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Ever hear music in a dream?


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DRBILL wrote:

" Yes. It is an anxiety hang over from working my way through college as the organist/choirmaster at the local Episcopal church.

I rush in late. The hymns in the service leaflet are NOT the ones in my service planning book. During the prelude (!) I anxiously turn to the first posted hymn in the hymnal to see if I know it. It has five flats and the page is black with intricate harmony and six stanzas. By the "Amen", people were laughing out loud.

There are variations on this dream. They never cast me in a favorable light.


You forgot the part about how you were only wearing underwear... ;^)

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I once had a dream about taking a maths exam that was in French. I guess most people have these nightmares if they got passed basic education.

As for the dreams where you are in your underwear in an inappropriate place I am never that lucky - I am usually sans underwear too - although that is a dream I havent had in a while.

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The Thebes Effect : I like that.

The implications however are quite staggering. What if it becomes

widespread, like one of those common phrases like "What's Up Doc?'. I

cam see it now:

"I'm late for work because of the Thebes Effect"

"That asteroid impact is defintely caused by the Thebes Effect"

"My lackluster performance in bed last night was a result of a passing encounter with the Thebes Effect."

Maybe I can take a pill for it and it will go away.

Gil, Interesting observations about dreams being in the present. But

what about dreams that anticipate (or at least you think they do) the

future.I E dreams as premonitions. Also I've had a variety of

dreams with physical aspects and I'm not talking sexual dreams. I

have them fairly frequently but I suspect they are mostly a result of

the physical labor I do for a lviing, my body almost metaphorically

working out the kinks engendered by sore bones, muscles etc. Cool

stuff glad you shared.

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Come to think about it, I did have a dream like Dr. Bill's. I have to play the piano in a concert, but can figure out how to. My attempts at piano were indeed poor.

I wonder if I'm being to dogmatic. Musicans have music dreams? I can believe it because I have engineering dreams (my undergraduate degree).

I am flying an old bomber biplane with engines on the wings. One engine needs work or the plane will crash. I go out on the wing to fix it and my weight rolls the plane and I fall off. I knew that but somehow must do it anyway.

Somehow, my parachute pack has come off and is freefall some distance away. However, I have the end of the static line. I realize that I can pull the pack to me with the static line. The ground is coming up.

If I pull with too much force, the 'chute will open before I can get it strapped on. If I don't pull hard enough I will not get to the pack before impact with the ground.

Then I wake up.

Can I sell that to Hollywood? I think it is amusing.


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Hi Max & All!

This is a really good thread! I had similar experiences. What's

interesting is that I remember dreaming a piece of a concert where a

line was played by french horns. I had that dream when I was a wee lad,

and before I had my early piano lessons. Somehow, I remembered just a

short musical phrase, and maybe this will compel me to write something

around that, though I have never written classical music. I have music

playing in my head almost non-stop. Things I have heard and liked, and

sometimes some self composed things pop in. Like Craig, if I don't work

on what I hear in my brain right away, it's gone! What's kinda weird

(in a good way) is that this just happens sometimes-without effort.

When I'm trying to write something, forget it...it can be like pulling

teeth at times, and other times it flows. What I need is a mind studio,

where I can record and master these ideas LOL!

Gil, I'm not sure if music can induce a dream with me. Once (or

twice?), when in an artificially induced state (ahem!), I could say

that some music produced visions.

I just had a different experience with music- music conveying some

concepts. I wrote a piece of music which has evolved over years, yet I

was not really satisfied with it. Once I was, I asked a friend to

collaborate with me and play a bass part to what I wrote and played on

the synth. He actually got really into this and re-wrote the whole

thing and played better than I, so we kept his version. What was not

expected, was that he would pick up on the non-musical concepts that I

had for the piece, even though we did not talk about these concepts.

That was not something I could have done had I tried, yet it just

happened. Now I'm not sure if anyone else would hear it and pick up on

the concepts, but I think it's beyond the normal every day experience

for even the two of us to have experienced that. (Twilight Zone music

plays in the bacground now... [[:o]

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I have this dream where I can actually play the guitar very well. Always, it's the blues I'm playing.

When I was about eight years old, I had a dream where I was floating in dark space, and in the distance was a window and in the window was a blue light, and there was music, and silhouettes of people who looked to me like biblical characters (you know, apostles or angles or something like that).

Just when I arrived at the blue window, my dream ended. I woke up and I was in a hospital room. I had been sick at home and about 5 hours earlier my temperature began to soar. I lost consciousness went into convulsions. My folks rushed me to the hospital where I was given drugs via a spinal tap and who knows what else, but they got me back. During this time I heard that music and saw that light. The music was nice, but I'm glad I came back.

Indy, excellent story about your dad and your dreams.

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"Yeah, I laughed, until I realized I was supposed to be taking a final exam in a class I had completely forgotten about attending all semester!!"

I hate that dream! I used to have it all the time. And the course is usually History, never Engineering where I could probably work at least some of the problems.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I never remember my dreams...as soon as I wake up I'll remember bits and pieces, and a few minutes later I've totally forgotten it (bummer).

One dream I did remember was from about 8 years ago; why I remember it as vividly as I do today will always be a mystery to me:

I'm in an old '20s movie theatre; it's decked out to the gills with fancy ornamentation that almost resembles a Baroque church. I'm sitting there alone dead smack in the middle (the sweet spot perhaps?), and I am watching a preview of an upcoming western flick. In the background is the usual cheesey spaghetti-western music like those from old Clint Eastwood cowboy films...

The story is about a young, educated married couple from the east who decide to settle out west to make a living cattle ranching. They hire ranch hands, buy more land, aquire more cattle, and together become very successful! But some local cattle ranchers that have been out there for years aren't doing as well as the newlywed couple, and it really infuriates a few bad ol' boys to the point of jealous rage, wanting this couple elliminated and to steal their land and head of cattle. In the middle of the night they creep in under the cover of darkness, set the ranch ablaze, herd up all the cattle, and shoot and kill every last person so to leave no witnesses! Little did these cowboys know they only wounded the beautiful young wife, who was found near death by an Indian hunting party that morning. They took her back to their reservation and nursed her back to health, and she regained her strength and grew stronger everyday. And she also became more bitter of the deaths of her friends and of her dear young husband who she had witnessed being shot in cold blood by her side. She had seen the faces of each and every cowboy, and she wanted sweet revenge for the murder of her husband! The indians refused to help her take revenge on these cowardly cowpokes for they were a peaceful tribe who wanted no trouble with the white man, but there were a few warriors who felt her pain and would secretly help train her how to fight, and how to kill with great speed and stealth...they could not kill for her, but they could teach her all they knew about the art of killing! Finally she is ready, both physically and mentally, and as she mounts up and says her goodbyes to all her new friends, she sets off into the morning mist for the hunt...to find each and every cowboy who murderd her husband, and revenge him with each of their miserable lives (the preview now shows rapid clips of her as she approaches all the startled (and very surprised) cowboys one by one before doing them in)!

And then I woke up. All through that dream there was spaghetti-western music and vivid colors. But I actually think this dream of mine would make a great script for an actual movie...hell, I'm not a big wild west movie buff, but I'd watch this flick (plus the wife was a true bombshell...a beautiful tall blonde with long flowing hair and a great figure...she could be portrayed by the georgous actress Charlize Theron, yes?)![:P]


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If I don't dream hearing music I dream I'm playing an instrument like a guitar or piano and every note comes out right. While playing I know that I don't 'have the talent but I keep plucking or pounding away anyways.

Amy you may know this one (or anyone from the Cincinnati area in the mid-70's):

This is a weird set up but bare with me. Those of you that took music class some time in school would have seen one of these. The teacher would draw a music bar on the chalk board with what looks like a wooden block and 4-5 extended wires that each hold a piece of chaulk to draw each line. Now for another setup: there is a hard rock radio station in Cincinnati with the call letters of WEBN (102.7 FM) but in the 70's they would play rock along with a wider veriety of "cool" music. Anyway, every year or so for about 20 years they would produce and market a vinyl album with a collection of local musical talent with the hope of being "discovered". The talent could be anything from electronic to comedy to country. On -EBN's first album (called "The Vinyl Days" or Album Project 1) there was a keyboardist playing a song he fantasy-type, dreaming kinda instrumental song called "Thinking". The musician's name was/is Ron Crosby playing the following: Fender Rhodes Electric Organ, Elka String Machine, ARP 2600 Synthesisor, ARP Odyssey Synthesisor, ARP Axxe Synthesisor. The main voice they are set for is a Harpsichord.

So my brother likes to keep the radio on all night down low as we slept in the same bedroom. One morning the "Thinking" song came on and I'm still asleep dreaming of someone using this music teacher's chaulk-board-tool to pick at a stringed instrument playing this song.

Had that dream about 30 years ago and it is the most vivid memory of any dream I've ever.

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Wow. I'm mad I missed this thread the first go-around.

I don't remember my dreams all that often, however, when I do they are quite lucid. Quite often they can interfere with my daily life in that I can't remember if I "dreamed" something or it was "real."

I do hear music in my dreams (as well as sometimes performing it). Most of the time when I wake up I will have a song running through my head and it will usually be something that I was listening to (or simply heard) the previous day. Sort of like a 'sound track' for my dreams. It can get really annoying if the song sucks.

Last night I had a dream I was at an old friends' (coincidentally he was living in my old house in Gainesville,Fl from about 10years ago) and I noticed his guitar case was on the floor so I was asking him if he still played guitar much anymore -- he said no. But the kicker was that in all of the rooms of the house there were giant speakers blaring death metal... which was not too far from what really took place.

When I woke up I had the Grateful Dead's "Sugar Magnolia" running through my head, more specifically the pedal steel lick Jerry plays. What's funny is I remember it being in DVD-A multichannel format, which, in keeping with my "soundtrack" mode I described above, that is one thing I was listening to last night.

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Nice to see this thread re-appearing from time to time. More and more it appears that generally those that have learned to play an instrument incorporate music into their dreams whilst those that have not, don't.

It isnt a cast iron rule of course - there are always exceptions - but checking the responses here and on other sites the question was posted on that appears to be the general trend.

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Not to hijack,


Since we are on the topic of dreams....

and I find the subject fascinating (and ironically my dreams are completely boring)

I once remember hearing that it was difficult/rare (or was it impossible?) for people to read text in a dream.

I cannot ever remember doing it -- I can recall holding objects in front of me and I was doing the action of "reading" but I cannot ever recall the actual text.


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