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Everything posted by MookieStl

  1. I know a Disney that would make no such demands.
  2. If you are working on them and have them opened up, I would add some that attach to the inside walls. You don't want anything to block the port. The return is minimal, so I wouldn't make it a project just to add the foam. Others have added tubes to the port and felt it was an improvement as well. Worth the effort if you have them opened up or are bored and looking to tinker. Improvements would be minor. If you like what you hear, as jimbo implied, leave it alone. The smart guys at Klipsch didn't put it in, so it can't be a big deal.
  3. I agree with Diz above. My take is slightly higher on the low end and depending on the slope you cross over, you can get a little (100hz max with a steep slope) more on the top end. It does sound strange that these small subs can go that low but not very high in the frequency range but that is the byproduct of the design. Where are you located? You may be able to test drive some if in close proximity. Good luck. They are a fun build.
  4. Mine is a version of Claude's Super. The only original HIP parts is the trim. This one has a front slot port which makes positioning a little easier.
  5. Probably not a great fit for your set up, but I just put this setup together with what I had and it works well. But I don't do much HT. It's a modified HIP between a couple of Belles. They seem to pair well. Makes the old in walls sound like a clock radio.
  6. Not always! I think this is the same guy I bought a used Wabbit Hutting Wiffle from. Seemed like a nice guy, a little high strung though.
  7. Chorus I was front ported. The Chorus II went to the rear passive radiator. Nice speakers as usual Justin. GLWS
  8. If you get them, I'll give you $30 for the handles. Now you're only out $10! Could be the deal of a lifetime.
  9. I just knew this would turn ugly! Wasn't sure it would be THAT ugly!
  10. for a man with limited mental capacity, he is fairly clever!
  11. I would go for #4 but with Richie, when he lobs out these softballs, it is usually a trap and he is waiting with a retort! So I will stay out of it! Still like #4 best.
  12. MookieStl


    Something did change on your end. I too cannot see your GIFs, and I used to be able to, and your older ones still work. I can do the right clicky thing but that is too much work for tank videos (worth it for the boobie shots) BTW: thanks for posting these. They were a light hearted departure for the other BS flying around.
  13. @ClaudeJ1 has explained this several times on this forum. Some of it even made sense to me! All I know is that they sound nice together.
  14. You will definitely need to run two of them so you may want to consider what amp to use when picking out drivers. I already had my SA230 so I went with two 8 ohms 6.5 drivers available from Anarchy at that time. I love those Tang Bands and have used a dozen or more in different applications but they only come in 4 ohm and that amp cannot handle driving two 4 ohm speakers at the same time (2 ohm load). Diz's inuke has no problem with the lower impedance. Re veneer, I have made some out of birch ply and they were stained to match the existing speakers and turned out nice. I would imagine a nice veneer job would look even better.
  15. I am the guilty party using the Lil' Mike's on their side under my Belles. They work out great with them. My room is about half the square footage as yours so the two can easily keep up for me. I am not sure if two would be sufficient for your size room but at the listening levels you describe, they should. Where are you located? There are a handful of us here with them and most of us would audition them for you. I use an outboard amp. Small Dayton SA230. It does all I need it to do. Plans can be found on line. Google images is where I found mine.
  16. Moderators: I cannot seem to find a "I just threw up in my mouth" emoji! <this might work
  17. Education is wasted on the young, and retirement is wasted on the old. Sticking with the random theme.
  18. Those should sound very nice. I've been auditioning a pair of AW 525s for the past week and they sound great! Too bad I have to install them on a restaurant patio later this week. I will miss them. I would hold out for a pair of Khorns before proposing.
  19. Thank you, and stop calling me Shirley!
  20. Just signed my peeps up for the Jelly of the Month Club! I felt generous this year.
  21. Sorry, went to another member a while ago.
  22. I am glad you said what I was thinking. I didn't want to appear creepy.
  23. Which squawker driver does it have? If 55M, it might be a loose plate on the back of the magnet. It drove me nuts trying to find it on a set of Belles and once fixed it was wonderful.
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