked with several reputable McIntosh sellers who said it's the parts McIntosh is getting - they do not track well at low volume.

Either I have to find a better source - overseas - or live with it. Check out the ads for NOS parts - how many are American?

So quality meant more overall, the rule not the exception. Now it's reversed.

McIntosh and Marantz always exceeded specs. An MC 30 and Klipsch will give you the db or SPL desired unless you are trying for jet engine volume in a huge room.

What is truly sad is tha us older that know quality as I said as the rule.

Now it's do as many as you can, change models too frequently. That is part of the Heritage line: quality, few changes.

Today people accept junk and ho hum return it if it breaks in warranty.

It's sad.



Good post!


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On 1/20/2005 12:01:23 AM analogman wrote:

Now that you mention it, I did read that thread, forgot that YOU were the mark. That makes "hideharu" a hustler and a thief, not a "scumbucket". Sorry you fell for something so obvious. How did it turn out? Did you recoup? It's best to say what you mean and mean what you say, and to THINK before you do either.

Sorry for your misfortune,



Please enlighten us as to the difference between a hustler, a thief, and a scumbucket. Apparently there are fine semantic distinctions to be made where Tim may be coming up short. While you're at it, please contrast and compare those three categories with a small-minded passive aggressive troll.

Just for future reference, mind you.

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Please enlighten us as to the difference between a hustler, a thief, and a scumbucket. Apparently there are fine semantic distinctions to be made where Tim may be coming up short. While you're at it, please contrast and compare those three categories with a small-minded passive aggressive troll.

Just for future reference, mind you.


Which fine semantic distinctions are you referring to? Sometimes I can't find the words (or the dictionary now for that matter as I just moved), but apart from the too technical stuff I think I can usually follow. Anyway, I am glad to be acknowledged a true audiolover instead of an easy moneymaker. Nothing wrong with that, but you guys offer your time and knowledge for nothing and that has indeed to be shared with enthousiasts. Also I must say that there is nothing wrong with making money with your hobby. Now I'm talking about expertism that can only be reached if it's truly a devotion, not buying and reselling just for that. We know many of these on this forum, thank god they are around too.

About scumbucket, etc. In Medieval times people used to wish eachother the worst deseases, for some reason that habit never left the Hague. You can't imagine what people(even best friends) say to one another, Amy sure wouldn't allow it, and right she is. But to these scam thieves: I wished you the lot, now I just hope you will get caught by the police or your karma. Tim.

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As a note, Timm was scammed out of a good sum and no refund or recompense.

What he went through that night was sheer torture.

Should anyone consider selling Tubed McIntosh please contact him. He is looking for MC-30s. I don't know if any other model would be his choice.

But being against most overseas selling as they turn around for profit, Timm would give the Units a good home.



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O and I do very much appreciate your offered help and will use it next time around. Some of my best friends live in the US and Canada as I travelled for one year and 9 months through your great country. I also got grilled for that when I came back for a holiday, early last year, by the immigration service, but after 2 hours of grilling they let me in anyway, probably feeling sorry and realising that I had no intention of harm, but for the next time I'll need to get a special visa, which normally is not necessary for friendly countries. That's what you get for being a wandering hippie.10.gif One day I hope to meet some of you at a Klipsch 'gathering'. Who knows!1.gif Regards, Tim.

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On 1/19/2005 10:38:42 PM 3dzapper wrote:

According to the tube data with a plate voltage of 775V into 11KOhms of impedance a pair of EL-34s can put out 100 watts in AB1! At a more conservative 450V into 5K the power in AB1 would be 58 Watts at clipping. Assuming addequate power supplies.

(TDSL Personal Edition)



I'm not sure I get your point ? Is this in reference to the plate dissipation subject ? The voltage applied to a tube is complete different then plate dissipation.


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About 10 years ago (maybe less) the Japanese were buying used Nike sneakers from the US for ridiculous prices. Yeah, I know some of you are going to say it was teenagers doing this but the mentalilty of keeping up with the Jones's seems to be worse there than here.

Let the asians drive up the prices, who cares? $4000.00 for a "vintage" pre-amp. You mean to tell be there is nothing new around for half that price new that won't sound twice as good? Its madness.

As a matter of fact, some dealer I know has a pair of Electrovoice 12TRXB's. A half a year ago he was willing to sell the pair to me for $100 without me bargaining. I really did not (and still don't) want them so I told him no thanks. The other day I called him and asked if he had any COAX speakers. He said just those EV 12TRXBs and the price had tripled judging by a recent sale he observed to the far east on EBay, he figures he may get $300 to $400. Should I now want them?

Come on, lets grow up and get a grip on reality. At some point this becomes more of I got one and you don't and has much less to do with sound quality.

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