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Toilet Plugged


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Found out that in 1934 they installed the vent pipe wrong. I can't wait to get into the spider infested 4 ft. high crawl space to fix it. You know, with the ugly liquid spilling all over you when you bust the connection. Oh yeah, the crawl space is gravel with a few puddles here and there so your buttski gets a drink.


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Good luck JJ.

I know all about spider infested crawl spaces as I've been rebuilding one of our bathrooms our is just plastic sheeting over the soil, a lot of clay, with a few puddles after a hard rain.

Our house was built in 1980 so I hope they installed the vent correctly. Probably also means our crawl space could be a lot worse.

That said, one of our toilets gets really slow when the ground gets saturated.... Things backed up twice 4 to 5 years ago but was fine after having the septic tank pumped out a second time.

I agree with others, this is something it'd be best to pay someone to do but it can get expensive if you can get someone to come soon.

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All you had to say was spider infested , that is enough I would hire someone, and someone to spray the spiders ! To me the poop is second, the spiders are 95% of the problem for me !

that's partly because of the poisonous ones we have down here, not sure if they have poisonous spiders in Ohio. Do you get those brown recluses in Mississippi Dtel?
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I think they do have them here, I have heard of a couple of people going to the hospital for a week because of those. We do have alot of black widow spiders here but they are small, most of the time no bigger than a nickle.

The little ones don't bother me to much, I don't like those big hairy spiders you see like between power lines on the side of the road. I quit rabbit hunting in the woods because you would walk right into those giant webs with those spiders the size of your hand. I would shoot them and scare off all the rabbits and my friend would get mad. I don't think they are poisonous but they are not good for my blood pressure !

I am not scared of any other bugs or snakes or anything I can think of, but spiders I avoid.

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We have (had) the brown recluse spiders in one of the state office bldgs. years ago. As long as they don't cause pain, I don't have a problem.

Our house built in 52' just experienced a failed septic system line from the house through the tank then to the D-box. I rented a backhoe and my brother dug it up and installed all new PVC, works like a new one. Lucky me, he probably saved me 10 grand.

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Brown recluses cause pain and permanent disfigurement if not treated quickly. If you get bit by one (which is rare because they are shy but they hunt at night and if you get up in the middle of the night you could surprise one and get bit) take all the benadryl you can find and go to the emergency room, tell them what happened and how much benadryl you've already taken. I know someone who was bitten on the face, got to the hospital in time (did not take benadryl first), and they gave him enough benadryl to make him sleep for a couple of days. Upside is you cannot tell he was bitten in the face at all. The problem is if not treated in time the poison eats away the skin, leaving a permanent deep scar. I live with these things, see them all the time. they like undisturbed areas. Never stick your bare hand in an undisturbed place where you cannot see. Seriously.

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Update: Well, called the sewer people and the truck came out. This after about 10K worth of my plunger plunges in the toilet. He snaked out the line but the toilet was still plugged so he came in the house and in about 10 seconds he had it unplugged. Glory Glory halleluya! I said to him---"you have talent". Lesson---keep your terds small and don't use corn cobs to wipe.

PS: We have a plastic cheapo K-Mart rotational cast stool outside with spider webs. I saw the spider go underneath the handle and disappear. Then turned over the stool and there was a small 1/4" air hole underneath the handle (double layer formed with one access hole) so that if you grabbed the stool the spider could bite you and you would die with these words on your lips---"oh shit, what happened".


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