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DHS Shutdown; NOT political, fact or lack of


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Guest Steven1963

What 'news' can you trust anymore? Absolutely EVERY network, EVERY cable channel, EVERY website, and EVERY newspaper has either shown to be biased or has been accused of being biased.  


One persons 'go to' news source is another persons 'you are a fool if you 'go to' that source', while they use a 'go to' source that someone can also call them a fool for using.  Heck, you can't even 'go to' the government anymore for the truth!

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Jesting here but: if their jobs are 'non-essential' why do they exist?


In keeping with the same spirit in which this was posted, while at the same time being serious......   it's because they're being paid using tax dollars, and not  money that comes from hard won clients paying for a service.


Personally, I agree with something said earlier on the first page...... it's purely a nasty, finger pointing, political game, as has been willingly demonstrated by the current administration time and time again.


My main concern is that they don't shut down Lake Amistad during the spawn, that's all that matters to me. Last year they shut the lake down for a few weeks during sequestergate. If this BS keeps up, I may have to dock at the Peco's, another 35 mi. west.

Edited by Gilbert
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What 'news' can you trust anymore? Absolutely EVERY network, EVERY cable channel, EVERY website, and EVERY newspaper has either shown to be biased or has been accused of being biased.  


One persons 'go to' news source is another persons 'you are a fool if you 'go to' that source', while they use a 'go to' source that someone can also call them a fool for using.  Heck, you can't even 'go to' the government anymore for the truth!



I pity the fool.

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All I want is for all of the "NEWS" sources to report the factual news not opinion.


The last time there was even a possibility of that was when most of the news for your local paper and broadcast stations came from AP and UPI.  While still not purely factual, which is much more difficult than most imagine, it had to be pretty close as the papers and local stations covered a vast array of cultures, attitudes, and political leanings across the nation and these agencies had to chart a middle course in order to remain profitable. 


As a young broadcaster, I knew when I heard the bells on the news ticker something was up and I'd get the news before almost anybody.  Now, of course, everybody gets the news even before it happens...if you know what I mean.


With the decline of newspapers and local broadcasting, mainly due to the internet and the FCC easing the "public service" requirements for local newscasts and such the "news" has become centralized just like any other product.  And just like any other product it's tailored to a specific taste so it sells.


If you want the "facts," go to the site of the event.  The only other option is to attempt to look at a vast array of viewpoints from dozens or more sources and attempt to put together a composite "truth."  Good luck with that.



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In the 1960's the AP and UPI used to be non partisan and non biased. Then the newspapers would get it and embellish it a bit.


Mostly, and what you say was their business model.  Let the consumer (their clients) pick, choose, and put on the "spin." 


I know this because I did it as a radio news director.  Didn't even think about it at the time, really, but for a 5 minute newscast somebody has to choose what the local folk will hear.



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When I worked in DHS (up until 3 years ago)... We had a yearly threat of closing down due to Congress not doing their job and getting the budget done. I say Cancel Congress's benefits where they get full retirement after one year and clean house getting rid of all the dead weight in Congress. Another thing 90% of the people I worked with always had the threat of being sent home for a day a week or so, but it never happened as 90% were deemed essential personnel, and had to work. It is 100% political caused by Congress.

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heard ALL of the sides on fox news. 


I giggled at just this sentence, nothing personal at all.  Being Canadian here, Fox can't even get into the "news" category up here to broadcast. It's been categorized as "entertainment" with our regulation body the CRTC. I think when you have to go to court to get permission to embellish, that should reveal their intentions when "reporting".

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EVERY newspaper has either shown to be biased or has been accused of being biased.


Been that way for centuries, and when large cities had 5 or more papers competing was just fine since you could get a balanced view from more than one or be in your comfort zone with the one that fit you. 


It isn't hiding anything when you call it "The Daily Worker," "The Arkansas Democrat," or the "Commercial Appeal."  A newspaper without a POV is of no appeal to anyone. 


Again, the problem these days is there are so few sources.  I read the paper, but most of my "news" comes from the web where I can at least check a number of viewpoints.  I've watched NO "news" on TV in at least 3 years.  Got to where it wasn't even entertaining, much less informative.



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Being Canadian here, Fox can't even get into the "news" category up here to broadcast. It's been categorized as "entertainment" with our regulation body the CRTC


Excellent.  So do you feel like you get anything like a balanced view of world events up there?



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heard ALL of the sides on fox news.

I giggled at just this sentence, nothing personal at all. Being Canadian here, Fox can't even get into the "news" category up here to broadcast. It's been categorized as "entertainment" with our regulation body the CRTC. I think when you have to go to court to get permission to embellish, that should reveal their intentions when "reporting".
im not speaking of their "opinion" shows. im speaking of their news shows. you , of course, put forth no examples.

your own statement explains why yer example is flawed...you rely on yer govt to tell you whether fox is news or not. like most fox critics, i doubt you have ever watched. i get all sides, then decide for myself.

like most fox critics, you also attack personally, then say you arent.

Edited by angusruler
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Being Canadian here, Fox can't even get into the "news" category up here to broadcast. It's been categorized as "entertainment" with our regulation body the CRTC


Excellent.  So do you feel like you get anything like a balanced view of world events up there?



of course they dont. he has no frame of reference whatsoever. much like the usa before fox news. they are, and have been, number one for a reason. fair and balanced news. i actually feel sorry for people that dont get it. both the concept and the channel.
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All TV news is pretty much worthless for understanding the world. But in particular, FOX viewers are less informed than most others according to various surveys like this one. http://publicmind.fdu.edu/2011/knowless/


It's not saying much. TV news all around is pure pabulum, and primarily just used to keep the public excited and malleable for election purposes. There's no charter to educate the population.

wow, a poll done in new jersey!? is that really the best you can do lol! nothing fromca. or nyc?

sorry that this thread drifted to fox news bashing. as usual the bashing is done by people who offer not one example of how fox misinforms its viewers, followed by personal attacks that the attacker swears isnt a personal attack! im so use to it it doesnt even get me riled anymore. the matter is closed as far as im concerned....until fox starts sending me checks.

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