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Everything posted by colterphoto1

  1. Altec MR II 594 is the model of the horn. According to articles, an improvement on the old 511B (less resonance and better HF dispersion). Sounds like could be a great match up for my A7 cabinets, some JBL 18" bins or any number of projects. About 22" wide, 12" tall. 1.4 exit throat mated perfectly to the Altec 908-8b drivers (an improvment on earlier aluminum diaphram designs 'rock and roll duty' made to not blow up as easily under hard loads.
  2. I have what you need in Indianapolis, a short jaunt from St. L. Original KHJ with K402/K69a. PM me.
  3. Good move, to protect this legacy while Jim Hunter is still with the company. There is a wealth of history and knowledge that must be preserved and he's just the guy to spearhead it. Thanks to all those involved with this important project.
  4. Anybody use these as replacement for K400 or other projects? I have a line on about 8 of them with the Altec 908-8b drivers near minty condition looks like came out of a school auditorium. Thanks for any info on possible uses or pricing.
  5. To my ears, compared to a forte II ( always lower case 'f' as in the musical notation it's named after), with their more modern design tractrix horn, will sound more open and natural in the midrange than the exponential horn of the Cornwall. Your ears do not deceive you.
  6. :emotion-21: My 2 cents would be to tame the sidewalls from resonating. (I sometimes wonder if that is what people are hearing and attribute it to the midhorn??) Those are some big panels on the sides of the speaker. If you can brace them you will think that you've found another octave of bass when in fact what you are then hearing is already there....just masked by the noise of their vibration. Again on the LSI-BG models, things are different - you have fibreglass matting and gel which adds some stiffness and mass, but most importantly there is that angular aluminum edge that is glued and screwed. I think this adds quite a bit of strength to the mouth of that horn. Not so on the home models - just thump on it and hear that 2x2' panel vibrate.
  7. In a LSI cabinet, the K400 is mounted via 6 bolts to a 1/2" plywood frame only 1/2 wide at points, secured to two wood cleats by only 4 wood screws. Not nearly the stabilization from the surrounding cabinet that a stock LS has. I've rope-caulked my minty LSI's and think it makes a difference. I didn't bother with my home models. Get in there with a long socket extension on deep well socket and crank those nuts down guys. A drop of loctite wouldn't hurt either. M
  8. I do not believe the lag screws, the staples, nor possibly the splitter are factory Klipsch. Someone's been playing with your Scalas?
  9. I've had maple and oakies, but that mahogany is clearly the sexiest veneer of all. Another shipping issue with the Reference line is the weight of the HF driver vs the horn throat. Many a horn have been snapped off. I like the idea of some internal shock mounting for transit. (if you absolutely positively HAVE to ship them- but don't, not even to me) .
  10. This is what I've been calling a 1.5 model.
  11. Good job Jim. Those are cleaner than mine. Solution to the dry veneer (you'll be shocked when you do this) is WATCO Rejuvenating Finsh, clear type. Make sure to get the clear as other types have stain in them. Advice from Steve Phillips, ex Senior Tech at Klipsch. Oil them once a day for a week, once a week for a month, once a month for a year. Ok, maybe not that much, but what you want is LOTS of hand rubbing, which polishes the grain down, and thin coats of the Watco finish. They will absolutely glow after just a couple passes.
  12. it depends. How loud do you wanna be? This takes into account speaker efficiency, wattage of amps, cubic footage of your room, personal preferences. But yeah, those hooked up together will make sound just dandy.
  13. I have a TD 125 MK II with the original Thorens arm. It looks like the thing is always struggling to stay in the groove so I don't use it. Had a local turntable 'expert' go through it and put a Shure M97 ED on it a while back, it has a slight hum and no ground wire. I don't use it at all.
  14. no kidding, I guess I need to follow the advice here and remove the top so I can swap tweeters in mine. I got the old one out but the new one doesn't...quite..fit...the..screws.. whew Congrats on landing a pair of Khorns Jim.
  15. Some guys put trapezoidal 'stiffeners' horizontally in the mouth of the horn. This is under the precept that the 2x2' side walls of 3/4 ply have significant flexation in them and the stiffeners tighten up the sound. I don't play my home models that loud to witness this phenomenon, but my shop LSI-bg have the aluminum angle on the edges and fibreglass matting, both of which add stiffness and they sound enormous at high levels, so I think there's definitely some improvement to be made. Note that the Jubilee had two stiffeners per side in the mouth of it's horn.
  16. pretty walnut. There are so many oakies out there, walnut seems fairly rare.
  17. Consider them parts cabinets and build up a pair of cornscalas might be the best use of these
  18. delamination is the worst issue on these I'm afraid. If there is any delam in the doghouse imho they're nearly unsalvageable.
  19. Yes, that is my experience too. At some distance the sound from the various horns melds together into more of a point-source. I used to put my LSI-BG splits out on the driveway and from about 30 it was just astonishing! There are some very good reasons why it will sound better in your new room: 1) La Scalas, like Khorns, need to be several feet from your listening position in order to "coalesce" into a more-or-less single image (due mostly to time misalignment of tweeter-midrange). If you move the tweeters to the top of their cabinets and move to the back of to align with the midrange driver, you will hear much more improvement in the imaging. 2) Higher ceiling is a big, big deal. The Heritage series of midrange horns all have collapsing polars and will improve their in-room performance when there is sufficient carpet absorption on the floor and the first reflections from the ceiling bounce are further than the typical eight-feet ceilings. 3) Getting the La Scalas spread wider increases the sense of envelopment (LEV) and Apparent Source Width (ASW) fairly dramatically, which are the two biggies in terms of realism of reproduction. Some of the above is discussed in Toole's excellent book. Chris I must read this book !
  20. damn, missed it! These are some sweet sounding speakers, and very compact to boot!
  21. No they will be terribly bass shy due to nearly no internal volume. Loud as hell yeah but no bass whatsoever. I wouldn't even use them as a keyboard monitor back in the day. We had a pair of LB's that we used for side fills then!
  22. Add to that list the KP262, a two way with heavy duty K42 woofer (same as KP250), and the tractrix mid horn of the forte II (as well as a few other pro Klipsch like KP320). It's a trapezoid cabinet, think of it as the little brother to KP362 (15" three way). This one was 'voiced for voice' according to sources at Klipsch, and was used in houses of worship installations. No tweeter so doesn't go terribly high in terms of fidelity, but very sweet in the vocal range, which is what you would want for a pastor's voice. I'll also add, because it's nearly the same components, and the HIP-SM has already been mentioned - the KSM12 which also uses the K42 woofer along with a shortened version of a tractrix horn (but in an unusual configuration for stage floor monitor, with the horn's major axis travelling horizontally instead of the usual vertical orientation for reducing the propensity to feed back into adjacent microphones). Also a two way design, and further available in the II configuration. I've had all of these lined up at one time - Heresy, HIP-bg, KP201, KP250, KP262, KSM12. Overall, liked the KP201 for overall smooth response out of them all.
  23. In the older lines prior to AW, the KHO7, the patio mainstay, is basically the same box and drivers as a KSB1.1, of which I have several pairs. Love them, they sound very nice, and have plastic cabinets which don't self-destruct in the rain/humidity. I do bring them in during winter months and keep them sheltered from driving rain by installing under the overhangs of the house. You might try something like that.
  24. That is the proper top cabinet for a vintage LSI split configuration. I've had a dozen of them.
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