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Everything posted by codewritinfool

  1. You just wish you had a story like that. I’ll let you pet her, maybe.
  2. Yeah, my wife chose that outfit. The dog's name is Lulu, which I would not choose for a name either. I just call her Lu. I always had big dogs growing up, so when my daughter dropped off this dog, I didn't care for it much. It snapped and barked at me. Turns out it was abused by a man before my daughter got it. One day I was sitting on the couch and she came bounding down the hallway and jumped in my lap. She didn't realize it was me. Immediately she had her ears back and I just kept talking to her. Since that day we've been best buds and that dog follows me everywhere. She is really old now but we still go on walks. Great dog, probably the best I've ever had.
  3. Thank you. A lot of that was from the hair, I'm sure, but hey, this time I raised more than $200 from friends in order to cut it. The money went to a family trying to scrape together a down-payment for an apartment, and the hair went to make a wig for a child. Me? I just needed a haircut. I agree on the talking about life thing - he was smoking a cigar and I was a few beers in and asked him about it. He said it was $9 and gave me the name of it, which I've forgotten. I said, "Let me see that thing" and puffed on it a bit. It was OK I guess, but I'm not a tobacco kind of guy so I guess it was mostly lost on me. It was still nice to share it a bit. Later, the bourbon made an appearance and that was nice. Wife shut it all down, though, lol. He gets the Klipsch thing, for which I'm pleased. I'm still waiting to come home to find everything set up and rocking. He's not that bold yet, but he has full permission to do it.
  4. lol yep. i get it. i'm 27 pounds down from that photo, and gunning for 37 total for now. I'll have it soon. I had the La Scalas and the THTLP out last night. My son and I were listening to music and talking about life. My phone rang and it was my wife from inside the house telling me to either turn it down or turn it off. Whoops. Sorry, neighbors. They probably didn't complain because it sounded SO good!
  5. Somewhat shy nerd. Now I’m neither. Well, definitely not as shy, anyway.
  6. You gotta start using more recent photos... that guy is fat!
  7. I hope to learn this firsthand. Then my journey can progress.
  8. And now I have drivers and horns & crossovers to complete a 2nd set for stacking. Lol. I’m nuts.
  9. Lol that’s creative finance right there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I just realized that. Ugh. I wish I could. Wait. I could. This isn’t easy. No way to get them to Missouri economically and no place to put them. Lol.
  11. Wow. You should be in sales. I wish I were closer, I’d check these out!
  12. Son bought me some Jefferson’s Reserve for my birthday. I’m not a bourbon master but this is really nice.
  13. I knew we could get this topic to tubes.
  14. In my opinion, this is the correct answer. Leave the La Scalas alone.
  15. Can you post a photo? I'm interested because I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a "runt LaScala".
  16. I thought you were having a seizure and was worried.
  17. I wonder if / how they affect the radiation pattern?
  18. I can see it. I would LOVE to go to this but I cannot. I can't believe people aren't jumping on this.
  19. That is cool. I plan to do that too. I’ll post pics when I do.
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