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Everything posted by Taz

  1. bullXXX. this behavior existed before video games. The profanity is unnecessary, even the "bull" part. But my comment would address your point, after that. I am a mental health professional. I have gone to adolescent residential facilites and talked with the kids who do violence to others. I even had one youth who was locked up because he was going to blow up his high school and was specific about which kids he was going go kill. He was discovered and locked up in a locked mental health facility BEFORE that happened. This is something which would not be in the news, because it never happened. He had specific plans, a method, and a date for this. This was more than ordinary fantasy. One of the glaring characteristics was that he would spend nearly ALL of his time not in school in his mother's basement playing violent video games. I mean 18 hours straight, all night on weekends, very extreme. This goes to character development of his personality, his learned values, and his warped sense of reality. I can't give you more detail without violating confidentiality which might identify him. I know that is an anecdotal story, but there really is something going on with these video games and kids developing an anti-social personality. I'm not exactly sure what is going on with the violent video games and the addictive qualities of video games in general, but this generation of kids IS different, and I think the video games is influencing it. In what ways and to what extent has yet to be fully defined. Please understand Mr. Smith, I did not mean to make this a personal argument, but I thought if I shared some of my personal experiences as a professional that does NOT make the news, that perspective might be helpful. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Agree, disagree, it's all OK with me. You won't hurt my feelings. The Profanity does not bother me. I worked over 10 years in mental health. I have watched as the support for the mentally ill has pretty much left the area for non-service connected people. The nearest mental health hospital for civilians is 75 miles north. A lot of people needing mental health do not have the resources to travel. Nor do they seem to want to go the the ED. I really can't blame them. Being admitted to a mental health hospital can be degrading experience. such as; you have to empty all your pockets into a locker, take off all your clothes so they can also be searched. 2-3 people watching to make sure you don't hurt yourself or do anything you are not suppose to do. Then you get paper scrubs in some Hospitals. When you get out you may find that your wallet has been gone through and everything is out of place which causes anxiety. Where I worked we went through the patient's belongings with the patient present. I always told my patients that having a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. No more then someone with a heart condition. As I said, I worked on a Psych unit for over 10 years, before my Dr. said no more and pulled me out of work. I got to see a mental health hospital from the patient's perspective. A hospital that rates much better in my mind then the one I worked at. It was a real shame the quality of care given to our Veterans. While I was a patient, one of my former patients was admitted. I about lost it, as I did not want him to see me, and I was working on getting discharged. Then I really had to look at myself. Was I man enough to stand up to what I had been telling my patients all these years or not. So I approached my former patient, and he recognised me from my job. Over all I think it was good for myself and my former patient. For the duration of my stay we ate meals together as equals. The telling of being on a mental health unit is difficult. But as I said, I believe mental illness is no more to be ashamed of then a heart condition. You got it, you need to take medication for it. If the meds you are on are not working, you need to talk with your Dr. If you are doing better while taking your meds that means that the meds are doing what they are suppose to. Unfortunately so many feel better and stop taking their med because the don't feel ill anymore. Others don't like the side effects of the meds. There are severe side effects to some of these meds. I have seen people die due to side effects of the medications. I agree that the violence on TV and Video Games does affect some people. Not all thank God, but some people carry their emotions from the fantasy world to the real world. "I think that too many parents use the television and video games as a babysitter. Things must be doing alright, the kids not bothering me." I hope I did not Hi-Jack this thread, That was not my intent. John
  2. When I was a kid, a couple of brothers put Dog Food in bowls, added sugar and milk, and were scarfing it down. They offered me some saying it was really good. I passed. Maybe I missed out on a real treat..
  3. Hey, how do you know my sister in law? I did not know your Sister in Law used to live across the street from me. Her husband would go to work, and the kids off to school. Then her boyfriend would pick her up for the day. He would return her before the kids or husband got home. 5 days a week as regular as clock work.
  4. Taz

    What I Got Today!

    Maybe if you quite your service, then signed up as a new customer? A holes are $$$ orientated. Don't give a Rat's A. about people as long as they keep the money coming in. If you can get stock in their company, I have heard of people buying one piece of stock and using that to leverage the company into cooperation. I'm sure someone has more knowledge about how to do this. But I know that if you can make some of these companies think they are going to lose money they become more cooperative. At one time I had issues with the advertizing on one of the television stations. I called them and told them that if they did not quit running ads from a company that I found offensive, I was going to call their other clients and explain that I was going to boycott their products. And I was going to encourage others to do the same. I did call their other advertisers and explained why I would no longer be using their product. Also told them I would be encouraging as many people as I could to do the same. While talking to their other customers, I was told more then once that they would look into the issue and might pull their advertising. It took about a week before the objectionable advertizing stopped. The TV company said I could not do this. I told them I was and that they could P!$$ 0ff. Never did see anymore of the objectionable advertising again, after a week or less.
  5. Taz

    It's Here!

    I would hope my conscious would keep me from mass transport. Thus keep me from infecting others, my family included. I'd rather die alone then risk my families health as they would be if they were to visit me. Or I was to visit them. Just my own feelings on the subject. john
  6. My cousin does the sound of a hand saw cutting a tree in one of his songs. But Bobbie will never be famous, still fun to listen to.
  7. Too bad if you can't just be friends. I went out with a lady for some time. No Huggin, No Kissing, But did enjoy her company. The spark for Romance just was not there. OMG, That's been 40 year''s ago. Still communicate every now and then.
  8. Taz

    This is Crazy

    Wow, how many things are beign done wrong here? 1. Cutting down a tree, always cut a wedge in one side then cut from the other side to control the fall. 2. Never use a chainsaw on a ladder 3. Never cut with a chainsaw above your head. This could have been pretty grusome. If he had put a face on it before cutting the back side it would have fell away from him. However it would not be nearly as much fun to watch.
  9. still listening. Some Mighty Fine music in this post.
  10. I guess Ebola is climbing the charts as a threat to us today. Neither but can't tell you.
  11. When people ask what I think about Bose, I tell them. When they brag about the Bose system they have, I just let them. After all why should I put down what they like. If they are Happy, that's the most important any of us can hope for. That said, My home is a Bose Free Zone.
  12. Don't know where I read this. Maybe even on this forum. A Burglar broke into a house and was in the process of gathering things when he heard a voice, "Jesus is watching you." He continued to gather things and he heard "Jesus knows what you're doing". He turned on his flash light and looked around the room. He seen a bird on a perch and asked, "Who are you?" The bird replied "Moses." ​Burglar said "who would name a bird Moses?" Bird said, "the same people who would name their rottweiler Jesus." I like a prerecorded sound of a pump shot gun being racked. Tends to get everyones attention right away!
  13. Taz

    It's Here!

    Having worked in the health care industry the new and non treatable diseases are some of the most scary things. My nephew has cancer, and getting chemo. He got sick and had to go the the hospital for 3 days. While there he developed MRSA which is one of risks of going to the hospital. To many of the diseases have developed resistance to the treatments we have to fight them. I have fears that if mankind does not destroy itself, the microbes and viruses will.
  14. If you're afraid you cat may claw, or Pee on your speakers, Just sit and watch while the cat checks them out, could put some BAIT in front of the speaker. When Kitty gets close to the speaker go from 0 to 105db in about half a second. Should make Kitty stay away. Although occasional re-education may be needed.
  15. I dread going there. I don't know about the one where you live but if you go to the one here and need assistance, allow about an extra 20 minutes to your visit. There's never anyone around and when you finally do find someone, they're talking to the only other employee in the store. Just sit on one of their displays. Usually gets someones attention.
  16. My son wanted a camouflage wall in his bedroom. We used materiel, "good glue", stapled around the edges. Then put 1 x 4 boards around all edges. This has been up for over 30 years and has not had any problems. John
  17. When I went to pick up the last set of speakers, The young man said "Funny, You don't look like you'ld like music.
  18. Fisher is often over looked by those as ignorant as I Once I let one go for $50, in working condition Then made effort to kick own Butt when I learned a little more. What speakers are to be used with this jewel? .
  19. My wife found our LaScala's in the paper some 23 years ago. She showed me the ad, later that day we got em. She loves our audio gear. I can tell ya if those were within 150 miles they would be mine.One of our first dates was to the junk yard to get some parts for my old truk. I knew she was the one for me. Take her with ya :-) Sounds like a Good Wife,
  20. 20 minutes away! I think I'd be sleeping out in the shop with newly acquired speakers.
  21. Taz

    What I Got Today!

    Loved the ones that look like their about to break down and run like a scalded dog. Seen some interesting faces as I went by. Now it's just transportation from here to there.
  22. I was looking at a Marantz some time back and telling myself I did not need another receiver. Well they turned it on and the "Pretty Blue lights" hooked me. I brought it home. I think it was the 2285B that I gave to my cousin after a trip to the tech to make sure everything worked right. Yea I like the pretty blue lights when the are on a Marantz. Not so much when their in my rearview window though.
  23. Maybe if you offered them for $1850 which is a good price, and said you'd cover $200 in fuel? Smoking deal it appears to me.
  24. Taz

    What I Got Today!

    My daughter rented that movie. I had never heard of it prior. I thought I was having a flashback while watching it. Should come with a warning for adult viewers,
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