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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. If you aren't careful people might put their cigarette butts in them.
  2. I'm very ignorant about this. I know the US thanksgiving was started after the civil war (war between the states) as a healing mechanism. Why or how did Canada's start?
  3. heresy, cornwall, belle all would be good choices.
  4. That jumper cable picture is from another forum member (maybe pauln), but I found it amusing and saved it. Actually, my JubScalas are bi-amped, and I'm using 8 gauge for the woofers and 10 gauge for the tweeters, both in twisted pair geometry. I'm not sure what that adds up to, maybe 6 gauge or so. The model is Karma Kable, from knukonceptz.com, and is not very expensive. With big wire like that, you can listen to music without wondering if all the little electrons are lining up and waiting their turn to get into the cable, like you might with the skinny stuff. Also, low-resistance (big) cable minimizes any reduction in the amplifiers' damping factor, allowing them to exert more precise control over the speakers' drivers. Interesting Pat. I just heard Klipschorns with zip cord and it seemed as if the drivers were under complete control, and for some reason I never wondered if the electrons had to wait in a queue.
  5. 360 degrees, ribbon mic'ed, plexi-cube---recordinational device! (Dave that's an adaptational quote from a cartoon I was describing to your PAW). Maybe she has checked it out by now? (make sure the kids are not around).
  6. Margin calls and hedge funds apparently were behind the big day today. Once the high rollers are shaken out, and balance sheets can be trusted, then the truth will show. Are assets really worth only this much? Even forward looking are things that bad? Warren Buffet just put a ton of money into a financial institution. If the world were that bad off a smart man like him would wait. It is really ugly right now no doubt. It's like a run on the market as opposed to a run on the bank. Heads must roll though to restore trust, and the rescues of world governments need to work through the system. My oh my what a brave new world with such marvelous people in it.
  7. Hey fini, I was about to start this thread last night, but held back...you being so old and all...[^]
  8. http://www.floridaconservation.org/marine/fishid/drumred.html Good call William.
  9. Thanks. I understood that you had two subs, my question was why, and you answered that. Interesting.
  10. Why HardOn? With rf-5's why would you need a sub to take on 70 to 120hz? I'm sure I'm missing something here, but it's late, so fill me in?
  11. His budget must be higher than that! Let's see some real suggestions! After all, no vinyl all cd suggests musicality from the get-go right?
  12. A very good idea if you would like to put a stop to the evolution of man as shown. Top notch!
  13. I had a blast and heard a ton of music with a lot of variety. On the Joe Byrd and the Field Hippies note, there is another Byrd effort called United States of America which I'm told is worth checking out. I hope to be able to hear these systems again after Dave fiddles around with single source connections and dialing in the fraziers, or whenever I'm near. It was a lot of fun and educational. Dave I will do my best to bring my wife, everyone loves her, in contrast...
  14. If you combined that theme with ricks smoke ring burgers, we could all be rich. I'm here to spread the gospel folks, that was the best damn burger I've ever had!
  15. I'm a bit tired from dodging the police on the drive back home, so I'll probably add any deep thoughts later (deep? ok, probably not). What I can say right now is that Dave and his family were extremely gracious hosts, and an all around pleasure to be around. Thanks again, it was a great time, and really nice to meet all who were there.
  16. I like the live version as heard on Miles Davis In Europe.
  17. I forgot we went over this already. A high quality pre/pro will sound great with your cd's if you let the pre/pro do the processing. Take an optical or digital coax cable to it. Your problem before was using analog out from your cdp which made you think that analog direct sounded bad, when it was the dac in your cdp doing the work. With digital in, the pre/pro will do the processing.
  18. One with a source direct function that passes the signal to the amp with no processing at all, other than pre-amping.
  19. You will have to hear them to decide. There is no other way around it.
  20. Well MD I would guess that they are still made in Sweden. Probably still designed by Swedes too. Now for me, a proper Swedish car is a Saab. In their day they were way more quirky than any volvo dreamed of being. As an Alfa guy, I wouldn't feel comfortable in a volvo either. There is truly an *** for every seat, as stated above, sometimes due to preference, sometimes due to means.
  21. Dtel brings up a good point about bark borer beetles. Honeylocusts are suseptible to those so be on the lookout. You don't see a lot of those big ugly black and white beetles around in the summer do you? Some may also be yellow and black but they all look a lot like this: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cirrusimage.com/Beetles/locust_borer_beetle_003.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cirrusimage.com/beetles_locust_borer.htm&h=700&w=700&sz=84&hl=en&start=5&usg=__mm9uxstg9CF7b61m8pO2zJaEz_Y=&tbnid=yI3qF5BVPfCOPM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbark%2Bborer%2Bbeetle%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den The cottonwood borer is a favorite (not) down here: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ksda.gov/includes/images/plant_protection/Insects/cottonwoodboreradult170.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ksda.gov/plant_protection/content/182/cid/1226&h=257&w=375&sz=33&hl=en&start=15&usg=__wJdxpk-d-tl6Ii37QeGyySju_gk=&tbnid=XKWk523pCVOd-M:&tbnh=84&tbnw=122&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcottonwood%2Bborer%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
  22. Good advice. Some locusts tend to suffer from limb die back. They are not generally long lived trees. The roots appearing at ground level is a characteristic of certain trees and is probably nothing to worry about, there is really nothing you can do about it anyway. You can identify the tree by how and what color it flowers, what the fruit/seeds look like and leaf shape. The tree will get fertilized as you fertilize the lawn around it. After looking at the photo album more closely, I would guess it is a honey-locust. The bare limbs appear to be the ones that are being shaded out, and again, is a characteristic of the tree. It's probably ok, it's just not a strong, long lived tree.
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