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Everything posted by Khornukopia

  1. Good to know that your wiring upgrade made an improvement for you.
  2. When you have a great sounding system, it is so easy to want to stay home and just listen to one more song after another. So, I buy show tickets that get me going out and listening to music in other rooms. The comparisons between home audio and the variety of live performances are interesting and the entertainment is so much fun to experience.
  3. Good move. That amplifier is very distinctive looking. Should sound excellent too.
  4. I want to measure the wire from Hoover Dam to your house, but I can't find my insulated tape measure.
  5. Because you asked, and I am also curious, I measured a 3 ampere fuse, similar to the ones used in some pro woofer cabinets.
  6. The 2 ohm load will affect the passive crossover's frequency point. That can be compensated for with a slight re-design of the x-over. The other consideration is an amplifier's ability to handle the electric current at 2 ohms without overheating. That depends on the amp you choose to use.
  7. Getting into a debate on the internet can be very risky business these days. Sometimes it is better to just not give incorrect information any more exposure.
  8. Interesting how the sound of the speakers changes when the door is open, if the room is part empty, or when I park my car in the middle of the room. It has a nice balance to it when the door is shut and the car is inside. Fortunate, because that is the usual arrangement when I go out there and turn on the stereo for a quick listen.
  9. Yes that will disable it until you switch it back on. I have used Audyssey on many systems and I found that it usually works best when placing the mic on a tripod and positioning the mic a little higher than my ears position(s), so the chair back does not interfere or absorb the test tones.
  10. No Facebook, so I need to ask here if anyone answered the contest question about the speaker.
  11. How did you attach the cloud to the ceiling? I don't see any hangers in you pictures. Clean installation.
  12. That looks good. Your speakers will probably sound more precise.
  13. Soft maple feels hard using that test method. 🙂
  14. Very cool that you got those into your house. Stretch some grill cloth across the fronts and they should blend right in.
  15. I was wondering the same thing. I think the default configuration is to achieve max SPL from the pro amps, but for home stereo use, I would listen to them wired in series.
  16. Very beautiful. I would probably become hypnotized if I saw them in person.
  17. When I first thought of putting the K-horns in the garage last year, the corners were packed with garden tools, sports equipment and boxes of old stuff. The place is starting to shape up. The open space under the speaker does not follow the "rules", but this stereo with NO subwoofer has very powerful bass response.
  18. That could be true, considering that I was watching some meteors at 2 A.M. when the idea of measuring my voice coil wire came to mind. I also understand that the voice coil wire is engineered to have a certain resistance. It is also true that I would not want my speaker connection wire to add 4 ohms to the amp/speaker circuit. I use 12 ga and 14 ga speaker wires to my bi-amped Klipschorns. I certainly would not want to mislead any novices with any outrageous implications. Have a nice day.
  19. I agree that dampening the fenders may be the easiest way to deal with the noise problem, because even after you insulate the brackets from the axle, the fenders might still vibrate. I would suggest experimenting with some struts and C-clamps to see if that helps.
  20. All this info about wires made me want to pull one of my 15" woofers and measure the thickness of the voice coil wire. The wide side. and the flat dimension of the rectangular, edge wound voice coil wire.
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