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Yes, Trachorns are that Good!


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As most of you probably figured out, I am the latest recipient of a pair of ALK/Edgar/Martinelli Trachorns.

They come nicely packed - built to withstand the torture of the shipping people. I ordered a pair for my Belles, including the replacement grills. The horns come already attached to the new grills so it is just a matter of disassembling your old speakers and following Al's directions. I was also impressed with the nice workmanship with the Trachorns - and Martinelli deserves props for the finished product.

Al provides detailed instructions along with photographs. As I took apart the top of my Belles and installed these, I kept thinking - ease of installation. As many of you know, Al has put together a package that for the Klipschorns - is a drop in installation. Even for the Belles, which require additional height, the new assembly is easy enough for anyone to install - even someone like me that has virtually no mechanical ability. With Belles, you have to remove the top, the front grill portion and the pad on top of the doghouse (to install longer screws). However, if you have a powered or ratchet screwdriver - its just undoing (and then retightening) screws. I was also impressed by just how stock my Belles still look - even with a slight height increase.

I used my existing K-55V drivers. The Trachorns already came with the K-55 adaptors installed so it was a matter of unscrewing the old drivers from the K500 horns and screwing them onto the Trachorns much as you would a light bulb (good analogy Al!). I am also currently using my K-77s but plan on swapping them out for a pair of Bob's new tweeters once they come in.

After assembly, I fired them up. My jaw dropped..........

Some background. For equipment, I run a Peach preamp, a Jolida CDP (for digital) and a Luxman preamp and Thorens 160 Super (for vinyl). I biamp my Belles (ALKs) with a Marantz 8B for the tweeters and squawkers, and a QSC PLX 1202 for the woofers. I also run a nice SVS sub with dual 12 inchers for both two channel and HT. I won't get into the recent LaScala bass debate, except to say that with biamping, I could live with just my Belles in two-channel. That being said, I enjoy them more with my sub. I thought I was getting some pretty nice sound with my current setup, but for certain songs, the Belles became pinched or distorted.

I have heard some nicely setup K400s, K500s, 511s, and 811s (I have Valencias in the rear). Even with those points of reference, these Trachorns are something really special.

First, I noticed how much cleaner (and if you will) less compressed everything sounds. Some have said that instruments and vocals sound more realistic. I was a bit skeptical about those claims because I think I have heard some pretty good horns. But, those impressions were correct. I put on various pieces I was used to - from Jazz, to Classical, and then some complex Rock. Much more definition and no hint of "strain." I found myself going over and inching the volume knob up for each song, bit by bit. As the speakers became louder, even to ridiculous volumes, I noticed that the Belles (for the most part) remained composed. I say "for the most part" because I noticed some slight irritation left - and upon further investigation - confirmed that the K77s were not holding up their end of the bargain. This just left me resolved to upgrade the tweeters to keep up with the Trachorns. I put my tweeters on the outside, and I also noticed improved imaging as result of this setup.

Again, thanks Al. I know Edgar and Martinelli deserve credit, but you were the one that made this happen. Now I know what all of the fuss has been about. Best upgrade I have ever done - bar none.

I greatly encourage forum members to at least hear a pair of Trachorns. Nothing more will have to be said.......


P.S. I will post some pics this weekend once I figure out how to do it.....

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I'm sure it's been asked, but can they fit in a La Scala?

I've never heard this horn... how does it compare to the 511B? Is it recommended with the K55 driver, or are there others that it is intended to be used with?

Also, what is this tweeter mod for the K77 from Bob Crites? Would my La Scala's benefit from this mod with present ALK's?



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I'm sure it's been asked, but can they fit in a La Scala?

I've never heard this horn... how does it compare to the 511B? Is it recommended with the K55 driver, or are there others that it is intended to be used with?

Also, what is this tweeter mod for the K77 from Bob Crites? Would my La Scala's benefit from this mod with present ALK's?



I am not sure on the fit into LaScalas. Al can answer that one, but I think some mod would be necessary due to the overall lack of width of the LaScala (unless you just put the horn in place and put a tweeter box on top).

Al and others have said that the Trachorn sounds similar to the 511B. I have heard a pair of 511s and I own a pair of 811s. I respectfully say that the Trachorn sounds less compressed and clearer than even the 511s, but the 511s may have been a tad more musical (really a function of the different drivers, Altec v. Klipsch). That is really a compliment for the Trachorns because I loved the pair of 511s that I heard, and I have a fondness for my Altec Valencias. I am sticking with the K55s for now due to their edge in durability. Besides, these sound so good as it is - I am not sure the extra bang for the buck would be worth it (i.e. 902s).

You can use the Trachorns with the K55 or other drivers of choosing, including Altec. You specify what model/type of driver, and Al can tell you if he has such an adaptor.

Bob Crites has developed a new tweeter-horn that uses an Eminence driver. Early reports from members who have heard a pair of the prototypes indicate that the new tweeter is very musical, hearty and doesn't just make "tinny" noises at higher volumes like the K77 does. Bob was supposed to get his first batch in today. I do not know if they arrived or not. Price is $150 for a pair. Same size as the K77, and they are a drop in replacement. I have ordered three for all three of my front Belles.

Al: You are welcome. Glad to give them such a review because they sound that great! Again, thanks for making the Trachorns a reality (and easy) for Heritage owners.


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Daddy, I will let you know. As I indicated, my Belles now sound perfect - with the exception of the K77s. I was seriously considering a pair of Beymas until I learned of Bob's new units, which should provide a much needed upgrade at a nicer price.

Now I can't wait until Bob starts contacting people (and/or announcing) that he is ready for credit card info.



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I'm sure it's been asked, but can they fit in a La Scala?

I've never heard this horn... how does it compare to the 511B? Is it recommended with the K55 driver, or are there others that it is intended to be used with?

Also, what is this tweeter mod for the K77 from Bob Crites? Would my La Scala's benefit from this mod with present ALK's?



All you need is a chain saw and they fit just fine LOL!!

Klapperhorns guy's.... they are called Klapperhorns

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Read Al's website. He answers most all of your questions.

The most impressive part of this whole Klapperhorn thing may not just be the horn itself but also the attention to detail of the retrofitting into the various models. How easy he makes it look.

Read the website!


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Carl said: "Now I can't wait until Bob starts contacting people (and/or announcing) that he is ready for credit card info."


The guy building the horn mold had to take a break for gall bladder surgery. He is on the mend now and as of a couple of days ago expects to produce parts (horns) first part of next week.


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Daddy Dee,

I am using Bob's tweeters too. IMO they are a clear step above the K-77's cleaner, clearer, and smoother. It's in the details you really hear the difference. I run them with K55 mated to my 511b's and that coupled with ALK Universals is a serious winning combo.

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Carl said: "Now I can't wait until Bob starts contacting people (and/or announcing) that he is ready for credit card info." Carl, The guy building the horn mold had to take a break for gall bladder surgery. He is on the mend now and as of a couple of days ago expects to produce parts (horns) first part of next week. Bob

Thanks for the update, Bob. Pass our wishes and prayers on to him, and I hope that he has a good recovery. As you can see, some of us are just excited about your new horn, and I did not mean to sound overanxious.

And again, thanks for all of your hard work (and money) put into its development. We really appreciate it.


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Read Al's website. He answers most all of your questions.

The most impressive part of this whole Klapperhorn thing may not just be the horn itself but also the attention to detail of the retrofitting into the various models. How easy he makes it look.

Read the website!


Speaking from my recent experience - it is easy!!! Even with Belles, installation was a snap. And Al designed the finished mod to seamlessly blend in with the existing speaker.

Yes, Craig - Klapperhorns!!!!


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As Craid said, the Trachorns will fit in the La Scala by mounting them in an enlarged hole ( here's where you need the chain saw) slightly off center. The tweeter gets mounted vertically to one side. To my knowledge Craig is the only one with LaScalas to install them. His are the type with a detatchable top section so his situation is not be a good representation of putting them in the average LaScala.

As to comparison with the Altc horns: I switched from Altec 811b to the Trachorns. I'll sware that they are AT LEAST as good and they FIT without any woodwork.

Al K.

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Carl, When you get the new rweeter, which are more efficient than K-77s, you might need Altenuators.[;)]

There is no end.[:(]


Hmmm......Rick. But if I need them - Al has them.

I may not need them. If needed, I can always move the taps on my ALK to increase ALKhorn output - and my woofer output I can independent control the volume of from the amp (QSC).

But, good thought. I'll just have to play with it. That's half the fun.


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