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Pretty small bomb from the looks of that hole.

Trail suggests an angle of entry that would have resulted in it being relatively...emphasize "relatively"...slow on impact compared to a more vertical path.

OTOH, would have been really bad luch to be ice fishing that spot.


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While nowhere near the scale of recent meteor event in Russia I got to experience much the same a few years ago. I happened to be outside just after sundown looking towards a local lake when a bright streak crossed the sky. My first thought was "cool". a second or two later there was a VERY bright flash followed by a deafening boom.

It was seen (and heard) by a lot of local folks. It was reported the next day that a meteor roughly the size of a basketball had come down and exploded about 10 miles south of me. If what I saw was maybe a couple of hundred pounds I can't imagine what a 10 ton meteor exploding would be like.

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That was tiny, it's a good thing this one that just passed by TODAY being it was 150' wide and closer than the satellites circling the earth. [:o] A few degrees different angle and we probably would not be reading about it, we could be toast ?


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It seems that DA14 meteoroid has been passing by Earth every couple of years for a while now, but on this closest-yet pass Earth's gravity pulled it off-line, and its new trajectory makes it unlikely to come near us again for a long time.

So that's good news.

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Well, the Houston Communist had a good write up this morning that cleared up the details. That massive explosion video certainly didn't match the small hole in the ice that was initially called the impact point but now it all makes sense. They really dodged a bullet. If the angle of that rock had been just a bit different that town and miles around would have been toast.

This should be a heads up for the need to develop technology to deal with this rather than to go "Oh, well, act of God and rare so we'll just hope for the best." This one, and the one that is passing 17k, could be readily moved by existing technology. In fact, they are of the size that Planetary Resources intends to bring into orbit for mininig in another decade or so.

We have the technology, infrared and otherwise, to find these potentially catastrophic rocks in time and the propulsion systems and explosives to redirect or destroy them. As we already know, they can be blessings as many contain large amounts of materials that are rare on earth and extremely valuable.

While the fact the private enterprise is developing such technology is encouraging, seems to me some degree of public involvement would be a good idea as well.

Otherwise, we could see a catastrophe in this century where the headlines are "This didn't have to happen..."


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Rivernuggets, that is awesome!!! what is up with the dashboard cams???

There is sooo much insurance fraud in Russia that anyone with any sense has one . Go to sites like Autoblog or Jalopnik and search Russia for some crazy dashcam footage .

I find this event amazing but have to admit the most intriguing thing I learned was that so many Russians have dash board cams. [^o)]

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I find this event amazing but have to admit the most intriguing thing I learned was that so many Russians have dash board cams. Hmm

I read recently that a large number of Russians have dash-cams because of the way they all drive. The idea being that the dash-cam is only way to prove their innocence when they're involved in an accident. They're all pretty much crazy behind the wheel.

There was a YouTube dash-cam video of typical Russian traffic but it's been removed.

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