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2 hours ago, grasshopper said:


of all the critters we have...

... the one/s that scare me is/are the Africanized Honeybees. ... and 99% of the feral colonies are. If they decide you are the enemy, you are in serious trouble

All it takes is to stumble onto a hive and disturb them. Life is dangerous and your safety is your own responsibility...no one else's. Learn and act accordingly.


You live somewhere we weren't meant to live. Too easy to die in the desert.

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22 minutes ago, grasshopper said:

I used to keep bees. I have seen them get ugly. No fun... even when you are wearing protective gear.


 I wouldn't say that people aren't sposed to live here.... but, not near as many as there are here. 


get rid of A/C and see how many leave



Bees are so important for nature. We have for good 3 years the unexplained phenomenon of bee mortality in Germany,  for the biological scientists his it´s currently still a mystery

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12 hours ago, OO1 said:


Neonicotinoids are insecticides that are absorbed by plants and are believed to be responsible for the collapse of bee colonies around the world.

They are also suspected of disrupting memory and flight abilities of insects.



I blame GMO corn that produces bt... thank you monsanto 

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I don't keep bees any more... but, am still interested. There has been a problem with colonies dying off for a number of years.... and nobody seems to know anything. I don't much believe in coincidence... genetically modified crops came into more widespread usage shortly before all this happened.  They are calling it Colony Collapse Syndrome or something akin

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3 hours ago, grasshopper said:

I was just thinking ...

When Khorns were designed, tube amps were about all there was Y/N?

doesn't really matter. I was trying to envision a 100W tube amp. 

I have a 100 watt tube PA head sitting in my living room at the moment.

I think it uses 6550/KT88 for the output section.

I’m planning on using it as an electric bass rig with the original pair of 4x10” vertical cabs.

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 I've never really looked into tube amps. I'm just a touch young to have much recollection of them in my youth... and now... well... they are kinda, way kinda, out of my budget.


... and after spending 25 years in the backend of a bowling alley... I prolly could not tell the difference. Not unless it was a quantum better. My buddy and I were talking about life "in the pit".... and we could hear a machine getting sick from its sound... with 23 other machines running. Maybe I owe it to myself to hear some.

I know just a place. They have/had a pair of LS, too. A small shop, that does repair on vintage SS and other... I assume tube stuff. They have some amps, speakers and tt's for sale.


I don't quite know how to feel. Boy got me a little bottle of Maker'sMark and a fifth of Brother'sBond Bourbon for Christmas... I'm still working on last Christmas's WoodfordReserve.  Now I have a choice... 

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