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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. The key is how much the dealer had to pay on his CC to KGI to secure order, and without getting into the specifics, 75% of retail isn't making sense.
  2. Got it, they said they were giving him 75% refund and holding 25% until it is refunded, I missed that originally .
  3. You want to try and message @Timmikid Here is the only top photo I could find, Craig is an expert on these by the way. The real trick is the way he replaces the cans, without really replacing the cans . I was going to have him redo mine with Jensens like he did a C22 for Finni, he went a different route, kept it all stock, updated it and POW.
  4. I sold mine to a forum member, he flew out from the Netherlands to get it. I will see if I can get some photos from him
  5. I gotta meet her. The only thing that tops that is poor old Ima. Everybody in Texas knows her last name.
  6. After stumbling a bit, Michigan is looking pretty good. OSU, fake punt, the failed attempt negates the possible game changing fumble recovery on the 1 yand line.
  7. That was amazing. I couldn't understand the concept until about the 10 second mark, wow.
  8. I think @HDBRbuilder has posted about this in many different threads, hopefully he will chime in here at some point and point you in the right direction, you may also to be able to find some of his posts about it with the search function.
  9. You're spinning in circles. Studies show 100% will have at least one sub? What studies? "This is pure BS that I'm pulling from thin air. . . ." That is the one statement I agree with you on.
  10. He would jump in once in awhile, @david mancuso Really sorry to see him go. He's on his nest trip.
  11. So the issue doesn't follow the speaker, when you switch wires, it does same thing on other speaker. It is most certainly a hardware/audio card issue. I have never had that happen.
  12. I that was the Only Just Begun commercial, Volkswagen ?
  13. By any chance are you from Texas? I would have thought that people would have understood there are testing standards . I will post a FB link on how Trey does his testing, he is apparently trying to develop a new standard he hopes AES will adopt called the Cannon Factor. https://www.facebook.com/groups/KlipschOwners/permalink/1354750727902551/
  14. He was a big Klipsch fan. The Historian has photos, somewhere, with Leon and Klipsch speakers. The last time he was in town. I got him to sign a few things for the Museum to do something with, not sure what yet. I will try and post some pictures at some point.
  15. EIA was 1mW at 30' right? Add 49 dB. 54 dB +49=103? +4 dB for room gain, mystery solved. This some how reminded me of that Forum member who set up his LaScalas in the middle of the California desert, the photos even sounded good.
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