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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/14 in all areas

  1. Totally normal Chuck -- my little finger is so uncoordinated. Reminds me of steve martin trying to snap his finger in rhythm in the movie The Jerk. Stick with it though--one day it will all start coming together and you’ll say “i don’t suck."
    5 points
  2. I see this more as a sprint than a marathon.
    4 points
  3. Hey Chuck, any good jam session with guitars needs a B-3. We'd have to adjust for time zones, but a buddy (who's played professionally) keeps a guitar at our place, so there's a whole Colorado contingent ready to go!! Jake should tell that lady that he's not fat, he's just big boned. Congrats on the LF's return!! Chuck. Yeah Chuck I'm waiting for Jake to ask me if his butt looks too big It will be awhile before I'm ready to jam.....believe me!
    4 points
  4. I guess I am a contrarian. I have a land line but no cell phone. I had one when I worked but no more. One less tether. The behavior I see regarding cell/smart phone usage makes me happy to not be in that number. A quick story.....was having dinner out and at the next table was a couple and their two college age sons. I never heard a word of conversation spoken and both boys had their phones by their plate reading and texting as they ate Conversation face to face is getting as rare as cursive in grade school. Kind of like here on the old pc
    4 points
  5. Let's see. Out of action from 9 to 12. Activity - 9 to 9:05 Recuperation 9:05 to 12
    4 points
  6. We have a land line. Works when electricity goes out.
    4 points
  7. Is that you, tis indeed...
    3 points
  8. Or something from the Cialis collection.
    3 points
  9. Earl nailed it. This is such a softball, I just can't swing at it. That one is also
    3 points
  10. Earl nailed it. This is such a softball, I just can't swing at it.
    3 points
  11. Earl nailed it. Remember Tarheal pace yourself.
    3 points
  12. Conversation face to face is becoming rarer these days, it's a shame. Teaching cursive in school is a waste of time as far as I'm concerned. No one says you HAVE to be on your cell phone 24/7. You can use it like an adult or a child. They are handy however.
    3 points
  13. Tarheel You are right. It is bizarre to see people ignoring one another, just to stare at their phones.
    3 points
  14. haven't had one in years, and (career-wise) I'm an old telephone guy. Cell phones can be re-charged in cars during a power outage, though it never hurts to have a charged back-up battery.
    3 points
  15. Oh man, I bet that is some good stuff!
    3 points
  16. Hey Chuck, any good jam session with guitars needs a B-3. We'd have to adjust for time zones, but a buddy (who's played professionally) keeps a guitar at our place, so there's a whole Colorado contingent ready to go!! Jake should tell that lady that he's not fat, he's just big boned. Congrats on the LF's return!! Chuck.
    3 points
  17. My wife used that logic on me for a while till I showed her how much we were paying a year for the service verses how many times the power was off during the same year. Even with no land line, we still have internet when the power is off so we cut the cord.
    3 points
  18. Let's try this again. Wrote a note and then the cord came out of the lap top and I lost it. Thanks guys for the guitar encouragement. Discussed switching to an electric one with a smaller neck since LF has both. Billy, dig your guitar out and get those callouses built back up. You, me. and Steve can do a conference call jam at some point. Earl, my guess is the Cary will be the keeper....but that's just a guess. Jake is a clean dog. I gave him a bath at a dog supply shop. An older lady saw him and smiled and said "what is he besides over weight?" Think Jake's feelings were hurt. But he does smell much better. LF will be back at 9:00 am Saturday. If you call me the phone will be off the hook till 12:00 Cheers Gents
    3 points
  19. Just got two preamps - a Krell KSL and a Cary SLP2002. One is SS and one is a tube. They should be here before Christmas. After Christmas (around the time you guys get your tax refunds), I am going to sell off the stuff I have acquired this year that will not be used in the two systems I will keep. Now I feel less guilty.
    3 points
  20. I'm quite proud to say this photo of mine has been chosen by "Global BC" TV as one of their top 50 photo's of 2014, it's sitting in 4th place at the moment in a viewers poll....
    3 points
  21. Sorry, I just happened to stumble upon some photos I edited awhile back and thought they would be fun to share again.
    3 points
  22. Coaching kids can be rewarding and frustrating all at once. Just don't think of every game as game 7 of the NBA finals and you'll be fine. The main things you want the kids to do is have fun and learn a little bit each practice.
    3 points
  23. Make it fun! My son plays on the 5th grade BB team. His coach has an interesting style. We have only one offensive play and everything works off that one play. We only play man to man defense. We have 12 players so we don't worry too much about conditioning. If you get open on offense he wants you to get the ball no matter what your skill level is. We are 5-1 and in second place so far this season. We are 2-0 against the 6th grade team in scrimmages. It's a neat system.
    3 points
  24. Hey, After owning La Scala's for over 10 years it's a time to get them look perfect. I will stain them or re-veneer them. Greg's brace will repalce the ugly DIY front brace and tennis balls. Since cabinet resonanses are an issue - i wan't to use this opportunity to stiffen the box. I thought definitely to put some MDF on the rear wall - it's resonates as crazy. What about side walls? Shall i put a layer of plywood? or MDF? What thickness? This would definitely make easier to repair wood chips and corners - but i don't want to "kill" the cabinet complitely as i assume it can sound too dry/boring. Bear in mind that Greg's braces will be used - they already should reduce side walls resonances. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Gennady Some pictures:
    2 points
  25. Just like coffee, soil and climate have a lot to do with the finished product.
    2 points
  26. Not using a phone myself I find that really crazy, it's like that everywhere. I told my wife if a meteor were to take out satellites and cellphone towers a big part of the population would have a nervous breakdown and just stand dumbfounded as to how to get things done. Like driving, is what's going on with your phone worth dieing for ? What are they thinking ? But the birthrate has probably dropped of because of cellphones, until they come out with an app for that . Saw a rear end collision at lunch. No brake squeal at all. Knocked the car ahead into the next car ahead. Want to bet it was cell phone related? Saw the same scenario about a block from there a couple of months ago. It's getting serious folks Tarheel, Watch out for the rear end collisions over the next few days!! and that's the truth.
    2 points
  27. Not using a phone myself I find that really crazy, it's like that everywhere. I told my wife if a meteor were to take out satellites and cellphone towers a big part of the population would have a nervous breakdown and just stand dumbfounded as to how to get things done. Like driving, is what's going on with your phone worth dieing for ? What are they thinking ? But the birthrate has probably dropped of because of cellphones, until they come out with an app for that . Saw a rear end collision at lunch. No brake squeal at all. Knocked the car ahead into the next car ahead. Want to bet it was cell phone related? Saw the same scenario about a block from there a couple of months ago. It's getting serious folks Tarheel, Watch out for the rear end collisions over the next few days!!
    2 points
  28. Not using a phone myself I find that really crazy, it's like that everywhere. I told my wife if a meteor were to take out satellites and cellphone towers a big part of the population would have a nervous breakdown and just stand dumbfounded as to how to get things done. Like driving, is what's going on with your phone worth dieing for ? What are they thinking ? But the birthrate has probably dropped of because of cellphones, until they come out with an app for that .
    2 points
  29. Learn how to play Honky Tonk(the song) and Green Onions and, you will be good to go. May have used bandaid for finger in the past so I could keep playing/practicing while blister healed. Bass guitar,electric. Hazelnut at 8"Oclock...Bandit at 12 ...Pull up...got one...like catching fish...
    2 points
  30. I do for the kids, but that might change in the next year or so.
    2 points
  31. The more pressing question is" Who has a land line any more????
    2 points
  32. it's just something to make the gap slimmer to make balls work (tennis balls are smaller than the gap). you can use anything stiff. i had on hand some styrofoam stuff which i used.
    2 points
  33. Good morning, Gents . . . Drinking some kind of a hazelnut flavored preground stuff this morning. Chuck, you make me want to get one of my guitars out and play again . . . it has been 10 years. The only callouses I think I have left are not on my finger tips, but one callous on each butt cheek from sitting too long at my computer! Anybody want a picture? It would have to be a panaramic view with the "rear" facing camera on the iPhone. Ha, ha! Billy
    2 points
  34. The Klipsch Promedia 2.2-SYP (S*** Your Pants) MSRP: $599.99 Here is a leaked new prototype of the MiniJube they are working on.
    2 points
  35. Patientce is a virtue....... I thought I saw a member listed a pair in the garage sale section of this forum in Fl. How long have you been looking? Since you stated shipping was a requirement, scour the Craigslist ads in metro areas within several hundred miles of you. Yes they are worth waiting for. Shouldnt take long to find the right pair. Good luck. John
    2 points
  36. Guys don't need them. So it works on women, then I need more oysters !
    2 points
  37. Afternoon Gang Just back in from the farm run, came back W/Gallon of Orange Blossom honey, 5 Gal bucket of shelled Walnuts Dam farmers live the high life im tell ya. Picked up some 12&20Ga Game loads at their request, yeah like a case each...dam heavy. Noticed in the rice fields driving out there, Thousands of Ducks/Geese everywhere. I wonder what they are having for xmas dinner?
    2 points
  38. Thinking you managed the oysters as a gift for LF...good thinking... Oysters don't really work like they say, we get them by the sack and I have never noticed a difference. Although I tend to get "excited" just thinking about another sack of oysters, maby I misunderstood the whole thing ?
    2 points
  39. Sounds like you and Jake will have a great Christmas. May want to throw on some oysters on the grill while you're cooking jake's feast. On the mercedes taxi, we were in Germany visiting my daughter and grandson this time last year and were amazed to find that Mercedes are as common in parts of Europe as Chevy's are in the States. My son-in-law explained that there are many models sold there which are not exported to the U.S. and that they don't have the huge import taxes and luxury penalties added on. Sigh. Have a great day guys and, as always, Cheers!!
    2 points
  40. Agreed, as the OP we need to let this "distraction" die. However, we no longer doubt who is right or wrong or who was wrong and wronged. I am sure this was just a misunderstanding, but I haven't heard that from the source. I was taught to apologize for my mistakes, so I hope they have in a PM to Joe. That's the last I will say on the subject. Is anyone driving from Chicago area to MD over the holiday? Now, can't we all just get along?... Here are my puppies, since no one can stay mad at puppies.
    2 points
  41. I had a old pair of LSI's that were pretty damaged so I put 1/2 Baltic Birch on them added dog house brace and made grills.
    1 point
  42. this: it reduces side walls vibrations and makes a noticable difference.
    1 point
  43. I'm from Israel - so getting other LS will be crazy expensive. i love sound of mine (they're moded with xover, tweeter and mid horn) - so i kust need to fix their looks
    1 point
  44. Good morning you homebrewers out there. Guessing they are in the bottle now continuing to make natural carbonation, in a cool, but not too cool place out of the light. Mr. Brewer uses a glass 6 gallon bottle for his brew in order to stretch it some. Our whole block in Tally was homebrew central. They would experiment on me, with their extra hopped, licorice, and other blends. The biggest takeaway was the strerility required for the whole process. Neighbor there used some empty sparkling, Champagne bottle for brewing. Worked really well. There is even a process for brewing in the keg. Went to a party back then near the college where there were several taps hooked to the keg. Geting thirsty now. Rain in California! who would have thought...
    1 point
  45. Maybe we need a "DO NOT ALERT" sub section......
    1 point
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