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Thaddeus Smith

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Everything posted by Thaddeus Smith

  1. So I bought a Topping D10s to use as a USB to SPDIF bridge... between my music server and Yamaha SP2060... Which then feeds my amps... Without changing anything else in my system I suddenly found myself with a usable range between 1 and 5 on the PC volume, out of 100. Greater than 5 resulted in possible hearing loss. So I bumped down the attenuation on my amps to just 1 notch off of infinity, which gave me a usable range on the volume slider of about 1 to 10 on the PC. I don't have any meaningful attenuation on the output channels in my DSP, which left me with the option of attenuating the input channels. I found sort of a sweet spot around -20dB on the input signal, which gives me a more usable range of about 1 to 60 on the PC volume slider. Is that the right way to go about this, or is there a better way to achieve the desired results? The input range of my DSP is fairly wide.. I've read some of those PDF's floating around the web regarding gain matching, I just never seem to know where I should be applying it - and it would seem my particular signal chain of gear is fairly sensitive.
  2. I'm all for not taking advantage of widows. Businesses are fair game, however, if they don't do their research to understand what they have. I just can't grasp why there's people out there who don't want to buy the good deal, but reach out to let the party know they should be charging more.
  3. Not seeing options for that on parts-express. You could get by with just 3 pair of binding posts and holes through the cabinet, ditch the cup/plate. I don't think there's many folk here who tri-amp into a single speaker. Most of us with 3--way setups have individual cabinets per component being amplified.
  4. Intro to Bladerunner 2049 should sort you out nicely.
  5. Several times I've thought about shifting my two SPUD clones from vertically behind the mains to horizontally underneath. This raise everything just a bit closer to ear level, if not slightly higher. I don't have the ability to move mouth panels around like the OEM version, so they'd be point towards the ceiling. Are there any considerations that need to be made for that, or by having them underneath the mains vs behind?
  6. I found a great deal from a member, which made it a no brainer. One of the greater benefits I'm finding here is that it natively supports digital inputs without paying the Xilica XD prices and I can keep the music in the digital domain until the very final D/A conversion. Esoteric DAC's are now pointless for me and it greatly simplifies my device chain. With the 2-in, 6-out support I run stereo 3-way with my two subs and HF/LF mains.
  7. Here's a thread that might give you some additional ideas:
  8. *their I absolutely do, and I just accept it. And when I go rob banks or bury bodies, I leave the celly at home. Also, *their, again.
  9. Because they older paranoid generation still walks around with a cellphone in their pocket, which gives the real big brother all the data points they would ever need.
  10. Also direct quotes from members over the years, but you're welcome. My olive branch of sorts.
  11. You guys get nutty about the weirdest things.
  12. FOR THE RECORD.. I didn't create the meme. And it was a direct pop culture quote from the show "Silicon Valley" and is meant to convey "this guy knows what's going on." But yea, it had a big boy word in the image.
  13. 6 years later, and user hasn't visited since. Not likely..
  14. 10 acres, 2200 Sq ft house and a detached 2.5 car garage, pole barn. $1800 for 2020. Ag exemption goes along way and the main house is 30years old so we've been able to contest the value down significantly with the county. It's going to dramatically increase when we build the new house.
  15. I did specify that for rap music, this is good.
  16. That's where I saw it just after sunset. Went to check just now and I can't find it.
  17. There's a lot of garbage out there in modern day rap. I tend to stick to old familiar 80's/90's hip-hop and rap, but every once in a while I come across new gems. Clipping. is one of those groups - they've been putting out albums for a few years now, but I only just discovered them this fall. Here's a recent mini-performance and interview on KEXP. This stuff will work your systems in all the right ways.
  18. I use two Danley TH-Spud clones behind my La Scala bass bins with great results. Nice thin profile and they blend really well as part of an active 3-way XO configuration.
  19. Just kidding! It's been an eventful December and life is getting real in the next couple of years - we're going to start building in 2022 and decided to go with a slightly smaller house (still two stories). Morgan and I will be sharing that office/playroom upstairs and the girls will be in each of the bedrooms until TBD, so the stereo/TV will be going in the living room along the wall where there's a fireplace and we'll just be excluding the fireplace and chimney in the build. Also killing that extra door near the front stage. https://houseplans.southernliving.com/plans/SL1832
  20. You sound like a real hassle to deal with. I'm a pretty cautious guy myself, but the hoops you're making people jump through are pretty cumbersome.
  21. Find a local apiarist and have them come take a look - they should have sufficient resources to get a good look inside and help you safely remove the hive if you want to go down that path.
  22. Wait, you're here in DFW? I somehow missed that after all these years.
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