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Thaddeus Smith

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Everything posted by Thaddeus Smith

  1. Gotta be careful with them microaggressions, bro.
  2. Oh geeze.. so now the letter A is a banned word??
  3. And either a passive xo network or some sort of branded digital xo included?
  4. Which basic liberties are being infringed upon?
  5. Integrity? I've had buyers tell me they need a few days - so I mark the item pending until our mutually agreed upon date. It's up to the buyer to re-engage me to complete the deal and if the agreed date passes without followup I indicate the item is available to the next interested party. When people inquire/offer on an item that is pending, I tell them up front that item is pending for XYZ date, but that I'll reach out if it falls through. There's been a few times where that backfired and I ended up selling for less than the asking price, simply because it was negotiated down before any other interest or offers had popped up, but that's not the original buyer's fault. So you either have integrity, or you haven't.
  6. Not all is lost Steve. Happy to help as well if you're not able to get sync'd up with Randy for whatever reason. As others have said, the drive can likely be pulled and accessed from another computer.
  7. Though, I've been enjoying fresh canteloupe, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, and (soon) watermelon.
  8. Email me a copy, I'll read it.
  9. Happy Birthday 'Murica. And to my mom, who turns 60 today. Love you guys - stay safe and have a fun day of celebration!
  10. Probably, but not sure. My wife planted these so I'm not sure on the variety - planning to cut into the biggest one this weekend though!
  11. Jealous! My fig tree is budding, but we're probably a few weeks away from being able to harvest.
  12. I have an N95 that I use for quick trips into a place. It's uncomfortable and hard to breathe through. For longer trips I use my P100 respirator (That pink/yellow mask they use in Breaking Bad) that I picked up a few years ago for cleaning out the chicken coop. Infinitely more comfortable to wear and breathe through, and people give me a wide berth like I'm some crazy prepper guy that's overreacting.
  13. Arms out wide like you're trying to distract raptors in jurassic park, work him into a corner and gradually bring your arms close and closer u til you can grab him. Try and grab so that you pin his wings against body OR go for the fit and flip him upside down and he'll go catatonic until you can hold him tightly in your arms. If youw ant to bait the cat carrier, you could use just about anything. Toss some in the grass and let him taste it. Then make sure he sees you toss some in the carrier and he should go after it. Patience and slow movements are key - he's faster than you when it matters most.
  14. Happiness is fleeting and circumstantial, as is being unhappy. I strive for contentment, and you can be sure that I am indeed.
  15. Not specifically today, but this season for sure. We've been doing some sample crops this year to get a feel for vegetable and fruit production efforts. I have twelve 4ftx30ft beds that we'll be gradually expanding into over the coming seasons. Started building out the greenhouse this spring and we'll be adding the apiary next spring. We've been harvesting some tomato varieties the past couple weeks and now starting to get canteloupe, bell peppers, okra, eggplant, and watermelon. Pumpkin and green beans are taking off, but not yet producing anything. Eventually we'll be dedicating half/whole beds to specific crops or sister crops. Navaho blackberries are in the ground for next season. Currently we're using a mixture of homemade compost (litter from chickens, pigs and goats + time) and our mulch piles from 3 years ago that have broken down by almost 2/3rds into some really nice soil and growing material. Lots to do, as we're combining garden design + infrastructure + planting in parallel, but the exercise has helped inform decisions for the future and validate/break ideas I had before we planted anything. Big wins are that we're starting to eat some really flavorful and quality products, the goats and poultry have not penetrated the perimeter, and we've been able to implement some sustainability practices in harmony with our animal husbandry efforts. This whole experiment started 5 years ago and has been a wonderful growth opportunity for morgan, me, and the girls. The daily chores have been an absolute blessing during these tumultuous times, absolutely minimizing the disruptive impact to any sense of normalcy. We already home school, we've got wide open spaces in which to play and breathe, and we've gradually worked towards a more modest lifestyle these past years. So while not actively "prepping" for these types of situations, we were certainly more prepared than many in our area. I find that to be gratifying.
  16. Ditto! I'd be tempted to buy them and chop those tops..
  17. So what have I missed? 192 pages is too much reading..
  18. Still pretty young, You could probably catch and process him as a broiler. Much older and you'll want to go to the stew pot.
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