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Everything posted by Schu

  1. I've never had an issue incorporating a 15" direct radiating subwoofer with a La Scala... the trick is to control/limit the crossover point where 'summing' might cause annoying bloating and boominess. This can be tuned by ear as it's fairly easy to hear.
  2. Launch your own UKF... 'Unofficial Klipsch Forum'
  3. wow... that is smoking. I wish I was closer.
  4. lulz... it's funny, because it's true.
  5. I didn't conceive of the 'meaning' of what bi-amping is... it is well defined.
  6. A lot of people think bi-amping increases power output?
  7. and my question was, Why would anyone claim that there was 'more power' from bi-amping? that is not the point of bi-amping.
  8. why would suspension feet that isolate a speaker cabinet result in superior sound?
  9. A man of simple tastes is an Honest man...
  10. I am just wondering why the claim 'more power'... just because one bi amp's? are you trying to infer 'Bridging'?
  11. Steve McQueen Yamaha
  12. Champagne taste... Beer Budget. that pretty much sum's up the Klipsch market segment. I think the Jubilee was purely a 'Passion Project'... and the market wasn't really looking for a Gigantic Imax theater 2-channel solution. The AL and AK seem to sit in a comfortable place in the market at MSRP minus 10%-20%... I feel the market appetite has really changed over the last handful of years and while people still want premium, they want it with a much smaller footprint and with more advanced technology and ease of use. manufacturers need to 'LISTEN' to what the market is telling them as opposed to trying to tell the market what it should want.
  13. how do you think they became 5000 employee strong? not by trying to control the market and information dissemination, by embracing it. when the Japanese started to make twin clones, Harley didnt whine about it, they embraced a ever evolving market segment and nurtured it with well designed after market products by embracing secondary manufacturers. Harley did not say 'hey, you can't change that... we're Harley!' Overall, a protectionist view of a market segment is the wrong way to look at business if you're view is to remain viable. Intellectual Properties and Patents are there to protect designers and legitimate owners of said IP's... not to prevent others from using it. they should allow others to License those IP's if applicable. it's a bit like the difference in Closed source software and Open source software... Open source is MUCH MORE robust and nurtures growth and participation... and while Closed source rules the roost for now (apple/Microsoft), it is not because they are better, far from it. It is because they have the benefit of 'First mover advantage'... and some elements of Antitrust.
  14. this ^ is a shorty sighted view/statement... A business doesn't remain relevant by trying to control an active market segment.
  15. those headphones are/should be considered consumables... I doubt any manufacturer would be in the market to supply a 'parts network' for them. Time for new Headphones
  16. Well, shiver me timbers you scalawag Argh...
  17. Schu

    Bose 901 60th's

    When I first started my Audio journey I was torn between Bose 901's and Klipsch Heresy's... I would like to think I chose Wisely.
  18. I was always curious as to why folks use glass on their tops? are you setting stuff up there?
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