how do you think they became 5000 employee strong?
not by trying to control the market and information dissemination, by embracing it. when the Japanese started to make twin clones, Harley didnt whine about it, they embraced a ever evolving market segment and nurtured it with well designed after market products by embracing secondary manufacturers.
Harley did not say 'hey, you can't change that... we're Harley!'
Overall, a protectionist view of a market segment is the wrong way to look at business if you're view is to remain viable.
Intellectual Properties and Patents are there to protect designers and legitimate owners of said IP's... not to prevent others from using it. they should allow others to License those IP's if applicable.
it's a bit like the difference in Closed source software and Open source software... Open source is MUCH MORE robust and nurtures growth and participation... and while Closed source rules the roost for now (apple/Microsoft), it is not because they are better, far from it. It is because they have the benefit of 'First mover advantage'... and some elements of Antitrust.