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  2. Hey Dean can you point to any examples please I’m really curious to see which manufactures are playing those games with consumers. I remember cheap auto amplifiers back in the 70s, 80s pulling that crap but power at one frequency rating is a cheap gimmick at best meant for misleading the consumer.
  3. Yea I have but like I said, most are ranging from $60-$80 and at that point I might as well buy the entire system again cause Klipsch sells them refurbished for $100.
  4. You will get a bandwidth specification, but I’ve seen plenty of amps and receivers use “x amount of watts at 1 kHz” when rating power.
  5. It was second fiddle to my 5x more expensive SET, but only by a nose.
  6. Need to revise your signature. 😉 If I were in the market for a push/pull this would be sold. 👍
  7. I would have to disagree that output power rating at 1kHz is typical for tube amplifiers. I’m curious what tube amplifiers have you seen rated at 1kHz ..? That would be a ridiculous way of rating any high fidelity amplifier Tube or SS and any quality product will have a bandwidth specification.
  8. Sorry I didn't drink the kool-aid, aka the JC spin.
  9. Yesterday
  10. I have more pics. This site is telling me my 1.2 MB photos are > 2 MB. 🤔
  11. 300B is sold. Going in a completely different direction.
  12. Located in Sandwich, IL I'm about 10 minutes away and maybe could pick up if you wanted them before they are gone. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1509668962969589/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks
  13. You must have decided you enjoy the 300B amp better GLWS
  14. The 275 amps are / were working exactly as designed by Bob Carver, the biggest mistake was the advertised output power being rated at 20hz to 20khz when the amp should have been rated at 1khz, which is very typical for tube amps. The 275 is actually a very nice sounding, seemingly powerful amplifier that, in Carver fashion, weighs almost nothing and puts out hardly any heat. Tubes are estimated to last 40+ years.
  15. Label is wrong. These are modified AA’s. Theta film and foils with 6dB attenuation on the midrange. About $650.00 shipped if built today.
  16. For sale is a custom made Aric Audio EL84 amplifier. 15 watts of EL84 goodness. I compared this to the Music Reference RM-10 II and the Aric came away the winner. It is in excellent condition and comes with NOS Mullard tubes in every position. This amp is just incredible with horns. Asking 1200.00
  17. Oh well...price went up quite a bit. Still completely worth it
  18. New to the forum. I recently upgraded to RF8000F II's and they sound great. I am looking to upgrade to a receiver that can handle 4 ohm speakers ( I have a build project for speakers that will be 4 ohm ). While the Klipsch 8000's are about as "bright" as I would like them to be, I want a receiver that does not enhance treble. So I am looking for receivers that are quite neutral across the spectrum. So far I am considering the following: Yamaha R-n800a , Denon DRA-900H, Cambridge AXR100, and Emotiva BASX T1. Any thought or experiences with pairing the new RF8000's would be appreciated. Stan
  19. ‘That to us in Australia is cheap I took a family of 6 adults to a nice Mediterranean restaurant and it cost me just over $800 bucks
  20. AFAIK it all started when someone sent a unit to a tube amplifier builder in the NW for repair and then after accusations the one he had was some kind of kit built at a BC thingy the tube amp builder bought a new one with his own money and had it shipped to Amir for corroboration. There was already another tube amp guy that had commented on the same thing before (can't remember details and don't want to research), so 3 accounts proved it was indeed a design or production failure.
  21. Shame that management and quality control was not paying attention to easy to observe "defects" with the main product they were building and selling at that time. Can't blame an audio equipment reviewer for seeing it.
  22. I did use ASC tube traps (16” diameter x 48” tall) with Forte III, Chorus II and my current non-Klipsch speakers. My comments refer to the original ASC tube traps, not the new isothermermal traps. I have no experience with those. The tube traps are very effective if your room needs them. My room without treatment has very boomy bass in some places and other areas with bass suck-out where the bass disappears. The bass traps improved the bass quality. Bass became tighter, more focused and even. The ASC also have some diffusion built into one half of the round so if you want you can add degrees of diffusion. I found however, that I didn’t care for the diffusion and turned the traps so the diffusion wasn’t used. All this being said, the ASC traps are quite expensive and I “cashed out”, selling them and replacing them with much less expensive GIK corner traps that overall are just as effective. I have since added a GIK 244 bass panel on a back wall and that has helped even more with the quality of the bass.
  23. I've considered these as well. Currently in my rear corners I've been using GIK 244 absorption panels straddling the corners acting as bass traps. Wonder if these tubes would be an improvement....
  24. I think you should bring a slushie to the hot tub.. golf is boring !
  25. https://www.thethayerhotel.com/sunday-champagne-brunch.html
  26. Speaking of cocktails....just had the first slushie while watching golf at Quail Hollow in Charlotte, NC. LF is in the hot tub.
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