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Everything posted by jjptkd

  1. I've heard speaker ratings are an average load and not a constant and that you never get accurate readings when going through the crossover. I'd say if the drivers all test fine plug them suckers in and let 'em rip. Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new speakers!
  2. $35 on eBay from simplyspeakers, gotta love them guys! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-RC7-RF7-RC-7-RF-7-K-68-A-Horn-Driver-Diaphragm-Factory-Speaker-Part/131174188926?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D33870%26meid%3Db71dd6bcc5244f3983b777f06b3a33bc%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D291378924056
  3. jjptkd

    Fortes in Flint

    If someone was hard up I could see paying upwards of $300, assuming all drivers are working properly. These are one of the earliest models, mid '80's-ish rated at 4 ohms if that makes a difference to anyone. Passives look like they're missing the dust caps. I think I'd be a buyer at around $200 if I was close by.
  4. I absolutely love the Chorus line, both I & II each have their advantages. What did you end up with on port length?
  5. Yes, happy you have found bliss with the H III's. Subwoofers can be a lot of work and if done incorrectly can take away from a nice system, kind of a double edged sword I guess.
  6. Nice! If I were closer I'd be contacting you because 2 pairs of pro speakers is not enough... Good luck with the sale!
  7. Midwest speaker on eBay has aftermarket replacements for the KG line: http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=midwestspeaker&hash=item257a1fce23&item=160962694691&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC2.A0.H0.Xklipsch.TRS2&_nkw=klipsch&_sacat=0
  8. All rubber surrounds, I've seen a few with cracks and tears but not many. The tweeter diaphragms are the same as the Chorus, Forte, Heresy II & Quartet and sound pretty good. I doubt Klipsch sells replacement woofers but there are replacements available on eBay.
  9. The right speaker is sitting on top, towards the back of my computer tower next to the window and I built a little custom stand to match the height of the dresser. I do have one cat, she likes to jump up on the front of the computer and then up to the window ceil, luckily she stays away from the speakers. She's only allowed in the room if I'm in there to keep an eye on things, otherwise the door stays closed. I have a Sunfire TrueSub Signature in the back corner behind the dresser as well, overall I'm VERY pleased with how it all turned out. Wife gets upset if I turn it too loud during movies, that sub definitely was not intended for a smaller bedroom!!
  10. Honestly, I'd rather have a nice set of Chorus / Forte or even Quartet's over the 75's but when space is limited the 75's are absolutely the best for their size. The wife barely lets me get away with this setup in the bedroom but I cannot stand TV speakers..
  11. Nice! I'm just a tad bit jealous!!
  12. I'd really like to try a pair of the KI-396, same horn in a single 15 cabinet: http://www.klipsch.com/ki-396-sma-ii/details Frequency Response: 60Hz-18kHz +/- 3dB -10dB @ 35Hz SENSITIVITY: 101dB POWER HANDLING: 600 watts (55V) (2400 watts peak) CALCULATED MAX CONTINUOUS OUTPUT: 127dB (133dB peak) NOMINAL IMPEDANCE: 8 ohms, minimum 5.1 ohms @112Hz COMPONENTS: One K-48-ST 15" woofer One KDE-75-8P 3" titanium compression driver on a K-510 horn CROSSOVER FREQUENCY: 1kHz ENCLOSURE MATERIAL: 3/4" 7-ply birch plywood cabinet 1" MDF motorboard INPUT CONNECTIONS: Two point barrier strip COVERAGE: Horizontal 90° +/-30 500Hz-12kHz Vertical 50° +/-20 1.6kHz-20kHz DIRECTIVITY INDEX (DI): 10dB+/-3dB 1.6kHz-20kHz DIRECTIVITY FACTOR (Q): 10 HEIGHT: 34.3" (87.12cm) WIDTH: 19.8" (50.29cm) Front 6.8" (17.27cm) Rear DEPTH: 16" (40.64cm) WEIGHT: 76 lbs. (34.54kg) MOUNTING OPTIONS: Sixteen 3/8"-16 flypoints FINISHES: Black, White and Raw
  13. I really like the 2.2's / 2.5's, a friend of mine uses 3 kg 2.2's for his LCR in his bedroom and they sound great. That being said I really like the RC-3 as well and not really sure a kg center will sound better. To me, the RC-3 is about as good as it gets for its size as far as Klipsch centers go. I'd stay away from the KV line except for the KV-4 which is pretty big.
  14. You're talking a HUGE difference in footprint regardless of cost. If the op has space for full-sized then yeah, lots of good options out there to consider. If you're limited to bookshelf sized speakers though (like I am currently) you simply cannot do better than the 75's in my opinion and they're well worth the extra money over the RB-5's, RB-35's or even the current model RB-81 II's, I've tried them all.
  15. I think you're dreaming at those prices for anything in half way decent shape. I paid $610 shipped for my black RB-75's that are near mint and I feel like I got a pretty good deal. You might find something in rough shape for less but it seems most people who sell these know exactly what they have and what they're worth. All that being said I really, really like my 75's. For their size I don't think there's anything out there that can beat them, at least nothing offered by Klipsch. The RB-5's are good but the 75's are closer tower speaker status. The RC-7 on the other hand I have seen very nice ones sell for around $450 shipped and there seems to be a lot more of those available. One thing you have to keep in mind is that the 75's and the RC-7 are all pretty big and really heavy for their size. The 75's will be close to 40 lbs each packed and ready to ship and the RC-7 closer to 50 lbs. A seller would be wise to ship these three in separate boxes and it could easily run upwards of $100 to ship, not counting packing.
  16. Don't have what you're looking for but would recommend just copying the Klipsch cabinet they come in. The amount of bass that comes out of the basically 18" cube is quite impressive. Good luck whichever way you go, hopefully someone here can help you out!
  17. Nice looking C7 in the Portland area, $135 bucks!! http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/ele/5225378940.html
  18. The titanium tweeter upgrade really does smooth out the tweeter response and a very worthy upgrade. If you plan on keeping the speakers might as well send the crossovers in for a re-cap just to be safe or order brand new ones if you have the extra cash. I can't image that the Forte II should sound any more "harsh" than the other models you've listed so all things being equal I'd say something is wrong with your speakers.
  19. Forte's and probably a lot of Klipsch speakers are very sensitive to equipment matching and room acoustics. I brought a pair of refurbished Chorus I's to my brothers house a few years back thinking he'd be really happy with them as I thought they sounded great in my room. His room is very large and has really high, vaulted ceilings with pine boards instead of sheetrock and a hard wood floor. The speakers sounded extremely screechy and annoying and only got worse as the volume went up. I ended up taking the speakers back home with me it was so bad.
  20. This is the guy here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Repair-Service-Klipsch-RW12D-Send-Us-Your-Non-Working-Amp-We-Will-Repair-It-/281730281926?hash=item41986ef1c6 I've never dealt with him personally but he has extensive positive feedback. This listing isn't for the plate you have so you'd have to email him and tell him what you have. Good luck with the repair!
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