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Astronaut arrested in alleged kidnap attempt


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...this changes a philosophy I have held for 23 years..."If they were Rocket Scientists, we might never catch them..."...apparently now I have to say, even if they are Rocket Scientists...[:P][;)][8-|]


But she wasn't a "rocket scientist", they are down on the ground at mission controll.

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Funny, if it was a guy he'd be a no good son of a buck,.just goes to show you the whacko squad is every where. Wonder what she did in the space station with the Russian...........................EH ??????????????

Ha...That's what I'm talkin' about.What's next? Space suicide,murder,shuttle hijack? I thought someone that's been thoroughly screened had thoroughly screened these katz.

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Although they have to be intelligent don't you think that they DO have to be a little crazy to be an astronaut? Strap yourself on to a rocket and risk blowing up.....after it's already happened a couple of times to others.

I still say the best part was the diaper. Crazy....but smart...kind of.

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...this changes a philosophy I have held for 23 years..."If they were Rocket Scientists, we might never catch them..."...apparently now I have to say, even if they are Rocket Scientists...[:P][;)][8-|]


But she wasn't a "rocket scientist", they are down on the ground at mission controll.

She is as "Rocket Scientist" as they come... very strange and sad to see her fall.


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Awwww c'mon folks. Can't you see this was all just a hoax - a setup?? Sheesh....you guys are getting slow in your old age. It's plainly obvious this was just to drum up interest in the newest show on TV........



Or maybe.......

{{{{{{{{{{{{{ LUST IN SPACE }}}}}}}}}}}}}


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Funny, if it was a guy he'd be a no good son of a buck,.just goes to show you the whacko squad is every where. Wonder what she did in the space station with the Russian...........................EH ??????????????

Zero gravity, now that might be tricky but worth a try !

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Awwww c'mon folks. Can't you see this was all just a hoax - a setup?? Sheesh....you guys are getting slow in your old age. It's plainly obvious this was just to drum up interest in the newest show on TV........



Or maybe.......

{{{{{{{{{{{{{ LUST IN SPACE }}}}}}}}}}}}}

"Ohhhhhhhh the pain, Wil...."

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She could not help herself. She was PiSSD! Post Space Syndrome Disorder. (sorry)

The saddest part is the object of her affection will never fly again either. She ruined her career and his. Some one at work was telling me of a similar incident a few years ago at the Naval Academy. Turned into a double murder suicide. Given that she was a Naval grad...and him a Naval officer...I'm starting to see a pattern here....

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I think you can hold off on your "pattern diagnoses." That is a pretty broad brush to paint a group of patriots with - and yes, it is personal, as I am one of them. Any school or organization can harbor individuals with hidden psychological issues - for Lisa, they seem to have been hidden for at least 21 years, which I think exempts the Naval Academy for doing poor screening.

The only other incident that comes to mind was back in 1998, when a female midshipman (Diane Zamora) was convicted of helping her fiance, an Air Force Academy cadet, kill a high school lover, which I think happened before either of them started at their respective academies. They were both kicked out and are both still in jail.

Lisa Caputo married Rick Nowak - both of them classmates of mine at USNA. Both very nice people. I think Lisa lost it after achieving a lifetime goal of flying in space, then realizing she would never go into space again. She was also heavily involved in supporting the family of Laurel Clark, also a naval officer, who was lost on the Columbia crash (along with another US Naval Academy graduate, the pilot Willie McCool).

The relationship she had with the other naval officer was likely an offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice - either under the adultery or Conduct Unbecoming an Officer clauses.

The sad part is she cratered a lifetime of acheivement, and I can't even imagine her relationship with her teenage son or twin daughters - as prior to the arrest, she had separated from her husband.

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<Sigh>[:(] Another casualty to Political Correctness. You just can't say anything these days without somebody being offended. Where is Larry the Cable guy when you need him? Or maybe Dr. Phil?? What would he say? "You can't be offended unless you let yourself be offended"?? Hmmmm...

Look, if you don't like my humor, that's fine. Suck it up and get over it. But DO NOT get up on your high horse and wrap yourself in the flag for me, fella. Patriotism, National Sovereignty, the loss of our manufacturing base to defend ourselves in the future is all very important to me. The fact that the Atlas V, used to carry OUR spy satellites, is powered by engines made in RUSSIA, pains me to no end. Just because I, nor 99.9% of my fellow Americans didn't attend the Academy, doesn't make any of us any less PATRIOTIC.

As far as the Navy...you forgot Tail hook. NO... No,,,I don't see any historical trend there......The Good Lord only knows the stuff not reported. For the record, I'm NOT saying you personally are one of the bad apples.

As far as the Astronaut, yeah... it's tragic, no question. However you can not deny that Her actions produced a lot of victims. If you want to defend your classmates, GOOD for you, that's honorable, and I truly mean that. Do you plan to write Jay Leno, and Dave Letterman too? Or just some schmuck making a bad joke on the forum? What do you want to bet, a new Fatal Attraction movie comes out with this twist?

I never met her, so I can't say what kind of person she was. Yes, the news reports paint her a
caring, loving person, who would do anything for you. A person who just happened to cheat on her husband, which led to their separation. Who am I to judge? We all have our own character flaws...well most of us,

Which leads to...(This is where it gets personal for me) These astronauts aren't perfect. Many of them think they are. Many are pampas ***, primadonna, jerks. They get that way because they are to NASA what Mickey is to Disney. A BRAND. An IMAGE. Do you think she or any of the rest of them are the only people in this world that are smart? over achievers? That they are the only ones to have to deal with the stresses of life? I'm surrounded by a group of talented engineers that are all going to be unemployed in the next 30 days or less. You think they're not stressed?

She crashed because she'd never fly again? SO WHAT?? That's an excuse??? Look, contrary to what NASA would have you believe, you don't need to be a PHD to turn a wrench in space. You know how many people it takes to fly seven astronauts? None of them will ever fly either and many are just if not more talented than her. Talent is a broad word as well. I cringe every time I see the IMAX movie where the astronaut whips out his buck knife to cut open a cable bundle. They'd escort you off the base if you pull a stupid stunt like that here.

It doesn't matter. She's yesterdays news. Now we have Anna Nicole to talk about. I hear she was a nice person too.......

Now for some thing more important ...

Sad News

With all the sadness and trauma going on
in the world at the moment, it is
worth reflecting on the death of a very
important person, which almost went
unnoticed last week.

LaPrise, the man that wrote "The Hokey Pokey" died peacefully at the
age of
93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the
They put his left leg in. And then the trouble started.

Shut up. You know
it's funny.
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no offense taken with respect to Lisa - just because I'm giving some background on her plight does not mean I'm defending her. Besides, between the diapers and the worst mug shot since Nick Nolte got busted, there is a lot to laugh at.

I just didn't think a couple of wackos over the years means that there is any pattern to beware of at the Naval Academy. The kids there are the patriots I was defending - they have nothing to do with any current wackos.

If I thought that, then the pattern I'd worry about would start with Carter and lead through Webb, with a detour around Poindexter and North (fyi, Poindexter's son was my roommate).

Most pilots have big egos, some are dorks. Doesn't mean they don't have a reason to have big egos, to go along with the big brass ones it takes to land planes on moving targets. And seeing as astronauts come from the ranks of pilots, they may peak out. Plus, getting through test pilot school makes them even more pompous. From knowing a bunch of pilots, and a few classmates and folks ahead of me that made astronaut; I'd rather hang out with pilots - they are a lot more fun.

nuff said. all is well. at least we don't have to use french rockets...

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